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Active member
this was quite interesting, saw it while i was watching the vernon coleman vid above.

its about using vaccines and viruses in Afghanistan to alter peoples brains so they're no longer as religious as before.


That's the video of a fake Bill Gates speaking. Can't believe the people that fall for this shit. Shaggy posted it a while back and i busted his chops on it. Notice the people he's speaking too don't even have paper to write notes down and he's supposed to be speaking to the DOD.


"A post shared widely on social media purports to show a leaked video of Bill Gates presenting a vaccine plan to “immunize” religious fanatics, to the Pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense. The video is considered a hoax that has been circulating for years."


Well-known member
2020 has been my year for studying biochemistry (starting Feb 3rd) ... i have just swung into mRNA and at this time, i am reluctant to take the vaccine. i would rather take the covid. actually, i think i got it last sept - my melanoma surgeon says his group at Johns Hopkins have traced it back to oct - but what i had matches the symptoms of covid - including lingering effect, feeling like a reinfection every 3 weeks until mid-february.

i'm an engineer - software, what we used to be called being a programmer. watched hundreds of YT videos on nutrition, the lipid hypothesis, and many, many cardiologists.

as an engineer, i respect dentists and surgeons - the rest of the medical profession, not so much. i read a lot of medical studies and they are terrifying for the blatant ridiculous assumptions that they make. the epidemiology of most studies looks at sick people, not healthy people, so most studies don't apply to me - but do provide interesting study directions. i wonder if doctors even know what a healthy person is - the ones i see don't look all that healthy themselves.

as a programmer, i know that hacking the firmware of the body is just fucking crazy - how the fuck do you debug the code ... kind of like St. Ronnie's star wars missile defense (whatever happened to that?) - it would never work and you wouldn't have proof of the failure until the missiles started raining down (kind of like the old arcade game "Missile Command").

since when has the medical profession been concerned with health - imho it is just a treatment modality. and when has a doctor EVER said to stop eating the standard american diet? well, my dermatologist said carbs are bad - right sentiment, but even he got the details wrong.

i started my study when spouse got a coronary artery calcium scan result of 895 - this is a walking heart attack waiting to happen. so what does her cardiologist say: "here, take this statin", when all the studies (except one very early one) prove that statins ADD calcium to the epithelial layer. can't argue with a doctor, now, can we?

so i just do my thing and she does hers. my CAC is 10. her second one after 6 months is 950. mine 2nd one is still at 10 - should have gone down, i'm bummed.

so, i want more guinea pigs to take it first.

found out yesterday i can get a custom mRNA made for about $750. they even put on the 5' and 3' caps for me. with high yield.

"with high yield" ... does this give anybody else pause??? what else is in the vaccine vial? will they even tell you? do they even know?

mighty glad i am not in the first wave of recipients so i don't have to make a scene refusing my shot. my response is i already got COVID19 and it didn't kill me. it WAS rough but only lasted 3 days.

i'm 72, BMI=21, been doing aerobics for 38 years, omnivore, kind of Mediterranean without the pasta (evil shit, that). once i got off sugar and went low carb/healthy fat diet i be burning ketones for energy instead of glucose. wow! what an improvement. more energy, better brain function. the improvement is not subtle.

St. Phatty

Active member
Covid19 vaccines contain polyethylene Glycol.

Antifreeze contains Ethylene Glycol.

You're NOT supposed to drink Ethylene Glycol. It's a POISON for humans, and most animals.

But it's OK to inject polyethylene Glycol ?

That could use some explanation.

It's OK for Trump to inject Antifreeze, I'll admit that. :skiiing:


Well-known member
... But it's OK to inject polyethylene Glycol ?

that's necessary to allow the mRNA vaccine to evade the immune system long enough to enter the muscle cell, hijack the ribosomes to churn out one of the spike proteins, that escape the cell and dare the immune system to take it down ... and remember that it did that for later if the covid infects.

just one of two spike proteins. there are other proteins that assist the covid entry into the cell.

this is the cool part about covid-19: after the evil RNA enters the cell, hijacks the ribosomes (like little turing machines reading the RNA which is basically a program tape), and generates all the proteins defined by the evil RNA, all these proteins (get this!) spontaneously assemble into a new covid virus particle.

now, tell me that isn't cool.

St. Phatty

Active member
that's necessary to allow the mRNA vaccine to evade the immune system long enough to enter the muscle cell, hijack the ribosomes to churn out one of the spike proteins, that escape the cell and dare the immune system to take it down ... and remember that it did that for later if the covid infects.

now, tell me that isn't cool.

2020 & 2021 & Covid19 will probably inspire a whole generation of kids studying Molecular Biology and all the medical sciences that go with it.

:plant grow:


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The gift that keeps on giving. Get's them coming back for more of billy boy's wonder drugs.

So the feds are now saying an employer can say "no jab, no job" and require a vax as a condition of employment. When are they going to roll out their RFID chip, or skin tattoo?


Well-known member
and the 95% efficacy rate is based on 100 people out of the 30,000 study vaccinations, 5 were real and 95 were placebo.

but this was not a challenge study - they didn't infect them to see who would survive since that is unethical unless you are a monkey or 3rd world - the assumption is that all 15,000 vacc'd were exposed the same as the 15,000 placebos. is N large enough to be able to assume that?? did they do contact tracing to prove it? unknown to me now. still researching ...


Active member
So they won’t force me to hire your infected ass. Does that violate my rights?


Active member
and the 95% efficacy rate is based on 100 people out of the 30,000 study vaccinations, 5 were real and 95 were placebo.

but this was not a challenge study - they didn't infect them to see who would survive since that is unethical unless you are a monkey or 3rd world - the assumption is that all 15,000 vacc'd were exposed the same as the 15,000 placebos. is N large enough to be able to assume that?? did they do contact tracing to prove it? unknown to me now. still researching ...

N just increased to all of our medical professionals.

St. Phatty

Active member
and the 95% efficacy rate is based on 100 people out of the 30,000 study vaccinations, 5 were real and 95 were placebo.

They need to provide more info.

Giving the patient NOTHING is effective about 90% of the time - many of the people exposed just end up being walking virus factories without getting sick.

Or their body defeats the virus and they don't have a lot of virus to shed.

Also Vitamin D has such a massive effect they need to divide the study group into Vitamin D deficient & not deficient, which means they would end up with 4 groups.

If you take Vitamin D and exercise and eat nutritiously, you're already close to the effectiveness of the Vaccine.

Without the risk of the Adverse Reactions that are being observed - or being so stupid as to let yourself be injected with Polyethylene Glycol.


Well-known member
my question is, how is this different from antibiotic resistance from overuse of antibiotics?

well, it isn't from the standpoint of forcing a highly contagious virus to start evolving to allude this vaccine,

but it is different because the next mRNA protein can be easily determined and a new vaccine cheaply and efficiently created - the major benefit of mRNA vaccine versus the old way.

buy Moderna stock now!!! i don't know why, but they seem more ruthless to me than the BioNTech folks. could be the moderna-mit connection. i know those mit fuckers, being one myself.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Is there not a correlation between the new mutation in the UK and the start of vaccination last week?Amazes me that there is oversudden a mutation going on over there.


Well-known member
i have read about 4 prior detected mutations before the vaccine was developed. the one recently in Great Britain seems to be more easily transmissible. no news yet about its effects on those infected...or whether the vaccines are going to be effective. it has also been found in another country (South Africa) already in spite of rapid lockdown. cat is out of the bag AGAIN. the US army medical corps is looking at vaccine effectiveness with animal testing already.


Phatty, I -think- I saw a study recently, possibly or likely in MedScape's emails, re. D3 and immune system, which may have involved COVID-19 as a focus.

The last numbers I saw re. the % of persons experiencing no symptoms, but positive for C-19 was ~45% of those who are known to be infected were asymptomatic.

That's a large part of the troubles with the folks who are arguing to just isolate the sick and let everyone else go about business as usual; we don't know who they are, and they aren't always sure they're sick, either.

Talk about a wild card of a Virus.

Then there's the disparity of symptoms based on age groups, different viral loads based on age groups, etc., etc.

My adult daughter's an RN & received the Pfizer vaccination several days ago, in the Lower-48, voluntarily, no mandates from her healthcare facility.

She often presents on FB as being very conscious about C-19 and healthcare mandates, and a mentor of sorts re. surviving C-19 and not contributing to the mayhem involved, but the fact is she went to the hair-dresser's, has eaten out, and has been in others' homes, so it was not too big a surprise to me when she opted in very early for the vaccine. A truly mixed bag, in my opinion. In her line of work, it's potentially for the best.

I'm apt to continue to socially isolate, as will the other 2 members of our household. We'll continue to limit trips to town, wear stellar masks and good nitrile gloves, and wait a bit to see if anything gets hay-wire in re. to side-effects, especially with the early trials participants, then maybe reconsider after a bit.

Who knows? May soon be a requirement to be vaxxed to fly south on commercial aircraft for surgery, in which case I'll take the easy route of simply letting others make my decision about timing, and get 'er done then..