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Vegging Indoors and Transporting to Out

moebuds how long did it take for those plants to get that big? I might just use beer cups till there 6" and then transfer them to outside after the last frost in 2 gal pots


dude those will not finish

order some early seeds quick to get em in time
Man if your doing a gurilla grow then you shouldn't have to attend your plant except maybe once a month is what I do. If you keep going back and forth to your plant all your going to do is make a trail making it easier for someone to walk up and since you have it in a pot they can just snatch it. If I were you I would find a nice spot thats getting plenty of sunlight, dig you a hole and dump a bag of that FoxFarmOceanForest in it. Then, once a month come back to it trim it up at the bottom if it needs water bring water like a gallon or 2. Also if you can wait a month after being at college by the time you come back to visit it should be done and taking some buddha home with you. I started all my seeds outdoor-finish and this is exactly how I did it.

Good Luck


Active member
moebuds how long did it take for those plants to get that big? I might just use beer cups till there 6" and then transfer them to outside after the last frost in 2 gal pots


Those plants broke the surface from Mar 3 to Mar 6, so approx 25-28 days old. The problem you'll have is the fact that cannabis initiates flowering based upon the hours of light/dark, not its age. (unless it's an autoflowering strain)

If I were to keep those plants under the current 16/8 light cycle indefinitely, they'd keep vegging indefinitely until I threw em into 12/12 (indoor flower cycle) Outdoors they tend to kick in around 14/10 or so...

(1st number is always light, 2nd dark)

The dark cycle outdoors will not reach the right length to initiate flowering until mid-Jul to mid Aug. The problem is you cannot control the sun like you can control indoor lights...

Outside, you have no choice but to wait until they flower and finish naturally. I can't think of a no-maintenance way to get em flowering earlier outdoors. 2 gal pots might be a tad small too, I'd go 5 gallon pail, or even better - a nice big hole w/ a nice soil...

It just doesn't work that way outdoors, the plants cannot be rushed...


Mr. Stinky

the seeds i got were black domina. Im not sure what % they are females. There may be a way that i could get home but it would be at least a few weeks without caring for the plant. How is the idea of moving it to shade and getting it to flower early

they are 50% females...just like the rest of the plants and animals on our planet :smoke:

put em in the dirt with some lime and good fertilizer, and go see em once in early july, again in late july to be sure you got the males, then late september to cut em down...take ya some mg time release pellets or osmocote in july to throw on em. and most importantly, rule #6.... dont fuckin worry:smoker:

touche mr. stinky 50% females they are. I honestly had no idea guerilla growing was so simple and that you only care for it every few months. I am really knew to this and i thought it would be a constant thing adding minerals or watering or something. I leave August 24th for college, and there may be someway that I could come back in September. Would i basically hope that i come back to find buds that are ready to go or will i have to call someone to check on it or do something. Also my seeds are coming tomorrow and I plan on using the cup method that i described above. Im going to add Happy Fog Fox Farm soil and I think limestone. Do i need to get something that measures soil ph? also is water with a neutral ph good? i have an rodi water purifying system that has water with 0 phosphates and has a TDS reading of 0. I plan on starting them in beer cups and eventually moving them to 5 gallon pots. Is that too big a jump in pot sizes or does that not matter. Thanks for the help keep it real

Mr. Stinky

touche mr. stinky 50% females they are. I honestly had no idea guerilla growing was so simple and that you only care for it every few months. I am really knew to this and i thought it would be a constant thing adding minerals or watering or something. I leave August 24th for college, and there may be someway that I could come back in September. Would i basically hope that i come back to find buds that are ready to go or will i have to call someone to check on it or do something. Also my seeds are coming tomorrow and I plan on using the cup method that i described above. Im going to add Happy Fog Fox Farm soil and I think limestone. Do i need to get something that measures soil ph? also is water with a neutral ph good? i have an rodi water purifying system that has water with 0 phosphates and has a TDS reading of 0. I plan on starting them in beer cups and eventually moving them to 5 gallon pots. Is that too big a jump in pot sizes or does that not matter. Thanks for the help keep it real

read around the site a little more and you will find answers to all ur questions. try to keep it simple. water from the sky or a creek is best. there is a fairly long window that you can harvest. many growers like to make a science of it, but if you are home, and its close to done, its good. more "up" high. if ur late, its more "down"... the exact harvest date will depend on what you want and when your home, as well as weather:2cents:


Wouldn't you use the red light spectrum since your gonna place them outside?
So they would keep vegging till they flower outside.


I think I read once that if you take clones that have been vegging in 24/0 and put them outside, they go into flowering a lot faster because of the drastic change in sunlight hours. Not sure if that is true or not tho, maybe someone else here can shed some light on it. Also not sure if it makes a difference whether it is a clone or seed.

Mr. Stinky

Wouldn't you use the red light spectrum since your gonna place them outside?
So they would keep vegging till they flower outside.

the colors we see (which are completely insignificant to the plant..they dont have eyes) have nothing to do with making them flower or vegetate. certain wavelengths of light help the plant to make different chemicals and acids to grow, but only the time of darkness determines whether or not flowering takes place. red, yellow, blue, purple or pink...the plant doesnt care what color it is from a flowering standpoint. i use MH lights to flower... because i like the natural light, and the plants like it better as well. i can tell they like it better because they arent stretching all over the room trying to find a better light source... :smoke: when i get a deal on some hps ballasts, ill get a few CMH bulbs, and grow even better plants:woohoo: its the light that the plants "see" that counts, not what we see.


What I'm trying to do is grow them inside for a month till they are healthy and strong enough to go outside. If I placed them outside now they would only get 13 hours of light which I'm afraid which might shock them into flower like Fluorobuds said. Should I mock the hours of the sun rise and set?
I got my seeds today. Its from a Cali company and it says Got Beans? on the front of it. THe strain is called Black Domina and i have 14. It looks really legit so it might be all females i cant tell though it doesnt say. It says the flower is 50 days and the phenotype is indica and gets to a height of 100-130 cm and a yield of 90-300 grams. Isn't that a really small yield i thought you could yield dry pounds from some seeds. Basically i want to know if what im gonna do know is ok. Im gonna sprout these by placing them in a wetted paper towel each seperate and then im goign to place the seeds that are sprouted into beer cups that have FoxFarm happy fog soil with limestone and im placing the 14 cups under one 96w power compact strip light that has 10,000k wavelength and 2-3 desk lights that are fluorescents that say 60w but based on previous posts that may not be the actual wattage. Im gonna blow a fan too and its underneath a salt water fish tank so i think theres alot of moisture in the air around there. ARe these bad boys going to grow?


Im gonna sprout these by placing them in a wetted paper towel each seperate and then im goign to place the seeds that are sprouted into beer cups that have FoxFarm happy fog soil with limestone and im placing the 14 cups under one 96w power compact strip light that has 10,000k wavelength and 2-3 desk lights that are fluorescents that say 60w but based on previous posts that may not be the actual wattage. Im gonna blow a fan too and its underneath a salt water fish tank so i think theres alot of moisture in the air around there. ARe these bad boys going to grow?

Black Domina is basically pure Indica. It grows very short and small. You will be lucky to yield 120 Grams from it let alone 300. It's genetically limited on purpose. Not a high yielder at all...But you have 14 of them so you will get a decent amount of bud, IF they are all female. This strain is most likely not feminized. So each seed has a 50/50 chance of being male or female as usual.

The only feminized Black Domina seeds that I know of are from Sweet Seeds Co. and are a self-inbred Sativa/Indica hybrid...There could be more out there, not sure. But don't count on it.

You're on track with germination. Although, as an extra little jump-start/ensuring method, I recommend filling a small cup with a little natural spring water (bottled [IceMountain?], not PURIFIED and not TAPWATER) then place the seeds you wish to germinate in the cup. Let them soak. They should sink to the bottom of the cup. Some may not. This could take 1-2 days depending on seed reliability. Give the ones that don't sink a little poke to see if they sink.

If they sink this means they have taken in water and begun the germination process.

Those that do not sink will most likely not germinate. However, germinate them anyways but seperately from the others, as this is not always true...

Then you can put them in a paper towel.

Once in the paper towel, place them somewhere DARK and WARM (~80*F). This will speed the proccess up vastly.

Again, I do not recommend plastic cups. If that is all you have access to it will do but if you can get your hands on something more organic, like JiffyPeatPots or something similar it will make transplanting much, MUCH easier.

A fan is a good idea. However, do not blow the fan directly on the seedlings and keep the setting on LOW. Heavy wind causes plants to root faster and deeper. Thus, they will root too fast and become root-bound in the plastic cups. This causes stress and makes the transplant even more stressfull on them. Hermaphrodites and males form. All you need is a very slight breeze every once in a while...Nothing extreme...
i heard males actually have some thc. is there any value to them or once i determine sex should i get rid of them. the seeds were placed on top of a damp piece of paper towel and i put another damp piece of paper towel on top of it and then folded it twice over and put it into a small cardboard box and then into the stand under my fishtank that is warm and humid. Im not sure if its 80 but it should't be below 70. The surface area for where i have to germinate and then veg them to about 6" is about 12"x12". Can i use 14 small pots just to veg them to about 6" and then move them outside to 5 gallon pots?


A - i heard males actually have some thc. is there any value to them or once i determine sex should i get rid of them.

B - the seeds were placed on top of a damp piece of paper towel and i put another damp piece of paper towel on top of it and then folded it twice over and put it into a small cardboard box and then into the stand under my fishtank that is warm and humid. Im not sure if its 80 but it should't be below 70.

C - The surface area for where i have to germinate and then veg them to about 6" is about 12"x12". Can i use 14 small pots just to veg them to about 6" and then move them outside to 5 gallon pots?

A - Male plants do produce THC. But no where near enough to consider it usable. Just toss em.

B - The warmer it is, the faster they germinate. Place them on top of your cable box or A/V Reciever...

C - Yes, of course you can. Just be careful during the transplant into the larger pots. Roots should never be exposed to light. Doing so is unnatural and can have adverse side affects. Sometimes you'll never notice, other times it can kill the plant and sometimes it will live and you'll notice the stress. Cannabis plants are very hearty and will survive through alot. Unfortunatly in doing so the stress often times changes the metabolism of the plant and you can end up with hermaphrodites and males...


Active member
Don't mean to sound argumentative, but transplanting, if done properly causes little or no stress to the plants at all. The few seconds of light exposure to the roots is harmless, or everyone here would be upcanning in the dark. It's correct that roots should not be exposed to light. (for a significant length of time tho, a few seconds does no harm)

To transplant properly from a plastic beercup, just place a hand over top, with stem between fingers. Invert, give a gentle squeeze, and the rootball plops right out into your palm. Be gentle...

Place it into larger container partially filled w/ soil and fill around rootball with new soil. Then water good. I have done this hundreds of times thru the years, & never even had a plant so much as droop after an upcan, not to mention going hermi or dying. Matter of fact they tend to explode with new growth shortly after...

The plants I posted earlier were upcanned twice in the last 2 weeks, and are healthy and happy, as usual. The females will get another in a couple days...

And as for roots, the more the better, there is no such thing as a plant growing too many roots. Big roots will equal big plants, and big plants equal big piles of buds in the end. (rippers and other murphy factors aside)

In a month or so after planting, you'll want to see female preflowers. They look like these ones that just showed on 3 out of 4 of the plants I posted earlier:

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i sprouted my plants in a paper towel and they have been sitting there for about 5 days. I am going to get fox farm ocean forest fertilizer and lime as a soil and then theyre going into beer cups underneath a 96watt power compact strip light 10,000k. My question is is it okay to keep them in the wet paper towel for five days? its looks like all have sprouted im just afraid of mold issues they look okay tho


Active member
IMO, plant them as soon as you can see a root tip emerge from the shell, 1-5 mm or so. If you wait too long, the root will get long and unmanageable, and there is a chance of breaking it while planting it.


Plant it root down, approx. 1/2" or so deep, and in another 2-4 days they should break the surface.


Breaking surface:

I recommend an unferted seed starter soilmix for seedlings, preferted stuff can be too hot. I noticed you said "I am going to get" the soil. You should have it on hand already IMO.

(I started in last year's leftovers, a 50-50 mix of preferted Schulz soil and unferted generic "garden soil") It was a tad hot in the beginning, but they grew into it. Straight Schulz woulda nuked 'em, I think...

early seedling:

Grew into it:

i transplanted the 14 seeds and two of them snapped at the stem but not very far down toward the seed. Does this mean they are dead or should i plant them anyway? cuz i planted them anyway...Right now there is one 96w 10,000k power compact strip light, and two 60w desk lamps that are over the 14 cups. I watered a little bit and the only soil i was able to get was a smith and hawken brand but the guy there said it was the exact same as foxfarm and he knew i was growing cannabis when i said foxfarm and he said that the soil would be okay...