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Vegan Organic Help



Oh, I have to subscribe to this thread. This is awesomeness.

Is humanure ok in veganics? How about just using the urine? Or do I count as an animal and my waste as animal byproducts*?

Bignugs, the autopots thing sounds an awful lot like an Earthbox or hempy tub. I've done hempy tubs, but using perlite as the medium and chemical salt ferts. Worked well, until the root aphids found us. The tubs have pretty much disintegrated in the sun, so I've not been able to try another round using a different medium and organic feed.

*Note: I consider myself, the entire human race, to be animals, just like every other bleeding thing on earth.


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I use certified organic wild crafted vegan free trade gluten free plants that don't touch any worm poop....gathered by barefoot hippies who have long hair and headbands...all the while holding flowers and spouting the teachings of Ram Das.

Never mind the science behind the biological processes in the soil which govern nearly every living thing on Earth that eats and shits......that's just not in touch with what my friends from High Times say.
You guys are nuts man.


I use soil that I mix myself it's actually coco and ewc, blood, bat guano, mycos, lime.
None of those are allowed under the Vegan Mythology - not a single one.

I read somewhere that ewc would be acceptable as they live in the ground with roots...Dunno but, is good source of food for the microbes and for soil texture.



poor bignugs, sorry your question brought up this old joke. don't take it personally.

lots of good advice has already been given.

i'll just add one more vote for a pre-amended soil. especially if you plan to use those reservoir containers.

even using plant based nutrients in your reservoirs will promote "stinkiness" because what is happening is an anaerobic bacterial bloom.

your best bet with these containers is finding a way that will support using only water in the reservoirs.

Nothing personal man..Thought I was a lamb being led to the lions den at first..lol

Actually pearlemae you got my attention about using only water but, defeating the ease of the autopots. If I chose this method I would amend the soil with ewc, kelp and alfalfa and a starter fert.
Take the pots out of their tray and drench them ever so often with a tea of ewc, alfalfa, kelp, etc or, even top dress and put back in the trays Heck could use either animal or,(cough, cough)veganics. Would take a little getting the hang of it but, once that's done would be pretty dialed in....

My other option would be to make sure the res temps were kept constant (cool) and to change out the res and clean the system every 10 days or, so....Now that's a hassle....

Anyway, even you comics...lol...You got my brain tweaking and that's what it' all about.... :tiphat:


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I guess for the hardcore organic guys it's a matter of WHY would you want to put yourself through this in the first place?
The methods discussed here on IC are much simpler and trouble free once you gain the understanding what the biological processes in the soil are all about. The soil organisms run the show...do you think they prefer a bottled overpriced and watered down name brand nutrient or something they can actually sink their teeth into which you can grow or gather yourself?.
There is so much more nutrient content outside of a plastic bottle that is marketed to people that 'care' about what that special plant can do for them. These companies take advantage of your human love and concern for other species (in this case cannabis) and exploit that behavior to make THEM $$$....victimizing is more like it. Predators of human compassion and the actual focus on nurturing something that can change your life.


ICMag Donor
The point I like to try to get through to people at some extent is to sort of de-mystify cannabis - I mean...IT IS A PLANT.

That is all. A plant. We utilize it's properties in profound ways - but alas still a plant governed by the same biological processes that control all natural order.



Gone but NOT forgotten...
The point I like to try to get through to people at some extent is to sort of de-mystify cannabis - I mean...IT IS A PLANT.

That is all. A plant. We utilize it's properties in profound ways - but alas still a plant governed by the same biological processes that control all natural order.

Wurd to the frankster~

I recently mentioned this to someone. The fact that it is just a plant and needs no magical force and lab-motory analysis printed on the back of a plastic bottle to make it grow. How if I gave this plant to my little 'ol granny she'd grow it better than all the fussing and messing around all these guys do on the forums.

A surprising rebuttal came back to me..."well these are prize winning tomatoes we are growing"...which in a way makes sense however, I'll still bet my granny grows a cannabis plant just as good as anyone here with no experience with the plant at all.
In fact I'll bet that many of your little 'ol grannies grow it better than most of us here.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor


ive read up on vegan organics long before matt came here & tryed to teach his BS approach..
& to me,just like the word organic:jerkit:, the method wasnt about making coin...
nor is it just a matter of replacing chemicals synthetic ferts and pesticides with more natural products,as "organics" is often simply decriped..& thers really nothing wrong with that but imho thers a great deal more to it,both in theory and practice.

it involves a change of approach,treating the soil,garden,plant as a complete entity where natural systems are promoted and allowed to thrive.it recognizes the marvelous complexity of our living world and aims to work within this delicate framework, in harmony with nature.

thers enough polarizing as it is,so lets please not "talk down" on others idea's/believes & just try to point them in the right direction
amend soil with seed,rock & or plant meals,grow your own ferts,use living ground covers/green manures,dont till,DIY liquid ferts & utilizing organic matter properly has some how become a joke from swindlers scheming to scheme...
life is energy!,the aim is to direct the flow;facts are oceans are dieing,factory farms are sick and nature book of secrets has always been open
grasp that shit!


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Darc; Was that veganics or natural growing you were describing? To Matt's credit (I believe) he actually rebelled against the Ku$hman dogma


Gone but NOT forgotten...
Matt was a rebel...like James Dean on hash.

Kyle Kushman...a freaking legend man...a legend. Oh wait that wasn't his Purple Kush @ all...oh..in fact it's not even the real Purple Kush?...?.?then what and how in the hell did thousands of people take grow advice from him...oh yeah High Times! My bad~


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It is too bad they tell people not to use peat in that article. The whole unsustainability story of peat harvesting was started by their competition. Of course I don't believe in using it and throwing it out.

Do you understand what they have against bees/honey? If they don't believe in using animal waste why do they advocate attracting animals into the garden and urinating on compost, etc?



I think I can explain what they have against honey bees - not what I believe. There seems to be a bit of confusion on cannabis boards that if you explain something then somehow you're advocating it. I'm not.

The Oregon Tilth represents the majority of organic farmers in Oregon and there are a few 'vegan organic' growers in this group. They bring an interesting perspective in a number of areas and basically I only have issues with a few and it starts at their belief that no animal should be used to produce food or other crops.

They include worm bins, bee hives and of course animal manure. But even there they're pretty selective - what if a bird drops a turd on their garden? Has that bird been exploited?

Same deal with honey bees - bees are being exploited for human food production. Okay - so how do they intend to pollinate an orchard? Natural pollinators have a role to play to be sure but without some help the fruit set is dismal.

Then there's their deal about worm bins. Worms are being exploited because you put them into a box and harvest their manure. Sure - why not?

But at the core of their system is what you, CC1, Darc Mind, et al. promote - composted plant material, rock dusts, botanical teas.

Kyle and his partners took a word they didn't understand but it sounds really kewl down in the Mission District and it's 3:00 AM and everyone is playing 'What if we.......?' - ain't exactly science or even interesting - it's a scam pure and simple. True vegan gardening would be way too much work for these children and would require a high school diploma or even a GED perhaps.



your asking the wrong guy bud,simply wanted to help OP as this path takes many forms
i would also think that vegans are not animal haters & would hope they understand ther role in nature specially when trying to grow...common sence would be to attract animals/life and im sure since its vegan "organics" the methods were derived/chosen from many ecological teachings(like natural farming,biodynamics,ect)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Matt was a rebel...like James Dean on hash.

Kyle Kushman...a freaking legend man...a legend. Oh wait that wasn't his Purple Kush @ all...oh..in fact it's not even the real Purple Kush?...?.?then what and how in the hell did thousands of people take grow advice from him...oh yeah High Times! My bad~

He was in a movie with Jorges....I saw it...so brilliant.

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