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Variances within Malawi Gold?

C Qual

Sure there are minute amounts of cbd in all parts of the cannabis plant, except for the roots. The amounts are so low that they will have no effect what so ever. There still is more cbd in the buds than in the leafs.

So give me your address and I'll send you the book! I was wrong.


"and gave me the worst munchies ever"

"and gave me the worst munchies ever"

Yeah not all good Malawi comes in Cobs(the rubber band ones were good when I was there also {but never saw them outside of Malawi like the string-tied stuff,}as were some wrapped in different, greener leaves that weren't corn,any ideas anyone?).Its easy to get Malawi in big bags from growers Locally or in Bricks locally or down in SA(Got a good block Kilo of her {bloody cheap,like 50quid to me then}in the Wine area somewhere near Stellenbosch after a dodgy meeting with slightly scary fella's,It was weirdly very fresh and darkish green and loads of crystals but quite seedy).To be honest I don't like the(non)cure of most Cobs,too dry and too brown when decent and Mouldy and disgusting when bad. Funnily enough tho' I do like the way some of the best DP I had was cured in those little wrap's. Some of the strongest I tried were almost black and so sticky it was like they had oil on them(maybe they did?).If that was down to the processing then I'd like to know more about why its like that. Like smoking strong hash almost.I'll never forget first time I tried those wraps I almost felt sick and it gave me worst munchies ever! But what a soaring buzz and one-off flavour..... JBo ;] p.s. never saw the underground pipe thing sonds cool,everyone seemed to use neck of broken glass bottles(like a chillum with a stone in bottom) or roll spliffs!!

obviously serious dagga...for the munchies, "one off flavour" and processed black oil-like product:woohoo:

the 'earth pipes' I think I read in a magazine about SA area, not really Malawi...but thought with the cob burial, they might also employ this method for smoking in the Malawi region?


very honorable

very honorable

Sure there are minute amounts of cbd in all parts of the cannabis plant, except for the roots. The amounts are so low that they will have no effect what so ever. There still is more cbd in the buds than in the leafs.

So give me your address and I'll send you the book! I was wrong.

learning is what it is about with collaboration:joint:

all the best C Qual:joint:


Dr. Narrowleaf
Sure there are minute amounts of cbd in all parts of the cannabis plant, except for the roots. The amounts are so low that they will have no effect what so ever. There still is more cbd in the buds than in the leafs.

So give me your address and I'll send you the book! I was wrong.

Nah, you can keep the book. We're all here to learn, aren't we :smoke:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I thought they might be Banana Leaves but was hard to tell....These 'cobs' had a lot more string round them,holding 'em together,never got any pips to sprout from them tho'...worst luck!


...as I always remembered it, THC reverts to CBD and CBN(?) from breakdown but not the other way around, though I'm pretty sure I've heard of what was at least claimed to be a partially successful process for reverting it back the other way...now was it the dry-ice cure or the liquid nitrogen cure? I'm not even sure now whether it was either of these...

but coming back to that cob cure thing, I'm pretty sure Malawi Jim told me the cobs he came across were wrapped in banana leaves and sometimes became affected by water when the rains hit the ground while they were buried. the cobs subject to the water would either mold and rot if they weren't retrieved in time, or become black and shrivelled away to a crumble. however, the resultant smoke was supposedly really potent...

...this reminds me of a cold water cure technique promulgated in literature that was getting around during the 70's, where dry buds are soaked in cold water and gently agitated but very carefully so as not to disturb or dislodge the resin. the bud is then re-dried out again and the resultant substance has dramatically reduced in terms of the vegetative matter, proportionally increasing the resin by volume ratio. so you end up with this black crumbly pot that has zilch bag appeal though it has become really super potent. I've heard it said that this is the secret behind the illusive African Black legend but I'm not hunching anything on that, just saying...rave, rave, rave...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Re; The male selection...I would go with the strongest most pungent smelling males(avoid grassy or carroty smells in the males) and try test smoking them after not smoking any female weed for a day and see which has the most racey,munchiest buzz that is quickest in effect and shortest lasting! I believe Crossing some tested males with a deffo high thcv female,then testing the resulting progeny for effect u seek(by smoking)would be better....but more time-consuming.

Thought this by Roger Pertwee a Neuropharmacologist might be of interest,hes worth a bit of research as he knows his Cannabinoids........
"We've discovered to our surprise that cannabis, as well as containing a drug that boosts appetite, contains a drug which has a blocking effect," said Professor Pertwee. "The work so far has been working with tissue and we've yet to see what this drug does when we give it to a whole organism and what it does when we give it to humans."
The drug, known as tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), works on the same receptors as THC but has entirely the opposite effect. The research will be published in the British Journal of Pharmacology.
THCV is not the first appetite suppressant to be inspired by cannabis. The drug Rimonabant works by blocking the brain receptors that the body's own cannabinoid compounds - released when we comfort eat - attach themselves to. Because the cannabinoids do not reach the receptors in a person taking Rimonabant, they will feel less compulsion to eat.
Why THCV does not manifest itself to people who smoke cannabis is a mystery, but Prof Pertwee said it might have something to do with the proportions of the various ingredients in the drug. "The relative proportions of THC and THCV vary from cannabis to cannabis," he said.
"There is a large amount of THCV in Pakistani cannabis, which is the one used to make a medicine called 'tincture of cannabis'. That contained about equal amounts of THC and THCV."

Prof Pertwee said that there were several promising medicinal compounds to be derived from cannabis, both for boosting the effects of the body's own cannabinoids and for blocking them.
Boosting the cannabinoids could bring pain relief, for example, and relieve spasms for sufferers of multiple sclerosis. Prof Pertwee added that there was also evidence that the compounds had a protective effect against cancer.
As well as controlling appetite, developing drugs that block the body's cannabinoids could help people to quit smoking by stopping nicotine having any effect on the brain.

This is Mel Franks brief description also.............
Tetrahydrocannabivarin - THCV or THV is the propyl homologue of THC. In the aromatic ring the usual five-carbon pentyl is replaced by a short three-carbon propyl chain. The propyl cannabinoids have so far been found in some strains originating from Southeast and Central Asia and parts of Africa.
In one study, THCV made up to 48.23 percent (Afghanistan strain) and 53.69 percent (South Africa) of the cannabinoids found. We've seen no reports on its activity in humans. From animal studies it appears to be much faster in onset and quicker to dissipate than THC. It may be the constituent of one or two toke grass, but its activity appears to be somewhat less than that of THC. Some people use the term THC to refer collectively to delta-9 THC, delta-8 THC, and THCV.
An interesting note is that people who have a prescription for Marinol (synthetic medical THC) may be tested for THCV. Marinol contains no THCV, if a person tests positive it means they have been using marijuana, or another cannabis product. This is usually sufficient grounds to terminate the prescription of a person who has signed a contract not to ingest any cannabis while taking Marinol.

JBo ;]

C Qual

So I'm confused here. Why would one look for the munchiest pheno, if they're after THCV?
Yes, I'm pretty familiar with Pertwee's work.:thanks: I'm assuming that he is referring to Chitrali. It is difficult to get pure Landrace Chitrali unless you travel there. I believe there is some available that is reported to be pure, but has been bred outside of Pakistan, in Europe for several decades. Pure Chitrali, high in THCV... Pertwee has it. I guess that the euro- Chitrali is better than nothing for people with no Pakistani connection.
If you look at the very first of this thread, you'll find a guy with a Bob Marley avatar that pretty much starts this thread searching for Malawi and Chitral and wants to cross the two.(maybe his name is Roger...!)I'd always assumed that he was after a plant high:snowkiss: in THCV.

So please explain the "munchieness" of Malawi Gold. If research is correct, The Malawi should be mucnhie suppressant and the people of Malawi that smoke chronically should be very skinny, active and on the long term – prone to depression and immune disorders.
Yeah not all good Malawi comes in Cobs(the rubber band ones were good when I was there also {but never saw them outside of Malawi like the string-tied stuff,}as were some wrapped in different, greener leaves that weren't corn,any ideas anyone?).Its easy to get Malawi in big bags from growers Locally or in Bricks locally or down in SA(Got a good block Kilo of her {bloody cheap,like 50quid to me then}in the Wine area somewhere near Stellenbosch after a dodgy meeting with slightly scary fella's,It was weirdly very fresh and darkish green and loads of crystals but quite seedy).To be honest I don't like the(non)cure of most Cobs,too dry and too brown when decent and Mouldy and disgusting when bad. Funnily enough tho' I do like the way some of the best DP I had was cured in those little wrap's. Some of the strongest I tried were almost black and so sticky it was like they had oil on them(maybe they did?).If that was down to the processing then I'd like to know more about why its like that. Like smoking strong hash almost.I'll never forget first time I tried those wraps I almost felt sick and it gave me worst munchies ever! But what a soaring buzz and one-off flavour..... JBo ;] p.s. never saw the underground pipe thing sonds cool,everyone seemed to use neck of broken glass bottles(like a chillum with a stone in bottom) or roll spliffs!!

Yeah, I think it was banana leaves. Agreed on the dryness, but it sorta came with the territory i figured (honestly I was thanking the cannabis gods that I landed halfway across the world into an area where it was so much part of the culture)...my experience was also largely spliffs...although, IME they actually were rolling these big ass marley style joints using what was basically that fibrous packing paper...which was shockingly tolerable and smooth :) I had a guy in Salima carve me a pipe that I carried with me...and one time Peter fired up a full cob of the dank stuff that had a kinda fresh'ish wrapper that basically wouldnt burn and the 'core' of the cob burned through...pretty sure I passed out that afternoon :)


Very interesting...
Would you happen to know anything about male Malawi selection for THCV, not THC?

My perspectives incline to finding the brightest pinnacle highs by going with the later flowering ones and these often show leaner structured plants and tend to have a more feathery bud structure than early flowering ones which often have quite solidish bud structures and show a lot more lateral growth to form bushes.

Still the 'early pick before it's old nick' rule, is very much in favour of securing this zennith of highs.

I'd have to agree, Malawi doesn't appear to bring on noticable attacks of the munchies so it's quite easy to accept that this stuff is possibly acting as an appetite suppressant. It's very energised weed and I find it amazing how much you can actually get done in a day on this stuff where everything just falls together like a jig-saw, so well coordinated and synchronised, so unconfused. My very best days are usually had when I'm smoking Malawi!


C Qual

Does typical THC enhancing env. factors decrease THCV production?

Does typical THC enhancing env. factors decrease THCV production?

Wow! Sounds like a psychedelic experience. :elf:
Thanks for the input on the plant phenos!
One man, here said that he saw it growing in rocky soil, up in the mountains. We all have heard that stress and growing in crowded conditions promotes THC. My strongest THC producer this year was a plant grown next to(2 feet away from) a recently cut tree stump. It was Green Crack and it developed a strong pineapple smell. Most would attribute this to the phenotype and not the growing condition...
But, my question to you is – If a Malawian is grown in a root competition condition as my GC was, ...lets say maybe – a rocky soil and near a tree stump, would that enhance THC production and decrease THCV production?????

C Qual

You see, if high THC growing techniques do imply lower THCV in a historically high THCV producer, then that might lend one to believe that babying a THCV producer, like Malawi or Chitral would lead to less THC and more THCV.
...any other factors at play here in THCV production that I'm missing?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Villain420247 thanks for the extra Cob info,you are bringing back some memories!
C Qual...Yep My bad! Doh! It should of said most racey,least munchiest,Didn't mean to cause confusion there!!!
I think u misunderstood me a little...I pointed out the "THCV in Pakistani cannabis" not to suggest people look for some,but just to back up the idea of Southern African weed having genetics from the Indian Sub-continent in the better cultivars,this thread is called 'Variances in Malawi Gold' after all...not 'The THCV thread'...lol.
But if people seek Pakistani cannabis for its THCV then Chitral is/was not the only Pakistani variety grown anyway and there is still Cannabis being grown in Pakistan by Pakistanis and its not been crossed with Skunk like the seedbank Citrals have. Plus I'm pretty sure there is another High THCV strain or 2 elsewhere on the sub-continent as well. I had a cut til '97 selected from seeds from Mysore in India that used to put me off eating if I overdid it....It had a very diff 'Earthy' smell to any other Indian weed or hash I've experienced and was much frostier also. I still have seeds of a hybrid that contains its genetics but only a 1/4 Mysore along with a 1/4 skunk and 1/2 Cambo. It would be a mission to find the non-munchie ones amongst them tho'.
I would beg,borrow or failing that go and collect something un-adulterated from that part of the world if I wanted to breed for high THCV. One things 4 sure...I would honestly swap a Haze Brothers PurpleHaze or a '76 LumboGold without hesitation,for that old Paki strain they used for the tictures back then or any of the old med strains for that matter. JBo ;]

C Qual

76 lumbo gold...great taste, expansive. I said Chitral because its the only one that I've seen online that claims high THCV.
No munchies. Is there a difference between being so f...d up that you can't eat, and a strain high in THCV. Because I've been so high that I couldn't eat, a lot of times. :pie:
I gotta get this cannalyse test kit figured out. I think that the gas Chromotograph can be super misleading because plant chemistry is different from head to toe on a plant and if you reach into a jar and get an 1/8, are the buds from the top or the bottom and what part of the plant was used to get the reading and I talked to someone who uses one and they said that it costs about $70 to run one, each time and they implied that they feel like they only need to test once per grower's strain, even if he brings in more than one plant of the same strain. I know some people that are holding up GC as a legitimizer for consistency requirements of medicine, but 'i think that it is very misleading. THCV should be easy to pinpoint.


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ICMag Donor
Yeah I think testing is gonna be the only way to know for sure.Too hard to judge just by smoking isn't it. As u said its Not easy to know if u aren't hungry due to THCV or for a diff reason. :}

C Qual

I'm not so sure that blotter and GC testing are the definitive answer. The reason I say that is because there are some people in the medical cannabis movement that are moving toward not giving you the time of day unless you can do GC. And I think that while it is a great thing, it comes with a caveat.... Not all parts of this plant are going to read out the same and there is going to be a variance of possibly up to 50% accuracy within a plant. I think that could be problematic at some point if it is relied too heavily on. Of course if I had a GC, I wouldn't be complaining about it. Maripharm doesn't do GC. They do Blotter. Ten bucks a pop. I still have to get mine out of the box and spend a week getting it down.:window:
Oh, yeah the way to do it is not take a lot and see if it takes away hunger. I smoked a 4 week old plant that died on the vine when I had the munchies... just to test, about a month ago and it stopped them dead cold and I wasn't that buzzed either!

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