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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
pics at last!

pics at last!

right, here is the BlacK Forrest sativa at 9 weeks - getting quite fat now.

im still thinking this may be ready in less the 16 weeks...

this UK cheese is at 8 weeks exactly

couple of nugs off the same 8 weeker. not far off ripe.

and this is the other cheese in the cab which is a 12 days behind at 44 days

put the 4 JTR in the flowering cab - hopefully i will know how many females there are (if any) soon, then i can decide what to do with them...



The cheese and black forest gataux look radical man!!...real sticky!....i bet you will like the cheese but it does get boring after a while, the stench is unreal...funnily a nugg of og x sd stunk the gaf out more.:D


daddy fingaz

Active member
Cheese and BF looking great mate, as you say cant see that BF doin another 7 weeks!!

Looking forward to seeing the JTR as well, some top genes right there!!:joint:

Black Forrest looks exquisitly exotic, and they/it really goes till 16 weeks??? I'll be following this along because I cannot imagine the explosion of growth that's still to come.
One thing's for shure though...once that BF has finishes and it's been chopped/dried/cured you're gonna be one hell of a happy stoner :D :D
K+ for growin those exotics with the kind of set up you use.
I don't think i'd be able to pull that off, ;)


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey verdant they all look pukka mate ,nice work
lovin ur style of growing ,plants couldnt look more at home
there gonna be fat


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
BeAn - oh yes mate - cant wait to smoke the cheese enough to get bored of it. :)
if you look in the bottom left corner of the first cheese pic you can see the bud i dusted with BF pollen :woohoo:

daddy fingaz - thanks- i'll try and get a snap of the JTR's today. definitely make some seeds too if i get males but i s'pose being a multi hybrid the offspring might be too variable.

High Lowlander - the BF says 16 weeks+ but i guess only time will tell. may take a couple of the lower buds sometime soon as they are quite brown now.

m@rg - thanks for stopping by - the modscrog is defo working for me and being little square canopies of buds they make for good photos too :)




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi superpedro - glad you like it!


got a few pics of the JTR - here are all 4 of them, the 4 x 3litre pots fit into one quarter of the cab quite nicely.

one on it's own.

check out the pronounced 'collar' between side shoot and stem - nice trait that all of them have. they look pretty much the same except for slight height differences


here is a snap diagonally into the cab with the two cheese taking up one side. you cab just see the 4 jtr on the back left quarter and the edge of the BF front left.

and a snap of a BF nug




Id say 3 weeks at most for the b.forrest, how many does that make it?:chin:

Everything still looks great, you probably wont get bored of smelling the cheese jar though man..:yes:



Active member
once again the cheese looks amazing ! must be getting really smelly in there when you open up these days?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
BeAn - 3 more weeks would make it about 12 which is pretty polite for a sat like that - smoke test allowing that is ;) not quite sure whiy it has been quicker- perhaps the pheno or perhaps because i vegged it for a couple of months meaning it was mature before flowering??
i got about 100+ seeds that i made crossing the BF male that i kept with the Power Plant female. i'm quite keen to test these out because they both have a clear sat high and if the stature, bud density and fast flowering traits of the PP were retained it might be a winner :D
may donate half a dozen packs to the IC server fund too.

Bootz - yes the pong is very strong now. just taking the plants out of the cab (in the loft) for a few minutes stank out the whole house yesterday.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Power Plant is all dry and trimmed up - it came in at 79grams which works out as 1.26 grams/watt - so a pretty good yielder. smokes very smooth and pretty strong, fairly speedy sativa high with a stoney come down after an hour or so. i guess it lacks a little taste but i dont really worry too much about taste (i still smoke the good auld fashioned Uk stylee with tobacco so it takes some strong taste to cut through that).

this time i left all the leaves on the PP till it was dry to give it a slower hang - i'll definitely do it this way from now on. much less smell and quicker trim too.

the cheeses will probably both be chopped next week sometime. one is 9 days behind the other so i may harvest next thursday when they will be at 65 and 56 days respectively - then i'll get an idea of the change in high as it gets more ripe.

by then i hope to have the JTR sexed and we'll see if i have too many or too few plants for the cab. i have rooted cuts of Blueberry, mmg and sharksbreath too so they can be reserves.



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
You work miracles with that 250, VG... if I wore hats I'd take mine off. Those numbers are silly, and it's not like you sacrifice quality for it. K+



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks Strainbrain - it has been going well so far :)
im not really doing anything special - just big pots, good soil, training the plants - and probably some luck too.
i'm sure there will be an embarrassing failure at some point ;)

Heya VG
The leaves on those JTR's look fat and meaty man! Nice!!!!
Will be :lurk: this thread to see how they're doing and to follow how those BF's will turn out of course :D

Be safe, be high, be happy, Low


amazing how you scrog those sativas !!! im not too timid to grow one now,i dont think its luck,if i had your hands i would cut mine off


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
ozeek - thanks - general rule of thumb is to flip em small/topped a few times and let the stretch fill the screen. some people think that plants end up more potent after a decent veg so topping them allows the plants to get older but not taller, also the stretch gets 'diluted' between a few tops rather than all being pushed into one top.
glad to have inspired you :)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well the JTR are starting to stretch some and i think i will be able to sex them in the next 2 days. slightly worried that 3 of them are going to be male. i want males but i also want at least 2 females otherwise i have nothing to go in my cab that is vegged enough.

now would also be a good time for the CMH bulb i ordered from the US about a month ago to arrive :(
