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Spiders....you know the creepy crawly critters....


pure dynamite
I think you made your point with those pics.. :yoinks: :laughing:

I usually keep my house really clean so I don't meet spiders so often.. but when I meet one I kill it.. I do not really fear them, just I don't like them. :laughing:


I have always been amazed at how most of my girlfriends in the past have behaved around spiders...

Arachnophobia they call it....---Fear of Spiders..--

..Do any of you have this fear?....If so can you explain it because I cannot understand how a 120lb woman can be brought to tears and fears by a 1 gramm spider.....brought to ABSOLUTE hysterics.......and making noises that are most primeaval....

...I understand that a very few species of spiders are very dangerous/venomous.....but all it takes is a quick slap with a newspaper and....game over.

:laughing:Yeah gypsy ive noticed that reaction ...personally i only act like that when i see spidermites!;)


Active member
#1 cheesebuds - That spider is a black and yellow argiope. They are not toxic, but do have fangs like all spiders and are fairly large - so a bite might be painful, but it would not poison you. They are quite docile, and tend not to bite unless roughly handled.

They spin a large, strong orb (round) web and are usually found sitting in the centre on top of a zigzag pattern of silk, holding their legs in an "x" shape.

Brown recluses...nasty stuff. Glad we are north of their range, I'd squash those mothers on sight. Definitely a good reason to shake out the bedsheets before laying down for the nite.

The easiest way to remove an unwanted spider from the house is to place a glass over it, then slide a card under the glass, containing the critter and pick it up. Then take spider outside and release... :rasta:



pure dynamite
I think spiders could survive a trip inside a vacuum cleaner and then escape. I don't say it can happen in your case, but better safe than sorry.. :wave:
Dogs get to be stupid with dangerous animals, and insects. Insects are very sensitive to pineal radiation, play with them at a distance. Dogs can be very dumb, cats are smarter to play but can get bit themselves. It's the animal kingdom, hard to bring peace to such a dumb planet.


:eek:You all just scared the shit outta me!TERRIFIED of arachnids! Even pics make me feel all scared. Snakes,no problem. I don't know why I am so afraid of spiders,but I am.And of course I just HAD to look at the pics................ Marywanna
That spider looks non toxic, what kind is that KGB?

I respect all animals, even a snake that may not be toxic they all have that power. I do let some spiders go down the drain and other bugs, it's not very nice to do that. All live came from some divine intervention, it's hard to categorize life and how to respect life. I would probably kill a black widow, or some Black Mamba's. Nothing like Kill Bill to really stir up some water.

h^2 O

thats a Sydney funnelweb my good man. I think. Bastards can swim. People get bit swimming in their pools. Funnelweb spiders go back hundreds of millions of years as well.


:Bolt:SUMBITCH!!!!! OMG! I swear I will take on a crazed horse before I could even look at that thing. Varments,snakes,anything but spiders. And why the hell do I look at the pics??? I can't even look at em for a second!


Cannabrex Formulator
Spiders rock....100%




You wanna be scared of something, be scared of these:


or these:

Amazing pictures genkisan..

So no one has really thrown any evidence down for Gypsy's question. I am not a scientist, and I guess even researches haven't even figured out why people have phobias... But my theory would be something along the lines of a traumatic event in someone's life. If someone doesn't know why they're scared of spiders perhaps a spider got into that person's mouth and traumatized them enough to begin a phobia. Also I was thinking that it depends on where you grow up as well. If you are exposed to the phobia enough eventually you will be able to conquer it, that is without argument. So if you grew up along side spiders or snakes all your life, you might not have a problem with them.

A phobia is irrational fear of an object or a situation. Your female friend seems so irrational for her to be scared (120 pound woman vs teeny spider). Because of their phobia it becomes a reality and they become so fearful that the person does not realize how foolish the situation really is.

I had a fear of heights and my first job ever made me go up 60 feet in the air. Immediately I didn't want to feel like a fool in front of my new co-workers so I went up and felt horrible indescribable feelings. But literally within 5 minutes I felt like I could be jumping from I-beam to I-beam. The problem makes me think phobia is closely related to OCD where your brain is swamped with involuntary thoughts which than give the host massive anxiety. As with a 120 pound female seeing a creepy crawler, she has a mass fearing feeling and almost involuntarily runs away or screams. Almost like an OCD sufferer.

The mind is an amazing 'thing'. As people we have realized we can not control our thoughts or feelings, but we can control our behaviours. Which is why if you face your fear of spidey's you may be able to enjoy their company. I know a couple girls that aren't scared of spider's haha ;)


"It's just a flesh wound"
thats a Sydney funnelweb my good man. I think. Bastards can swim. People get bit swimming in their pools. Funnelweb spiders go back hundreds of millions of years as well.

Indeed and they're quite venomous too :yoinks:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Phobia's......very funny to those that don't have them......and deadly serious to those that do...

I like to look at Spiders and all other sorts of insect life for I find them extreemly fascinating, the colours and how they work to survive....it is like we have whole civilizations of insect life going about their daily business amongst us that we are barely aware of......

...Great pic's and chat around the subject.....thanks to all who have contributed or might still...

Care Free 1

Active member
I was in the garage this morning reading the paper, and noticed a black widow repelling down inches away from my face. A few inches over and it would have been walking on my head. Not a pleasent feeling I can tell you.


I posted this in another thread but its the only spider pic i have & i like it.

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