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Vaccines are Contaminated

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I have some personal experience, my younger brother started crying hysterically after his second or third round of vaccines, within an hour or receiving them. We took him to the hospital and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him (supposedly) but they knew they should try and do something, so they got permission from my mother to use experimental medication and they did, but it didn't help any.

He suffered massive neurological damage, he never could talk (only make baby noises) or walk on his own. He is 6' tall now, a full grown man and he lives in a wheelchair because no one can move him around, its like dealing with a baby in an adult body. He still loves the sound of shaking keys and munching on french fries, even though he only swallows about half of them. He also has to wear a helmet because of these random seizures he gets.

He has to have someone with him every waking minute, just like you would a baby, but he has a full grown adult body.

did vaccines do this?

How do I prove something like this? I can't, I can only speculate. If you had to spend your childhood taking care of someone like this perhaps your opinions about vaccines would be different.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
That is absolutely down right heartbraking dude. My heart cries for your brother and other victims of these vaccines. Much love Caveman.


Active member
That is absolutely down right heartbraking dude. My heart cries for your brother and other victims of these vaccines. Much love Caveman.

Much love caveman. I really want to see one of these scientists come in here and tell you that it must have been a coincidence cuz the FDA says they are safe.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I wasn't trying to fish for sympathy, I was just getting at the point that people who are close to someone who they believe to have been negatively effected by vaccines will have a very different view than someone who doesn't.

When you spend your whole childhood with someone like my brother, its something you think about a lot.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I was a pre-med student a few years ago and most, 95%+, of the people that get into med school are the ones with the highest grades. This may sound logical, but these people are good at memorizing things and have no common sense. The schools pick the ones with the highest grades because it makes their medical school look better than other schools if they have high scores on the board exams. So natually they only pick people who they think will do well on the board exams with, seemingly, no other considerations taken into account. You know, like "Will this person be a good doctor?", "Can this person listen to patients?"

It seems all the schools are worried about is getting students to score well on the state board exams to make them look good! Their fiduciary duty to society has been flushed down the drain and replaced with selfish and prideful ambitions of being "the best" school.

alright, end rant, back on topic


I wasn't trying to fish for sympathy, I was just getting at the point that people who are close to someone who they believe to have been negatively effected by vaccines will have a very different view than someone who doesn't.

When you spend your whole childhood with someone like my brother, its something you think about a lot.
Now, that's an interesting point, because I was brought up visiting children's homes and ended up having that autistic son I mentioned previously. While I wasn't terribly emotionally close to the children in these homes, I do feel that 'son' is pretty close. Yet, I'm still not ready to say let's go back to the days of old, stop immunizations and, what the hell, let's see a lot more children suffer and die.

Interesting how differing peoples' views can be despite being close to someone so affected.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
There is also the in between.

e.g. If your doctor prescribes drugs which conflict, ask her not to do that.
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lost in a sea

vaccines are seriously not to be trusted,, they have been proven to repeatedly cause un wanted genetic and physiological changes in a minority of cases,,

this minority is being selectively killed off,,

also they quite often contain mercury for no good reason and the companies that now monopolise and ruin the realm of the shaman (herbal healers and poison plant path followers) mostly started up in germany during the first world wars and tested all those nazi drugs on pow's and many other demographics,,

essentially vaccines are part of the larger plan of eugenics and controlling the masses.


<sigh> The very first vaccine was developed in 1796, using the far less deadly cow pox as the inoculant. Any idea how long before the Nazis, or even the WWI that was?

Yep, we're going to be SHOVED right back into the Dark Ages.


Kiss My Ring
It seems all the schools are worried about is getting students to score well on the state board exams to make them look good! Their fiduciary duty to society has been flushed down the drain and replaced with selfish and prideful ambitions of being "the best" school.

alright, end rant, back on topic

i am pretty sure those schools are corpoprate institutions.
jus sayin'

lost in a sea

A very small minority indeed.

the fact there is any effect on genes or gene expression following a vaccination even in the tiniest percentage of cases is a indication that the same process is quite probably going on in many other people just without killing or retarding them.

i should mention that nothing about the processes of creating immunity through the various forms of vaccinations is inherantly bad in any way what so ever,,

the only real problem,, and its a big one for me, is that you dont know what Bayer or proctor and gamble(nazicorps) put in that vaccination along with the mercury and possibly the antigens of the virus you want immunity to of course(fingers crossed),,

there are millions of seperate chemical processes and molecules synthesised in the body along with all the cells and organelles and organs with all the feedback loops controlling and maintaining the regulation of this perfect orchestra,, and all of it obviously coded for by genes,,

bacteria but viruses mainly do change genes,, its how viruses take over your cells and code it to create millions of themselves before bursting the cell wall and getting their groove on,, on a side note viruses can easily survive in space, some could actually very possibly be aliens (so to speak, probably more coming back home),,, millions of fragments of meteorites and other particles big enough to protect/carry viruses fall on the earth every year,, some viruses change your gene expression to make you depressed and lethargic for example like in the case of sufferers of myalagic encephalopathy,, which i myself had for 5 months,, very little is still understood about viruses including how they came to be? or are they alive or just clever chemistry? what is their purpose ie why do they exist ?

basically they are the ultimate way to alter DNA in all life,, exactly like programming or hacking a computer,,,

a vast quantity of the vaccinations developed for the last 30 years (at least) from what i could gather have been "rushed" out into the public domain they are often based on piss poor research with vague data on insufficient sample numbers,,,

with more and more designer diseases being leaked from government/pharma labs like the apocalyptically dubbed "swine flu" here in the uk (which is nothing more than the spanish flu that killed between 50 &100 million people in 1918/20 which was more than both world wars :) nice!) and "bird flu" etc,, its all bullshit just created in a lab where they already have the vaccination ready to be mass produced in most cases anyway,,

things like designer disease mass epidemics and the already seeded cancer epidemic as well will be how the state removes the rest of our rights,, after all the other bullshit we have coming,,

id also like to point out all the laws written into eu trieties and american law through patriot act etc,, about how under martial law (which you would see enacted under a epidemic) the state legally can and more importantly will shoot you if you wont take your vaccine,, you may say that is right but why have they hidden these laws in amongst all the other crap they were supposed to be about which is climate and terrorism,,

vaccinations are a very very old concept that the ancients knew well about,, the dark ages were when the roman babylonian church and its jesuit assasins wiped the knowledge of this and everything else from western europe including the shamanic and entheological knowledge and culture/history,, the dark ages were all about eugenics and genocide, of sorts, was employed against the people of many european countries,,

speaking of the dark ages, the people the powers that be killed off back then were the people just like us, more the salt of the earth types with more empathy and desire for culture,, not these fucking zombie sheep getting drawn to the negative city terminal without knowing it just happy that their nike trainers and macdonalds magic symbolism is warding off the demons,, maybe people just want to pray to saturn and jupiter but instead they get corporate symbolism that speaks to their DNA,, pictural references are encoded and passed down in DNA hense human collective experiences such and planetary cataclysms and the global cultural pagan worship caused by this,,

biological warfare is as old as man,,

all these agricorporations are just evil shamans essentially that know how to create poisons that change your thinking and degrade your organs over periods of decades(and give you cancer so they can provide you with the course of meds for life),,,

they manipulate plants so they have starchy and sugary (high water) mass but no nutrition so their masters can manipulate markets and peoples tastes,, they fuck with grain prices with their shitty gmo parasitic infection and starve drought ridden countries that are selectively not helped by the international entities(those nwo fronts) that are instead now arming "insurrections" (all mercenaries) in order to over throw the remaining secular non rothschilde centralized banking infrastructure countries in the world like syria (there's like two or three left and ones iran lol)

i understand bioengineering and microbiology quite well and to be honest its really simple to manipulate the working of the many systems of life,, this can be done for good or for evil,, to build or to destroy,,
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Lost in a Sea
i should mention that nothing about the processes of creating immunity through the various forms of vaccinations is inherantly bad in any way what so ever,,

the only real problem,, and its a big one for me, is that you dont know what Bayer or proctor and gamble(nazicorps) put in that vaccination along with the mercury and possibly the antigens of the virus you want immunity to of course(fingers crossed),,

I do believe that vaccines are useful and have their place, however, the way they are administered and manufactured needs some serious adjusting.

How about that?