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Varying plant height and veg/days.


New member
Again I'm new here and learning. My wonderful indica bag seeds I've planted are at different heights.

I started a couple of plants and then a few weeks later started some more (newbie excitement) and now I'm coming into a problem.

Ok I took five plants to show my issue. I only use 2 T5 lights (one in the pic) but my space is confined and they all grow in the same 24/0 light now. (I refined an old shower stall in the basement) BUT when I decide it's time to flower (12/12 light) my larger plants....my smaller plants won't be ready.

Let me guess....I NEED TO create a 2nd grow area?

(BTW the T5 in the pic is only for reference, not a true height indicator on light height.)

So am I answering my own question that if you're going to GROW....DON'T MIX grow stages!!??


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Again I'm new here and learning. My wonderful indica bag seeds I've planted are at different heights.

I started a couple of plants and then a few weeks later started some more (newbie excitement) and now I'm coming into a problem.

Ok I took five plants to show my issue. I only use 2 T5 lights (one in the pic) but my space is confined and they all grow in the same 24/0 light now. (I refined an old shower stall in the basement) BUT when I decide it's time to flower (12/12 light) my larger plants....my smaller plants won't be ready.

Let me guess....I NEED TO create a 2nd grow area?

(BTW the T5 in the pic is only for reference, not a true height indicator on light height.)

So am I answering my own question that if you're going to GROW....DON'T MIX grow stages!!??

Flower according to the taller plants and raise the shorter plants to get them closer to the light....:wave: This was a problem with my E&G...I had more plants/lights and compensated with my lights (raising/lowering)


Active member
use books, boxes cd cases e.t.c, to sit under the smaller plants pots and raise them up, that what everyone else does.

ps, from the pictures i thought those plants are stretching like sativas. they will double or triple in height, when you change them to 12/12. beware of that.


use books, boxes cd cases e.t.c, to sit under the smaller plants pots and raise them up, that what everyone else does.

ps, from the pictures i thought those plants are stretching like sativas. they will double or triple in height, when you change them to 12/12. beware of that.

Is it just me or are they stretching a lot, like light source too far away?


New member
(BTW the T5 in the pic is only for reference, not a true height indicator on light height.)

HELLO! I said that the T5 was only for reference and NOT a true indicator of light veg height!

The picture was to show an example of plant height...NOT my growing height!

~ ~ ~

Sheeshhh nevermind....

I KNOW I should have cropped OUT the T5 light!

My plants are DIFFERENT heights and NOT due to the LIGHT source!!!!!!!! It was only for picture taking!!


Active member
HELLO! I said that the T5 was only for reference and NOT a true indicator of light veg height!

The picture was to show an example of plant height...NOT my growing height!

~ ~ ~

Sheeshhh nevermind....

I KNOW I should have cropped OUT the T5 light!

My plants are DIFFERENT heights and NOT due to the LIGHT source!!!!!!!! It was only for picture taking!!

we know that :) we just commented that they ALL look stretchy for an indica as if they dont receive enough light.
id be tempted to tie them down 90degrees (horizontal), since t5's are long and you can make better use of them.


Active member
put up a screen and start scrogging ,when the shorter ones catch up flip to 12/12,or try super cropping.I also agree about seems like the are stretching in search of lite,and yes your plants can be diffrent height because of your lites.The further your lites are from the short ones will stunt the growth.the taller will keep growing cuz the lite is rite on it.Get your canopy even and you will be good.Btw 2 t-5 wont do much good with 4 plants in flower


Active member
Again I'm new here and learning. My wonderful indica bag seeds I've planted are at different heights.

I started a couple of plants and then a few weeks later started some more (newbie excitement) and now I'm coming into a problem.

Ok I took five plants to show my issue. I only use 2 T5 lights (one in the pic) but my space is confined and they all grow in the same 24/0 light now. (I refined an old shower stall in the basement) BUT when I decide it's time to flower (12/12 light) my larger plants....my smaller plants won't be ready.

Let me guess....I NEED TO create a 2nd grow area?

(BTW the T5 in the pic is only for reference, not a true height indicator on light height.)

So am I answering my own question that if you're going to GROW....DON'T MIX grow stages!!??

Firstly you dont have enought light on them and the height issue is down to that and no 2 plants rarelly grow at the same size its called "uniformed growth" and remember male plants will always grow taller than the females in veg and if they have all been planted at the same time them put them in to flower at the same time.

BY M+E (rose).

8.5 Uniform Growth
The light intensity from artificial lights drops dramatically as the distance from the light source increases. When the plants are not of equal height, the shorter ones receive less light and consequently grow slower than the taller ones. This compounds the situation and, left to themselves, the shorter plants will stop growing and eventually die from lack of light.
It is important to keep all of the plants close to the lights. This encourages stocky, full growth and can make the difference between harvesting stems and harvesting smoking material.
One way to deal with uneven height is to line the plants up to the line of the plant tops. As the plants grow, move them to different spots in the garden to accommodate their different sizes. Or raise the shorter plants up to the lights by placing them on milk crates, tin cans, bricks, etc.
The quality and quantity of light emitted by a fluorescent is strongest in the middle and weaker toward the ends of the tube. Female plants require more light than males. Once the genders of the plants become clear, move the males to the ends of the system, thus leaving the stronger middle light for the females.


Active member
Firstly you dont have enought light on them and the height issue is down to that and no 2 plants rarelly grow at the same size its called "uniformed growth" and remember male plants will always grow taller than the females in veg and if they have all been planted at the same time them put them in to flower at the same time.

you have missed something, the seeds were started at different times... the taller plant being started 2-3weeks earlier is the main reason for the height differences. the space between nodes being so large is because of what appears to be a lack of light. notice how its like a stretchy sativa and not a short indica?


Active member
you have missed something, the seeds were started at different times... the taller plant being started 2-3weeks earlier is the main reason for the height differences. the space between nodes being so large is because of what appears to be a lack of light. notice how its like a stretchy sativa and not a short indica?

Does not matter as males always grow taller with longer internode spacings.


Active member

17.4 Sexing the Plants

The female plant is more desirable than the male for marijuana cultivation. The female flowering clusters (bus) are usually the most potent parts of the harvest. Also, given room to develop, a female generally will yield twice as much marijuana as her male counterpart. More of her weight consists of top-quality buds.

Because the female yields marijuana in greater quantity and sooner you can devote your attention to nurturing the females. Where space is limited, such as in indoor gardens and small outdoor plots most growers prefer to remove the males as soon as possible, and leave all available space for the females. To harvest sinsemilla (seedless female buds), you must remove the male plants before they mature and release pollen.

Differences in the appearance of male and female Cannabis become more apparent toward maturation. During the seedling stage, gender is virtually impossible to distinguish, although in some varieties the male seedling may appear slightly taller and may develop more quickly.

We know of no way to discover gender with any certainty until each plant actually forms either pollen-bearing male flowers or seed-bearing female flowers. However, certain general characteristics may help. Using guidelines like the following, growers who are familiar with a particular variety can often predict gender fairly accurately by the middle stage of the plant's life.

Early Vegetative Growth.

After the initial seedling stage, female plants generally develop more complex branching than the male. The male is usually slightly taller and less branched. (Under artificial light, the differences in height and branching are less apparent throughout growth.)

Some plants develop a marked swelling at the nodes, which is more common and pronounced on female plants.

Middle Vegetative Growth.

In the second to fourth months of growth, plants commonly form a few isolated flowers long before the actual flowering stage begins. These premature flowers are most often found between the eighth and twelfth nodes on the main stem. Often they appear near each stipule (leaf spur) on several successive nodes, at a distance two to six nodes below the growing tip. These individual flowers may not develop fully and are often hard to distinguish as male or female flowers. The fuzzy white stigmas of the female flower may not appear, and the male flowers seldom opens but remains a tightly closed knob. However, the male flower differs from the female; it is raised on a tiny stalk, and the knob is symmetrical. The female flower appear stalkless and more leaflike.

The presence of premature female flowers does not assure that the plant is a female, but premature male flowers almost always indicate a male plant. Unfortunately, it is much less common for male plants to develop premature male flowers than for female flowers to appear on either plant. For example, in one garden of 25 mixed-variety plants, by age 14 weeks, 15 plants showed well-formed, premature female flowers with raised stigmas. Eight of these plants matured into females and seven became males. Only two plants showed premature male flowers and both of these developed into males. The eight remaining plants did not develop premature flowers or otherwise distinguishable organs until the actual flowering stage at the age of 21 weeks. From these eight, there were four females, three males, and one plant bearing both male and female flowers (hermaphrodite). It does seem, however, that plants bearing well-formed female flowers, on several successive node, usually turn out to be females.


In the week or two prior to flowering and throughout flowering, many common marijuana varieties follow two general growth patterns which depend on gender. With these varieties, you can tell gender by the spacing between the leaves (internodes). For the female, the emphasis is on compact growth. Each new leaf grows closer to the last, until the top of the plant is obscured by tightly knit leaves. The male elongates just prior to showing flowers. New growth is spaced well apart and raises the male to a taller stature. This may by the first time the male shows its classic tall, loosely arranged profile.


Active member
Plenty of truth to that you are obviously a newbie.:laughing:

And you.:laughing:

Maybe you both need to read a little more on cannabis plant biology.

maybe you need to grow more seeds and watch them? you cant just come along and say his plant is tall because its a male, ignoring the fact the tall plant is alot older than the others.

btw good quote, shame you cannot apply it here, his plants are still in veg, your quote says males may get taller quicker after initiating flowering as they show sex sooner, so they will maybe stretch abit sooner. some males do end up taller after that sure, but not all of them.


Active member
No newbs here belive what you want theres no truth to males being taller,In your post did you happen to notice the sentence"if your familiar with the strain"that being the case males may be taller,But in this case its unknown bagseed.Shouldn't give bad info .Another ed quote "there is no way to determine males from females until flowers form.You are contradicting yourself maybe your the newb


Active member
if you believe your right open a pole see what the members say .Just make sure you state that you ludicris beleive this to be true .Cant wait to see the results


Active member
if you believe your right open a pole see what the members say .Just make sure you state that you ludicris beleive this to be true .Cant wait to see the results

I have grown many strains and male plants will always grow taller its common knowledge.
I aint here to ask questions or start threads about things i already know.

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