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Vegetable Glycerin THC extract (Like Marinol or Sativex)


New member
I was reading various extraction methodologies the other day and kept going deeper and deeper within the science. The spectrum of possibilities is endless. I chose 3 methods to investigate, Liquid Nitrogen extraction, Alcohol extraction, and Vegetable glycerin.

The liquid nitrogen process can grow very expensive and is not the greatest extraction method, the alcohol although a great method has a few pitfalls namely its flammable and it needs to go into the oven for every recipe that takes a reasonable amount of time, and lastly the Vegetable Glycerin... Very interesting, some people say to heat it, others do not but the consensus is that it takes about 6 weeks in a sealed jar that is shaken ever day and kept a few degrees above room temperature. I decided I would try an experiment.

Double boiler method for Vegetable Glycerin Extract (Papa Kief - Collective Consultant and Cannabis Activist. (619) 365-5240 for pictures)

This is a recipe used to create a vegetable glycerin based tincture to be used in drop form. It is fully activated and need only to be consumed by placing a few drops under the tongue to be immediately felt or ingested what is swallowed will subsequently be absorbed by the body in the GI tract.

Ingredients (Variable in increments of 8.5ml glycerin per gram)
1/8 oz well ground high quality cannabis
1/8 cup food grade Vegetable Glycerin (commonly found at drugstores and pharmacies)


A glass jar and lid
A glass dropper bottle (for dosing)
Large pot
Oven Mitts


Grind the cannabis as finely as possible and place it in the glass jar, pour over the Glycerin and stir it all in

Seal the jar. Heat the pot of water to a simmer and place the jar into the center. The level of the water should be about the same level as the contents of the jar. This will make sure the jar does not float and fall. Let the mixture cook for 6 hours or you can do it longer shaking the contents of the jar often and adding water to the pot as needed to maintain a level of boiling water. Once this is done you will want to pour your mixture through cheesecloth into a bowl. After you have poured it through squeeze the excess from the cheesecloth careful not to break it. I will suggest using gloves for this, however I didnt and I will assure you, this stuff can go through your skin and make you Super Stoned. Just a heads up.

Ok so here is what I got out of my experiment, a dark green vicious fluid that 1/2 teaspoon is equivalent to 3 marinol pills.

My buddy who has a perscription for and takes marinol on a daily basis came by and bottomed up a 1/2 teaspoon. Below is how he described the effects of the glycerin as it compares to Marinol.

* 5 minutes in he said he felt it in his face, pulling a smile and relaxed eyebrows
* 15 minutes in he said that it is the equivalent to 3 marinol pills, he usually only takes two
* 30 minutes in he said that he could feel it and it was much more rounded or complete than he experienced with Marinol, he said it felt like an edible but in a very manageable dose
* 1 hour later he wanted to know how I made the stuff
* 3 hours later he said he still felt good but the effects were beginning to become less noticable
* 5 hours later he said the effects were gone and he felt great, not too tired and not weird.

SO I think that High speed extraction of THC can be done using Vegetable glycerin in a double boil and perhaps a Crock Pot. below is a picture of the cannabis after the experiment

It appeared to me that there was still THC on the plant material, so I cooked it in butter for a few hours and made some mac and cheese. It definitely still held some THC because I got extremely high but I believe that a longer period in the glycerin or a fruit press for extraction would be needed to be sure.

Lab Results - Success - 5 drops and I was feeling great

PapaKief - Collective Consultant and Cannabis Activist Blogger


Nice write up!

over the years I have found you only want to bring the temp of your mixture to 170-180 degrees then cool it back down. When you keep at high temperature for prolonged periods you get a product higher in cbn. What we need is a lab that can strip the glycerin so we can see some solid numbers. That would be awesome.

Personally I like the glycerin cold pressed.

Amber Trich

Active member

resins are not supposed to actually extract into glycerin.

what is this process actually capturing?

When utilized in standard non-critical tincturing or simple hot water extraction methodologies, glycerin is not able to extract the same constituents from plants that alcohol does or if it does extract the same constituents as alcohol they will typically not be as strong in their concentrations. These weak extraction methodologies results is detailed From "Herbal Preparations and Natural Therapies" by Debra St. Claire:

* glycerin will extract the following - sugars, enzymes (dilute), glucosides, bitter compounds, saponins (dilute), and tannins
* absolute alcohol will extract the following - alkaloids (some), glycosides, volatile oils, waxes, resins, fats, some tannins, balsam, sugars, and vitamins.

However, when glycerin is utilized in a contemporary non-tincturing based innovative processing methodology it has been shown to not only extract a wide range of compounds, it is widely accepted, both in literature and innovative applications, to extract many cnstituents and compounds previously thought not able to do and to extract those constituents and compounds at high concentrations and potency. This includes most alkaloids, glycosides, volatile oils, waxes, resins, gums, balsam, sugars (especially as non-denatured linked and cross-linked polysaccharides), vitamins, and minerals, all with none of the denaturing and inert rendering effects alcohol possesses.

what is a "contemporary non-tincturing based innovative processing methodology" and isnt the above method really a "standard non-critical tincturing or simple hot water extraction" ??

just trying to understand how this is working...



resins are not supposed to actually extract into glycerin.

what is this process actually capturing?


the trichromes dont melt into the glycerin like they would in alcohol. But all the medical properties do seam to be extracted. I do a cold process that is non psychoactive and uplifting, but when used to bake with it can kick your butt.

Science and medicine is unable to get a good look at the compounds being extracted. The DEA needs to issue a few research permits so our universities can do some studying for us.

Glycerin makes cannabis a truly viable medication.


I will have to try this, I have the Glycerin from trying the other methods. Not a good result. So I have a lot of meds so I will try. Thanks


I did this but when i stuck the jar in the hot water the jar shattered. What a mess. Lost that batch. Live and learn. What if I start with the jar in the water the whole time???


canning 420 style

canning 420 style

I did this but when i stuck the jar in the hot water the jar shattered. What a mess. Lost that batch. Live and learn. What if I start with the jar in the water the whole time???


When you put a jar into a hot bath you have to have the jars hot before they go into the bath..

A Cold mason jar will shatter when thrown into HOT WATER. :comfort:

I have used a pot called a "bean pot". It is a stoneware pot with a hundred watt heater that will heat your batch and not over heat it also. Kinda like a fondue pot.


Very Important!!

Very Important!!

If you do a hot bath with a jar, make sure the lid is loose so steam and or heat can escape

I would hate to see anyone have a jar blow up in their face. :tiphat:


:thank you:
That was going to be tonights question. :tiphat: I was wondering why to put the lid on, it would build up pressure, and Boom. :wave:
to the OP of this thread please refrain from putting personal information like that on the boards.....please edit it out for your sake...but seems like a good method


to the OP of this thread please refrain from putting personal information like that on the boards.....please edit it out for your sake...but seems like a good method
I'm sorry did I miss something, What do we have to edit now?? Who or what is an Op. Are you a MOD? Doesn't say you are a MOD? Who are you and why are you trying to edit??? Just a question. I don't see anything wrong in the thread.


Registered Med User
Gonna try this tonight with a yogurt maker and 7 different flavors of herb, see if i get some different effects, and how yogurt maker works...


Well-known member
giving some thought to setting up a Chile steamer as double boiler and going for it

28 grams of finely ground bud in 12 ounces of glycerine - last years outdoor stored at normal room temp.
Still smells nice, I expect it would decarbed a good bit on it's own.
Going with a concept of decarbing it more by keeping it at 175-180 for 8 hours.
Ended up going 9 hours with it. Did apx 3 ml. I feel better. I am pleased with the result.