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VerdantGreen's 100W LED organic modular scrog cabinet


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi all, i have a new little grow going in my 2' x 15" cabinet which is about 2' high. At the moment we are still in veg and im planning to go to flower in around 2 weeks - using 2 of the foot square scrog screens that you may have seen in my other grows.

Soil is a fully amended recycled organic mix which i will talk about more later if anyone is interested. i use some fast release N guano to supplement the stretch, which becomes depleted as the plants go through flower and usually encourages them to fade out nicely towards the end.

we have a Pinamite - which is a UK elite clone only
and an amnesia which is the 'coffee shop cut' from Holland afaik.

This is the first time i have run these and both look fairly sativa dominant.

here they are in the cab about 10 days ago having just rooted into their first tiny pots

I have a new LED fixture for this grow - one of the new HGL SOL lights. this one is a SOL 2 and has 2 x 50W integrated LEDs (with multi spectrum) and wide angle square reflectors. This unit throws light more like an HPS and should suit my height limited space very well as you dont need a big gap between plants and light.

here are the two plants today
pinamite - just topped


here they are today in the cab


:party::woohoo: :lurk: Why hello Verdant! Big pleasure to see you back, and testing new gear! You have swayed me (And I am sure quite a many...) to the L.E.D. bandwagon, and I must say it is a game changer for me. I appreciate your reviews bredren and am quite looking forward to see these integrated chip's in action, as I have found a few sources for the bare emitters, and they quite simplify the D.I.Y. process... Good day and positive vibes bredren! :tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks all, i'll try to put on a good show. new cuts and a new light!


The Hummus Monk

Active member
Hey Verdant,

How big will you veg them? How tall are your pots?

Have you grown in a 2 foot high cab before?

And...finally...how much are those lights..?



sitting down, popping a beer and watching.
i'm doing up with the bigger sister sol4
happy growing

The Hummus Monk

Active member
OK...that's an expensive light!

HGL recommend 2x3 foot grow area. Yours is 1x2. Is it general practice by them to overstate the coverage?

Confusing...I'm considering buying but that doesn't fill me with confidence.


OK...that's an expensive light!

HGL recommend 2x3 foot grow area. Yours is 1x2. Is it general practice by them to overstate the coverage?

Confusing...I'm considering buying but that doesn't fill me with confidence.

Footprint can be an issue with LEDs, yes. If its not directly under the panel (with older gen versions at least), the loss of direct light exposure is significant.

My bigger problem with them (HGL 1st gen 300w and 2nd gen 84x penetrator pro) has (ironically) been penetration...producing sweet, dank, hard bud tops with green immature lower halfs.

Anxious to see if these Sols can penetrate the canopy.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi all, been away for a week or so, the plants just about survived my absence but were a bit dry and a few mites which i can soon sort out. they will be repotted today and i'll post up a few pics again soon. they should be ready to flower in a week or so.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]smoketrics - welcome aboard!

hi hummus monk - decent LED fixtures are expensive , even making a good fixture is pretty expensive - and it seems that you pretty much get what you pay for. i read a lot of posts from disappointed growers who thought they got their lights for a bargain but didnt get the results they hoped for.
the way i see it, the lights are expensive but you could grow double the price of the fixture in buds on the first grow....

i couldnt speak for HGL, but the coverage area quoted is probably for the 'average' plant - these lights are not just for cannabis growers, but canna plants are amongst the most light-hungry. i like to use around 40 watts of LED power per square foot (as compared to 50-60W of HPS power). that said, my grows are pretty intensive so maybe a bit less than that would be fine.
the other thing to watch out for with LED's is the quoted wattage. this is the first light i have used where the quoted wattage is exactly as advertised, usually the power they actually draw from the wall is less than the advertised wattage. (check out the killawatt proof thread in the LED forum stickies)

ghostmade- the SOL2's are $399 - but there are some ways to get a discount if you check it out.

hempfield, trem0lo, jabba - thanks for checking in - i'll try to put on a good show...

kindest, i get by any penetration problems by training the plants to have all the buds on one level, that siad i get pretty decent buds all the way down to about 12" below the canopy with the 3rd gen units. the SOL ones have a much wider angle so the light will diminish as you get furher away - but also the wide angle should help get light through the canopy by throwing it at multiple angles... so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey Verdant,

How big will you veg them? How tall are your pots?

Have you grown in a 2 foot high cab before?


sorry HM i forgot to answer this bit. ive grown in this cab before, its the same cab that i grew the two original haze plants in and a few other bits. the pots are about 9" deep. its quite tight but as long as the scrogging goes ok then it should be fine. the reason im so excited about this light is that the tops can be kept 4-6" from the light fixture so i can save some height against other lights in that way - many other fixtures need to be kept higher above the plants than that because they have a more focused lens.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi all, been away again and, for saying the plants have been sitting on a capillary mat with very little attention for the last couple of weeks, they look pretty good. possibly slightly over-vegged, they were potted up and thrown into flower today. still need to fit the screens but hopefully i can do that in the next couple of days.


and the two in their final pots in the cab

i should be good to give weekly updates from now on

VG :tiphat: