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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


I read these days ago, that pollen may be viable for only 2 days.

Acctually I need to do some reasearch about it again.
I´m going to see if I can grab some information on mine Cervantes's DVDs.

Be cool!



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey V, i have wondered for a while now what genetics are in the power plant. it looks very indica to me possibly some nigerian or congolese genetics in there to give the yield a boost and shape the colas.


yes, most people seem to have a theory that it's related to the durban? (but people who have tried both disagree)
the buds do look indica but nothing indica about the high - very speedy sativa high.


some pics of the cheeses to post later. fed them with a little biobiz bloom today - first time for these girls (not the PP - that will likely be chopped at the weekend)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey ozeek - thanks :)


as promised here is the cheeses - i have 2 in the cab. this is the one most advanced into flower that you have seen before
44 days (just over 6 weeks) fattening up.

here is the other one that i havent posted any pics of yet. 5 weeks in. i think this may be the best canopy ive trained yet. this one also has some coco in the soil mix and it certainly hasnt done it any harm.

i measured the soil temp today and it was 70f which is fine. it wants to be 65-70 ideally.
if you are struggling to keep temps up over the winter, the soil temp is most important. i'm going to experiment with heat mats under the pots this winter. if the soil temp is ok then its doesnt matter so much if the air temp drops a bit (but you dont want it to go under 55 ideally)


it has taken a very long time in this one seating to read this entire forum... all I have to say is BRAVOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! wow I thought i would need atleast a 400w system to do anything decent... guess not. i catually plan on changing my plans to this system for a perpetual grow...except i am thinking 2 of the exact set-ups next to eachother. i have more room in a closet so maybe 8 screen (2 rows) under 2 250w??? cant wait to try as soon as i have the extra lute for a light... need one asap...lookin for the cheapest system i can find for now...short on money and very anxious to throw myself in the ring.... again...VERY INSPIRATIONAL!!! gives me great hope for many great harvests!
AGAIN- GREAT WORK MAN! ill be checking on your grows often!


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
sleepy - thanks for the kind words :)

Harvest Time - glad you like it - i think 2 cabs like this would work very well as you could even run a MH(veg and early flower) in one and HPS in the other.
but you could very easily start with one light/cab and then get another, or just do 2 rows of 4 .

remember you need some room for vegging - cfl's will do for this.

feel free to ask questions but its also worth reading the thread all the way through as their are lots of nuggets of info from various people that you will find useful :)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
there was a request for a dry pic of the Blueberry.
here is the top half of one of the bigger colas (had to cut it in half t fit in the jar)
on a scratched cd for scale



daddy fingaz

Active member
That blueberry cola looks lush V , Basil brush would be proud!!

what sort of heat mats were you considering, is it the sort used for vivariums,? bet that could make quite a difference to ur growth up there in the colder months!

and the question on everyones lips...whats up next in the cab, saw you had those jack the ripper all sprouted, id be gettin those deep chunks popped for sure, meant to be slow in veg i hear!? satori aswell...all exiting!!:yummy:
hey thanks thats a nice idea... now theres one more thing that may seal the deal for me to try this...is the 1g/w theory say that if i were to use this same set up, i could potentially yeild 1g/w for a 400w hps ??? or maybe make it 2 rows of 3 to fit a larger light footprint? my goal is to find a fun, not too complicated system that can potentially,(when dialed in) could give me atleast 1g/w for a 400w...aka i want 400grams dry per harvest lol, can i do that?


hey thanks thats a nice idea... now theres one more thing that may seal the deal for me to try this...is the 1g/w theory say that if i were to use this same set up, i could potentially yeild 1g/w for a 400w hps ??? or maybe make it 2 rows of 3 to fit a larger light footprint? my goal is to find a fun, not too complicated system that can potentially,(when dialed in) could give me atleast 1g/w for a 400w...aka i want 400grams dry per harvest lol, can i do that?

Idk, lol, can you? No one in the world can answer that but you. It's obviously possible, and it has been done. But no one knows if YOU can.


Mate you got this shit dialed in all for corners..:lurk:

around here(appx 27 degrees latitude subtropic coastal) for outdoors, most equatorial landrace sats respond well to low nitrogen giving them the mold resistance necessary to mature out properly in our high rainfall wet season and best of all, this is where potency kicks in and if taken far enough, potent to the extreme end of the scale...

most of these strains do not reach anywhere near their best indoors but will be OK for purposes of seperating phenos, breeding, regenerating etc...

I agree the 12/12 regime may fail to induce flowering necessary with equatorial sats and I have found them defining their phenos more distinctively when started shortly before the onset of our winter which hits as low as 10 and a half hours at its peak low but buds still frost up nicely as approaching Spring, though never as potent as end of season buds which have come through the Summer/Autumn(Fall) period which have come through to Winter for harvest, sometimes finishing off as late as Winter solstice but well worth the wait!

Wished I could do more landrace sats closer to the equator where they'd do a lot better.


made a phat post about equatorials and flower times, seasonal harvests and maturation windows...but, as always the browser loses it and i couldnt possibly type it again...so heres a little quote from the RUST thread regarding Lao sativa i think, so same ting as the viet cong weed....the shit grows over two years outdoor if ya let it, thats why people complain that there haze or whatever doesnt flower for ages, and then never finishes.:)


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
ozeek - its not always the same but probably 2 tops before training is a good safe bet. then if you fit the screen and bend them under and flip to 12/12 you have a good start and the stretch should fill it. i have a not very tall veg space so sometimes i top more than that and sometimes even lst a little bit as they veg.

daddy fingaz - thanks mate - yes i was thinking of vivarium type heat mats, but heated stuff often tends to get too hot (propagators are the same and will cook your seeds very easily). probably i would get v. small ones or put one under 2 pots to spread the heat out. some type of probe thermostat would be best but that may be a little ott ;)
seed wise it has to be the deep chunk - that was what made me order seeds for the first time in a year. i really want a male for some breeding too - but perhaps i'm a bit late to jump on that bandwagon?

Harvest Time - should be even better with a 400 but as mhm says who knows? - without wanting to sound patronising, you should concentrate on happy plants and quality and then the yields will come of their own accord. make sure you light a big enough area to get about 60 watts/sqare foot and use big pots and good soil, above all get the environment right, temps/ventilation is all important!

milehighmedical - true mate!

BeAn - thanks mate - as you know half of this wouldnt have been possible without your help ;) - i seem to have come up with/researched a good soil mix that keeps everything pretty happy so fingers crossed it will stay that way. also, my mate is going to jamaica next week and i've given him strict instructions to bring me seeds of anything worthwhile so hopefully he will come up trumps!


just mixed up a big batch of soil and i'm going to repot the JTR later. still not quite sure how i will flower them as it depends on how many females i get.

just got a text to say my seeds have arrived :woohoo:

deep chunk here we come....



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Powerplant was chopped today at exactly 8 weeks. repotted JTR yesterday into 3 litre pots and all 4 of them will go into the vacant quarter for sexing in a few days (meant to be a stretcher so short veg)

which means there is a gap in one of the quarters at present - i hate it when that happens - even when it's only for a few days :(


note to self - JTR mix was 5g/ 1.2litre Nguano and 7g/1.2 litre P guano


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks gM!

gonna be a bit quiet for the next week as the kids are on holiday and i get about 5 mins with my grow every other day when the misses takes them + dog for a walk.



Kids too young to see the girls? There was a few of my buddies when I was younger that always used to help their dad with his grow when they were little. Never really decided what my opinion was on that, from a parenting perspective. Couldn't see anything wrong with it, but who knows if it's better to be introduced to it by your parents or your friends.

I've started doing research to go 100% organic next round. I've run wanna-be organic with fox farm soil and botanicare nutes a few times, but that's not truly organic. I've been inspired to stick with soil and put-off hydroponics longer, maybe forever, as I see how far soil can take me. I really prefer working with it anyways, it's just more comfortable for me.

So, thanks again. Hope to see some pictures when the kids are back at school. Peace ~