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Vegging Indoors and Transporting to Out


New member
Same here different set up im in college too

Same here different set up im in college too

Im a first time grower and I made made a growbox and because i want to grow indoors for 2-3 weeks before transplanting them to their outdoor site.

The box is 23" x 6" x 18" and on the inside i just put aluminum foil, nothing too fancy kus its only temporary. I put 9 germinated seeds in individual water bottles. except for the two bottles in the back which each have two seeds in them im a little worried about the roots getting entangled (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I HAVE MADE A MISTAKE BY DOING THIS).

I am using a 60w CFL and a 40w CFL and they are on a timer that mimics sun cycle for when im going to put them outside in early May (14/10). the fan is a hawiian breeze and it is the most gentle breeze so i leave it on constantly for good air flow and to stimulate stem strength when they sprout




Thats ghetto Michaud... i mean... it should work, but you didn't have to use tin foil... flat white paint is much better... and btw... if you put two seeds in one cup and both sprout, then I would think you need to kill one of them... the roots will get tangled and it's not a good idea to try and separate them.. but you should be fine as long as you snip one of the sprouts.
One last thing, is next year or better yet this year I would invest in a 4 foot flour shop light.. like 10 bucks anywhere you go... they are much more practical for sure and most people use them to start seedlings..
Good Luck


Active member
Okay, for Michaud - tinfoil vs paint and 2 per cup has been covered, so we'll move on to 1 thing not mentioned. I'd definitely tape, paint the outside, or somehow make those clear bottles opaque. Roots do not like continuous light exposure, and algae can also grow in the soil if the light can hit it - ie)clear containers.

Toka - the seedlings with snapped stems snapped most likely won't make it, and I am unsure about smith+hawken soil. As long as its not loaded with ferts you should be fine. Be sure not to overwater, going by weight is the best way.

Back to Michaud - Your 2 cfl's will get them started, but they will most likely be a little spindly and stretchy. I played with 4' shoplights in the beginning, then went to CFL's, which are much brighter in an array. I have come up with a decent little cfl setup, but it's not too cheap to make...

After buying the adaptors, powerbars, cord and bulbs, I was looking at near $100, but it works so good. Here's the one I just made for my clone space, another just like it is in my mummy space. It runs 12 23/100W CFL bulbs, but it's still a little incomplete. Need 1 more y adaptor and 4 more 23/100 watters, they will be aquired shortly. I'll have it complete by the time my cuts root.



New member


I went into my ghetto box, and took my plants out and i found that 4 of them have broke the surface. YAY! but heres what i did for the makeover

Transplant : I wish i could say im 100% satisfied with the transplanting i did, but it was very hard using a spoon to get the dirt out of those oddly shaped transparent plastic bottles i had to use a spoon and needless to say hopefully i didnt screw up too bad.

also what made the transplant difficult is that i have a limited supply of dirt because i have to go outside of my dorm and steal the soild from the garden out back, its really sketchy, but i watch the landscapers take care of the soil a few mornings a week on my way to class so i know its good stuff.

New Interior: i ripped the tinfoil out and spray painted the box a flat white, thank god for quick drying paint


Summary: each seed now has its own cup so no roots get entangled, and the flat white paint replaced the tinfoil i had in there.
as for putting more lights in there, i cannot afford to do so right now but maybe sometime next week ill get a chance

much thanks to Moe and mackie for the tips, i basically knew i could of done all that stuff from the but was just bein a little lazy and figured it wouldnt make much of a difference. Now that i finished doing it though im pretty pumped.

wish me and my plants luck



Its best to us ea type of peatmoss medium..where you simply transplant the etnire "cup"into thye soil..becaushe its biodegradable..and the roots can simply grow through it..

however,using normal beer cups is the second best option..try to get the biggest ones..drills holes in the bottom..so they get enough root space to get big while you veg them indoors...all that talk about tranplsant etc is simply not too seriosu IMHO..Ive always ued this method..and the plants start growing like normal after about 1-2 days..never wilt or anything..ofcourse you have to be gentle..you cant juse throw your plants in their..another thing is to use SUPRTHRIVE after every watering..use around 10 drops per gallon...this technique has virtually PREVNETED tranplant shock from EVER happening to me..its full oif b vitamins and root growth hormones..BUY IT


Active member
Hehe I only use a spoon to get the germed seed from the papertowel to the dirt in that pic. With the vertical in-glass papertowel germ method, it's easy. Transplanting a seedling that small will be a pain, as the rootball is not bound up yet and it'll fall apart when removed from the container.

BTW, Best of luck... :rasta:
