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I think fish is really tastey and should be a part, even if moderately, of any vegetarians diet..Omega 3 etc, It's proven that the fish oils help children and babies develop better, and the brain also benefits alot from it. Good luck..

Styles P

im not vegi i eat meat occasionally and seafood like fish, shrimp, crabs occasionally also. i believe humans are not meant to eat meat everyday. because if you had to catch your food i doubt you would catch a animal everyday and you would be forced to eat other things.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I just don't like that holier than thou attitude I get from vegans & vegetarians,
trying to convince me of their higher understanding & compassion of animals etc,

and that damned asparagus never even had a chance to run away.......


Eugene Oregon

Vegetarians actually to me are nice caring people but S4L had a good point.
I seem to notice that to, so dido!


Well I have no problems with my vegeterian people. They dont try to convince me or anything although there are somem people who are really annoying and they think of themselves as a higher human or something. This I dont like.

My girlfriend is also a vegeterian in fact a vegan and with her I have sometimes arguments about what I eat. Well.. most of the time if I order a sandwich it is only vegetables only for her sake just that I have my peace. BUT... if I wish to eat meat.... there is nothing to stop me. And when I do... she looks me a little bit angry but hey... That is her problem. I dont tell her what to eat so neither she cant tell me what to consume.

The best way I think is to keep a GOOD BALANCE between all food you eat. This is difficult. But for my opinion THE BEST WAY.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Veggy burgers arnt raw :noway:, its always funny how defensive people are over there food. I know that meat is soo very tasty but your gonna regret it in 20 years when u have colon cancer, heart disease etc. Your gonna wish u woulda listened to those vegetarians and vegans :2cents:

By the way sirgrassalot what do u disagree with? That humans are supposed to eat meat? Meat destroys your body, along with acidic foods and starch(which turns directly into mucus). Whoever created us gave us these perfect bodys that give us soo much but so many people just let them go to waste, you wouldn't run your car off coca-cola would you?

You can eat it raw if you like. :yummy: I like my beef burgers well done. We've evolved thus far by eating meat just like you up until a month ago. Now the meat we ate 50+ years ago was probably better for us, lack of chemicals hormones but that doesn't end with meat. How many recalls have there been lately with shit on the lettuce, bean sprouts, spinach or the peanuts? Yeah yummy I don't like to eat shit.

There's lots of bad in the world that's not going to stop me from being on top of the food chain & enjoying the things on this planet that I love. I will have no regrets in the end so drop that silliness from your mind right now. I have a fat free body & I'm 50ish. The last thing I'd want is to look like McCartney. Quitting tobacco smoking was the best thing I could do for my health.

Coke would cost more so I'll stick to gasoline, if I could convert to vegetable oils I would provided it was as convenient to fill up as it is now. The smell of fries & wings deep fried in unsaturated fats coming from my exhaust.

I also disagreed with your statement I posted under.


Active member
fuck..now im starving...im going to have to go down to the store and find the nicest fattyiest rib-eye i can find...been cutting alot of hickory lately...so that should do..YUM!!! i can smell that meat grilling allready..you bring the beer..and i will do the steak up for ya..hey vegi boy..i will twist that water bottle lid off for you..give it to uncle OK..you shouldnt strain your self so much..dont let that bottle get the best of you..oh shit you aint looking so hot..why dont you lay down for awhile........but this is america...you have the right to make your self sick...if you want to try to live off grass..hell it's your right..and i will back you on it..but when your to weak to walk..your on your own...now where's my key's...


Garden Nymph
Veggy burgers arnt raw :noway:, its always funny how defensive people are over there food. I know that meat is soo very tasty but your gonna regret it in 20 years when u have colon cancer, heart disease etc. Your gonna wish u woulda listened to those vegetarians and vegans :2cents:

By the way sirgrassalot what do u disagree with? That humans are supposed to eat meat? Meat destroys your body, along with acidic foods and starch(which turns directly into mucus). Whoever created us gave us these perfect bodys that give us soo much but so many people just let them go to waste, you wouldn't run your car off coca-cola would you?

i highly disagree.
and when you say "its always funny how defensive people are over there food," i take it to mean that excludes you? :dance:
brothertupelo, this is because our needs are nutrition needs are drastically overdrawn for furthur enticing to pay up ... grow your own, one sweet potato, a bowl of rice, and a slice of tofu is PLENTY and fruit is for the antioxidants... Americans are happily poisoning themselves and the fools will fight to the death to be able to eat this shit!

of course...I'm young and growing and my restricted diet the past 6 months will not let me grow to be a "big, tall, American" but I sure am fleet of foot at 130 ... ...

i had actually just eaten a bowl of rice, tofu, and kimchee right before you wrote this. and i'd eaten fries for lunch. weird.
i'm not a preacher, and i'm not even a vegetarian. i still eat meat from time to time, but i'm cutting it out from my diet in fits and starts. sort of like quitting smoking. couldn't do cold turkey, but i'm not buying packs.
but i know that deforestation to raise cattle is a big, destructive problem. i know that most animals are factory raised, filled with hormones, and incredibly unhealthy. i know that most fish have too much mercury and that overfishing has affected the biodiversity of huge chunks of the atlantic, leaving many parts nearly barren of larger forms of life.
i'm mostly just doing it because of the health benefits. after i got back from nepal, i had trouble digesting meat, and i found myself incredibly irritated any time i'd eat a burger or steak. so fuck it. i'm going to try to cook vegetarian and not order meat main dishes. losing weight, feeling better, my skin's clearer, i'm not as easily irritated, and my risk of heart disease and cancer's going down. besides, rare beef always just tasted like water to me, and the cooked flavor i can get elsewhere. bacon's gonna be tougher. i love bacon.


The problem is also in vegetables... lots of it is grown in hydroponics... so then we have tomatoes with no taste at all... and also nutrients missing...

The best way is to grow your own... then the vegetables are REALLY healthy.... as it would be the animal that was on your farm and eating proper food.



I just don't like that holier than thou attitude I get from vegans & vegetarians,
trying to convince me of their higher understanding & compassion of animals etc,

and that damned asparagus never even had a chance to run away.......

The issue isn't compassion for the animals, its compassion for ones own body. If meat was healthy for me i would eat but its not :wallbash:


Garden Nymph
i don't think it matters whether a vegetarian is doing it for health or compassion for animals. it's just that most of them have that "holier than thou" attitude, like stoner4life says, and i don't think it's right.

and, what i have never understood, is the fact that some vegetarians eat tofu in the shape of a turkey..


Hippie lettuce u sound like a moron, what don't u think is right? That im educated enough to know meat is bad for you?


Garden Nymph
i dont think you should be calling anyone a moron, whom you haven't even taken the time to know yet. all you know from my post is that i don't like the fact that vegetarians think they are better than omnivores just because "they know meat is bad" for me. PLEASE. I can look that up myself. all i am trying to say, and if you read my first post on this thread, is that i don't want them to tell me what to eat and what not to eat. I don't go around advocating eating meat, do i? it's my choice what i eat. it's my body, not yours. so please don't give me that attitude and imply that you are more educated than i.
p.s. andre, you just proved my point. "holier than thou" attitude? right there.


Cannabrex Formulator
it's my choice what i eat. it's my body, not yours.....

Unfortunately, it's not nearly that simple......it's not just about you and your health.

The production of meat at the levels modern society demands is one of the main factors in the destruction of our biosphere....so your choice to eat a burger is not just gonna give you heart problems later....it directly affects wether my kids will have a viable ecology to inhabit.

So leave of with griping about "holier than thou" vegetarians....we gripe cuz you greedy flesh-eaters are destroying our planet with your gluttony.


Garden Nymph
ok. so i guess you being alive isn't doing any damage to the earth? you are putting off C02 as we speak. so you telling meat-eaters that we are destroying your children's future is a bit of an irony, isn't it?

also, i'm not here to fight. so this is going to be my last post in this thread. i like productive debates, but i don't like it when the other person is telling me that I'm uneducated or stupid or gluttonous. speak and debate like a civilized, rational, thoughtful human being. don't be a dick.


Active member
How many of you here on ICmag are vegeterians?
Any vegans arround also?

Im not a vegeterian but almost all of my friends are vegeterians and some also vegans. So I often eat vegan/vegeterian food and I really enjoy it. But I never mind to eat some meat also.
Anyway... hanging for so much time with "no-meat" people made me think after a while. Dont know.... somehow my point of view on food was changed and soon happened when I ordered a sandwich only with cheese. I stopped eating stuff like hotdogs, hamburger, kebabs, a lot of meat products (especially fast food) were canceled from my list. Somehow I paid more attention to what was I eating.
But I will still eat that fish that I caught it on my boat last time. And also some home made meat products are no problem.

Now... Im thinking..... all of my "vegeterian friends" are pot smokers. So maybe also weed has something to do with it? Maybe because you pay more attention to food you eat, because you taste things differently?

Some of friends were eating meat at first but then when they started to smoke weed after few years they eventually turned into vegeterians. Maybe just a coincidence...? Or does weed has something to do with it?

What is your experience?

I haven't eaten any meat since about Sunday before last. Before that I was eating a lot of steak, a lot of cold cuts from the deli, burgers, etc. I'm going on a diet so I've also stopped eating a lot of stuff. But I know I feel better when I don't eat meat. There was a period of a few years a few years back where I did not eat meat and I felt a lot more energetic, my skin was better and my digestion, which sucks when eating meat, went from ok to amazing. So I'm totally ok with not eating it. It's not based on any sort of moral objection, though the way we get our meat is not healthy at all. But everyone's health is their own and a lot of people come up with a lot of justification to eat meat but in the end, my body tells me everything I need to know as to what I should put in it and what it does not like. I don't feel malnourished. I don't drop crazy weight when I don't eat meat. My skin doesn't go pale and I don't get Anemia. Also, for people who say you do it because you're at the top of the food chain: unless you're hunting that steer yourself, you're not exactly playing out your evolutionary amazingness there by going to the supermarket and buying a few pounds of ground chuck.