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using Magnets on your plants

Dilbert Do

Without a control - and daily recorded data in various areas - growth, water uptake, root density / health, etc.... this thread is just anecdotal observations....

Makes it no less interesting, but much less convincing.


Also, without measurements of the magnetic field, it won't be possible for others to try to replicate the results for verification. It will also make it more difficult to try different strengths of field.


Active member
its a good start . but you really need several of each. as some plants just grow better than others. thats why i take extra cuts cause some need to be culled. either way its interesting.


Active member
its a good start . but you really need several of each. as some plants just grow better than others. thats why i take extra cuts cause some need to be culled. either way its interesting.
This is true i only had 4 plants that were same age groups this is a start figured i would do the 4 plants and see what happens the cuttings come from one plant so i know there wouldn't be a difference in growth compared to others also i move them all around room as well Soil is exact on all 4
I figure next grow i will do 2 of each as well have same amount non magnets i am thinking 3 - 4 grows will give a good indication of what is what


Kiss My Ring
damn! there is so much to consider when designing a study....like some people know what one looks like.
i was hoping for something yet discovered.

effects of magnetism on chemical processes or something equally intrigueing.

not only do you need controls, it would be helpful to post pics of plants 'side by side' to see the differences.
maybe do a 'magnetically treated water' group also...

next time.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
You are certainly entertaining, wiki pages do require you to site the text so it is checkable so like most people who believe what they read on the internet Wiki can be checked and if you go to the bottom of a Wiki page the page on Paramagnetism can infact be checked, Much like a scholarly Article... So... Frank Help to understand how it is possible that the page you site for your information coincidentally sells books on soil and also soil amendments and fertilizer, and doesn't site any of there research.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I could vomit in a bucket and tell you it is full of all kinds of neat stuff and it is good for plants I could write a book of nonsense call it scientific fact and tonnes of people would take it as gospel, So no offense but I do understand that true scientific research will be sited all the time or it will be deemed plagerism. the site you link to is really a big Ad for you to by there books and shit. However wiki never sold me shit and provided the source for there articles, Funny Funny Frank.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Also, without measurements of the magnetic field, it won't be possible for others to try to replicate the results for verification. It will also make it more difficult to try different strengths of field.

Measure it after the grow and then up the stregnth, can't split hairs or it becomes undoable for your average Joe,


ICMag Donor
I'm not a child - won't bicker with you simply because you're uninformed. Acres is one of the most respected publications on organic agriculture.....the link was to a quoted article... Thought I said that....

You link to wiki - sure, explained what paramagnetism is - but does piss to contribute information on how that relates to soil or plants. Where as the Acres article....provides exactly that. A definition is certainly fact - wiki is great for that - but useless for practical application of the topic at hand....magentic forces on soil and plany growth.

My presentation of prarmagnetism was unmentioned in this thread before my post - It has obviously been over-looked. Since I suggested the OP look into it vs ferro - what the hell made you think I needed a simple definition - I obviously knew what it was already....

You, on the other hand, did not - thus your quick wiki search. Which may have been helpful for you....but did zero to negate the factual information I provided. Which again you obviously fail to comprehend as you are still stuck on being right about source-ability - which is fully irrelevant to the thread.

Why do I have to even explain basic logic to you???

In short, if you had the desire to acquire new information and learn - you'd quit making moot irrelevant points to some how substansiate your need to be right - again READ.... Do as I did and further research the information provided in the article....but hell, that might actually require someone to stop spoon feeding...

This is so stupidly pointless....

Back to the thread - take your adderral and try to focus.



Active member
If magnets can increase growth in RDWC the results would be incredible!!
it would be cool to see someone as well add some magnets to a bucket and have another without magnets
this could become a community test which all can bring some info to the table
Yes i agree its hard to actually do a complete scientific test
but if you really sit back and think for a moment gravity and magnetism has to have a impact in overall plant , human , and life in general

Here check out this link NASA testing magnetism on plants :tiphat:



Active member
with some more research i have bin doing maybe this idea by placing magnets in soil might be ok but how about magnetic water instead ????? i am finding research saying improved yields by using magnetic water
so i found this

Go into your basement and locate your cold water source pipe. This pipe should be located near your water heater and is labeled with a blue on/off valve. Use a flashlight to see into dark or heavily shadowed spaces.

Note what kind of pipe your water pipes are. Magnetizing works on plastic, copper and steel pipes. Most water pipes are made from one of these three materials.

Tear two 12-inch strips of electrical tape off of your roll. Lay them on the floor and press six magnets into each tape strip. The south pole of each magnet should touch the adhesive. Space the magnets about 1 inch apart.

Press one strip of magnets to each side of your pipe. Tear off 12 strips, 2-inches long, of electrical tape and smooth them horizontally over each magnet. This keeps the strips in place.

Wait about two hours, and taste the water from your tap. It should taste smoother and a little sweeter than it did before.


Veg & Flower Station keeper
Here check out this link NASA testing magnetism on plants :tiphat:

Wow interesting! To quote: "Water
Water can also be magnetized. According to the Zeitgeist Movement, two recent studies completed at the National Research Centre in Egypt showed that magnetized water allowed plants to grow up to 39 percent larger than with regular tap water. Other research, according to unnamed studies mentioned on the Zeitgeist Movement website, suggest an increase up to 600 percent."

So is that paramagnetism? I want to even try a group that uses both (w/strong neodymium magnets). The ones I want to try though are about $100 ($50 each) per 5 rdwc gallon bucket. Otherwise I think I'm shootin' blanks.


Active member
kinda interesting ya think i mean how so many growers let water sit out for 24 hrs why not make a bucket up with magnets inside and magnetize the water you get best out of both worlds i may actually try this magnetizing my water prior to feeding my girls


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
re: magnetic water

at the last indoor gardening expo i went to in denver there was a product that u put inline on ur main water line, it looked like a glasspipe for exhaust kinda. didnt look like there was anything to it, but the guys said it magnetised your water and did all kinsd of things like are being discussed here (CEC)


ICMag Donor
It all translates to how usable / available things ie "nutrients" are for the plant. It isn't mystic forces, it's chemistry - and has to do with how cations and anions relate and function in a medium....

Anything with free electrons WILL form bonds or alter how bonds are being formed with other matter.

It's one thing to observe benefit - entirely different to explain how and why and then be able to capitalize on that information.



Veg & Flower Station keeper
re: magnetic water

at the last indoor gardening expo i went to in denver there was a product that u put inline on ur main water line, it looked like a glasspipe for exhaust kinda. didnt look like there was anything to it, but the guys said it magnetised your water and did all kinsd of things like are being discussed here (CEC)
I used to sell water purifiers and that was a snake oil remedy back even then. They must be still around because of the sucker born every minute idea. I have a link for all the phonies: Gallery of water-related pseudoscience - Junk science in the marketplace. There's a slew of magnetic phonies, just scroll down to magnetic...


Active member
so i should toss some magnets in my tea brewer? wont it pull out the iron ? lol. i will let u guys play with magnets. when you come up with something new and proven i will buy a whole shitload of magnets . i do have like 5 strong ones already

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Found an experiment with Wheat Grass and electromagnets, Different than the experiment here because electromagnets radiate heat and EMF at the same time.
Also there is on Youtube a Video called Top Secret Water should anyone just be interested in Water, the is also one by Voice entertainment that I have but is difficult to find and it is a shame because it is a brilliant dacumentary on the way water is capable of cleaning itself and charging itself with energy... Etc. Etc. This Documentary is simply called Water and is about 1hr 25 mins long and starts with drops of water falling across the screen.
And just incase anyone wants to truly find scientific articles other than the ones posted on sites with advertisments and selling products, Google has a search that is called Google scholar that links with research exclusively.

Here is another silly experiment done by some Canadian Scientists, it is worth reading though as it seems they were able to see a response to Magnets on Seeds, and subsequently on the plant that grew from it. So as some may have a closed mind to this subject and believe only what they know is the be all end all, may I remind you that magnetism is still studied at great legnths even today in the era of CERN. Also if you take the weight of a large magnet stuck to a large peice of metal suspended above the earth you can calculate work being done, or energy being expended by the magnetic forces resisting gravities influence on its mass. Over the course of a hundred years that amount of energy can be explained equal to an atomic explosion or in megatons of explosives.
The story of magnetism has not closed there is much to know about it and its effects on the world around us. Anyhow watch the Documentaries if you can.
Have a safe one all

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