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USA strikes Syria again


Well-known member
footage is frequently staged after events for effect. this does not mean the actual event did not happen. victims are normally gone when film crews arrive. odd, but i have not seen anyone on here mention the tunnels discovered coming into Israel from Lebanon. were they built for tourists to avoid the lines at border crossings??? LOL!:biggrin:


footage is frequently staged after events for effect. this does not mean the actual event did not happen. victims are normally gone when film crews arrive. odd, but i have not seen anyone on here mention the tunnels discovered coming into Israel from Lebanon. were they built for tourists to avoid the lines at border crossings??? LOL!:biggrin:

what has Lebanon to do with the false flag chemical attack in Douma SYRIA?

of course there are tunnels, even just to smuggle shit in to Hamas and the other resistance movements. but they have nothing to do with Syria. lets be honest Hezbollah never gets a foot on to Israeli territory, so those tunnels were not used to attack obviously, else we'd have read all about it. further more those tunnels are old, they date back to the 2006 war Israel waged on Lebanon. for every tunnel they find there are 2 more that stay hidden. they just dig deeper and further. there is massive profits to be made supplying a blockaded territory with anything and everything.

the Douma footage was staged, the battle had been clearly won by the SSA when in a last desperate attempt to garner outside help, Jaish al Islam pretended normal air strike injuries were chemical weapon injuries. multiple people at the scene have given their testimony and there is no fucking doubt what so ever that the SSA did NOT use chemical weapons in Douma on said occasion. no corroborating evidence was ever found or presented. while tons of evidence exists to debunk it. so much that even the Beeb had to come out and admit the obvious. international community was duped by terrorists and probably mossad and the cia. :D
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ISIS being defeated would be nice, but in reality i think most of them laid down their weapons & evacuated out if possible with civilians. afraid we will hear from them again in one form or another. i'd bet bank branches & jewelry stores were stripped clean within hours of ISIS arrival. i'd be damned careful hunting souvenirs where folks that like to build IED had been for any length of time.

you were right about this, the pocket is still there and now deals are being made to let them escape to the al tanf area and to the border desert of Iraq. it seems no one is willing to actually pay the price in blood to finish those fuckers off and imprison the defeated. always at the last moment they make deals and let them go.


Well-known member
what has Lebanon to do with the false flag chemical attack in Douma SYRIA?

of course there are tunnels, even just to smuggle shit in to Hamas and the other resistance movements. but they have nothing to do with Syria. lets be honest Hezbollah never gets a foot on to Israeli territory, so those tunnels were not used to attack obviously, else we'd have read all about it. further more those tunnels are old, they date back to the 2006 war Israel waged on Lebanon. for every tunnel they find there are 2 more that stay hidden. they just dig deeper and further. there is massive profits to be made supplying a blockaded territory with anything and everything.

the Douma footage was staged, the battle had been clearly won by the SSA when in a last desperate attempt to garner outside help, Jaish al Islam pretended normal air strike injuries were chemical weapon injuries. multiple people at the scene have given their testimony and there is no fucking doubt what so ever that the SSA did NOT use chemical weapons in Douma on said occasion. no corroborating evidence was ever found or presented. while tons of evidence exists to debunk it. so much that even the Beeb had to come out and admit the obvious. international community was duped by terrorists and probably mossad and the cia. :D

those tunnels come from Lebanon into Israel. doubt seriously if the Israelis are smuggling into Lebanon, lol. if they went into West Bank, it would have made sense. nice try though... "no fucking doubt" , lol. i have plenty of doubts about any news from middle east. it must be nice to consider ones-self infallible & all-knowing.


you don't think stuff is getting smuggled between Lebanon and Israel? were they used to attack, or are they smuggling tunnels? either way, not related to the bbc producer admitting that douma chemical attack was staged.


Well-known member
you don't think stuff is getting smuggled between Lebanon and Israel? were they used to attack, or are they smuggling tunnels? either way, not related to the bbc producer admitting that douma chemical attack was staged.

nope, not related. i just find it odd that no one mentioned it. not politically correct, maybe?:)


War on ISIS | Images and reports from the Euphrates Valley | February 13th 2019 | Syria

interesting stuff about the sdf campaign against Daesh in the Deir Ezzour province. SDF seems to be getting the better or isis there, slowly but surely. sadly they are having to pay in blood for every village, town, or cluster of huts liberated.



Syrian War Report – Feb. 16-18, 2019: French Officer Is Punished For Revealing Truth About Conflict


Top French officer raps West's tactics against IS in Syria, faces punishment


MUNICH (Reuters) - A senior French officer involved in the fight against Islamic State in Syria faces punishment after launching a scathing attack on the U.S.-led coalition’s methods to defeat the group in its remaining stronghold of Hajin, the army said on Saturday.

Colonel Francois-Regis Legrier, who has been in charge of directing French artillery supporting Kurdish-led groups in Syria since October, said the coalition’s focus had been on limiting its own risks and this had greatly increased the death toll among civilians and the levels of destruction.

“Yes, the Battle of Hajin was won, at least on the ground but by refusing ground engagement, we unnecessarily prolonged the conflict and thus contributed to increasing the number of casualties in the population,” Legrier wrote in an article in the National Defence Review.

“We have massively destroyed the infrastructure and given the population a disgusting image of what may be a Western-style liberation leaving behind the seeds of an imminent resurgence of a new adversary,” he said, in rare public criticism by a serving officer.

The coalition could have got rid of just 2,000 militant fighters - who lacked air support or modern technological equipment - much more quickly and effectively by sending in just 1,000 troops, he argued.

“This refusal raises a question: why have an army that we don’t dare use?” he said.

France is one of the main allies in the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, with its warplanes used to strike militant targets, its heavy-artillery backing Kurdish-led fighters and its special forces on the ground.

Legrier’s article has embarrassed French authorities just hours before the coalition is expected to announce the defeat of the hardline Islamist group.

“A punishment is being considered,” French army spokesman Patrick Steiger said in a text message.

The article was removed from the review’s website on Saturday.

Islamic State still controls a diminishing strip of territory along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River and allies have expressed concern that a U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria will again destabilize the area.

“We have in no way won the war because we lack a realistic and lasting policy and an adequate strategy,” Legrier said. “How many Hajins will it take to understand that we are on the wrong track?”

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Syrian War Report – Feb. 16-18, 2019: French Officer Is Punished For Revealing Truth About Conflict


Top French officer raps West's tactics against IS in Syria, faces punishment


G `day Gaius

That`s been the US style of waging war for at least 70 years .
My grand father told me about the US Army in New Guinea during WW2 .

Huge bombardments before any advance . He said they blew the tops off mountains and hills with relentless shelling then went and investigated if any one had survived .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
After Islamic State, women lead the way in a bold democratic experiment in Raqqa

Leila Mustapha seems out of place. Almost anywhere else the skinny jeans, leather-bomber jacket wearing 30-year-old probably wouldn't draw a second look.

Key points:
The Autonomous Administration of North East Syria has enshrined gender equality and religious freedom in law
Many hope it will mark the start of new beginnings, but the removal of US troops could leave the young democracy vulnerable
Turkey has pledged to invade northern Syria, fearing autonomy there will embolden Kurds inside Turkey to rise up
But we're in Raqqa, the once notorious capital of the so-called Islamic State, where women were confined to the house and could only be seen in public in full covering with a male guardian.

What's more, Leila is the city's new leader.

"Give me a minute to finish my cigarette, just don't film me smoking," she says as she flips back loose hair that's come out of a slicked-back messy bun.

While I wouldn't ordinarily film someone smoking, Raqqa's female Civil Council leader puffing away in her office would've been a simple way to show how far the city has come since it pushed Islamic State (IS) out two years ago.

Smoking was banned under IS and its record on women is atrocious.

But I'm more keen to tour the city with the former civil engineer to find out more about reconstruction efforts. It's midday, and we only have a few hours of winter sunlight left for filming. We also have to leave Raqqa before it gets dark.

Who are the Kurds? Why are they fighting Islamic State? Why is Turkey fighting them? And what do they want?
The city may have pushed IS out, but it has morphed into an underground network and still poses threats — especially to people like Leila.

"A number of colleagues, a number of people who were close to me, members of the Raqqa Civil Council have been subject to attacks, assassinations," she said.

"We're expected to take precautions, but these precautions don't prevent us from our work."

Religious freedom, gender equality enshrined in law
Leila is a part of the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria, the little-known authority that rules roughly one-quarter of Syria.

The dull name belies a set of principles that could challenge those of many Western countries.

Members of the Kurdish female military force, the YPJ, serve on the frontline.
PHOTO: Equal representation of men and women in all areas of government is enshrined in law. (ABC News: Yaara Bou Melhem)
The Kurdish-majority administration is enacting the philosophy laid out by a leftist revolutionary named Abdullah Ocalan.

Equal representation of men and women in all areas of governance are enshrined in law, as is religious freedom.

This democratic experiment is being rolled out in areas that the Kurdish-majority Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated from IS.

The SDF, backed by a US-led coalition, is nearing the last of that territorial campaign with just a sliver of land still under the group's control in the village of Baghuz in the Deir ez-Zor region.

The administration is seeking autonomy within a federated Syria

Devastation at Al-Shafa, in the Deir ez-Zor region, close to the front line.
PHOTO: Devastation at Al-Shafa, in the Deir ez-Zor region, close to the front line. (ABC News: Yaara Bou Melhem)
It hasn't been recognised internationally but on the ground it functions as would any other state, from leading large-scale reconstruction efforts including the opening of schools and hospitals to the more bureaucratic work of registering births, deaths and marriages.

But this young democracy may soon face a far bigger threat than IS.

The US is planning to pull out about 2,000 troops that have been providing support to the SDF campaign against IS. They plan to leave behind only a small peacekeeping force.

When that happens, the Kurdish-led authority will lose its protection.

Turkey has pledged to invade northern Syria and smash the Kurds. It fears autonomy here will embolden the 15 million Kurds inside Turkey to rise up with similar demands.

"When the coalition pull out from here we know that there are other people who are worse than ISIS who want to fight us," SDF Commander Simko Shikaki says.

"We will watch the situation, and once Turkey attacks we will have a response for it."

'A life that we didn't even dream of is being built'
Fatigued with war, young people are taking control of what they can. In a bar in the town of Kobani, close to the Turkish border, I meet with a 19-year-old journalist about to get married.

"The situation is peaceful for the time being. So we thought we'd get married now," Bercem Abd al-Kadr tells me.

Her fiance Azad Ahmad is a little more optimistic about the future. He's a 26-year-old fighter with the YPG, the Kurdish military force.

"The hopes for the future are bright, democracy is being built. A life that we didn't even dream of is being built," he tells me while smoking a shisha.

"As a Kurd, the Kurdish flag is being raised."

What makes their union exceptional is that their marriage will be a civil rather than a religious one.

The Autonomous Administration of North East Syria has brought in civil marriage, allowing people from different religious groups to legally marry.

It may seem like a small detail, but it's radical in a region where sectarianism and tribalism dominate and where Islamic law had previously prevailed.

Bercem and Azad invited us to their vibrant and very Kurdish wedding party. It's a time to celebrate, but there is also the lurking prospect of a conflict with Turkey.

"If needed, he will go to war and I will continue working," Bercem says on the day of her marriage.

"We did not want them to win, so that's why we got married."


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Gaius

I have mentioned previously LNG and how the pipelines through Syria and Ukraine are at the heart of the conflicts there .

Well , here is some insight into why it is so important to the USA .

He told the audience how his company closed eight mines in one day after "profits dropped" and "markets shifted to cleaner energy" such as natural gas and renewables.

"We laid off roughly 3,500 people in a day," he said.

"And from that point until June or July next year there were 10,000 jobs, coal industry jobs, that were gone in the State of Kentucky."

In north-east America, hundreds of mines have since closed, leaving workers in small towns struggling to find new jobs in different industries.

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
I Still see references to US troops being pulled out of the area.


Congressional military is withdrawing, yes.
But we aren’t budging at all.

For you guys who like to watch released(approved) vids, what weapons are each side using? Romanian, Belgian, Russian, Chinese, American, Yugoslav?

A picture can tell you far more than a puppet reporter is allowed to tell you.

For wxample, the Troubles in Ireland.
SAS were using LMT, FN Herstal while the Irish were using ComBloc AK47’s from Yugo/Czech as well as some Colt/Springfield from the American Irish patriots sending arms from usa to ireland.
Try and find any report exposing that gem. But just look at any pics from 70’s-90’s and you’ll see it.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
In an WhatsApp group made up of ISIS members in Syria, a Kazakh member in Baghuz asked for Du'ā for ISIS fighters entrenched in Baghuz. Chats reveals there have been more than 2500 deaths of ISIS hardened fighters by coalition Airstrikes and bombings in the last three days.


Well-known member
In an WhatsApp group made up of ISIS members in Syria, a Kazakh member in Baghuz asked for Du'ā for ISIS fighters entrenched in Baghuz. Chats reveals there have been more than 2500 deaths of ISIS hardened fighters by coalition Airstrikes and bombings in the last three days.

sounds like a good start to a good finish...:woohoo:


Well-known member
In an WhatsApp group made up of ISIS members in Syria, a Kazakh member in Baghuz asked for Du'ā for ISIS fighters entrenched in Baghuz. Chats reveals there have been more than 2500 deaths of ISIS hardened fighters by coalition Airstrikes and bombings in the last three days.

D’you hear the transmission from the Russians when they complained how US airstrikes took out 3 of their elements?
“We’re fucked!”
The whole sortie lasted only a handful of minutes. Simultaneous coordinated target neutralization.

I cant wait for 20 yrs from now when a book comes out exploring how AI changed the battlespace


Well-known member
latest headline from the MSM
Trump agrees 100% for American troops to remain in Syria
love the straight story, of course it's a new story, it's a new day and a new story
just like yesterday, and the day before ...


I Still see references to US troops being pulled out of the area.


Congressional military is withdrawing, yes.
But we aren’t budging at all.

For you guys who like to watch released(approved) vids, what weapons are each side using? Romanian, Belgian, Russian, Chinese, American, Yugoslav?

A picture can tell you far more than a puppet reporter is allowed to tell you.

For wxample, the Troubles in Ireland.
SAS were using LMT, FN Herstal while the Irish were using ComBloc AK47’s from Yugo/Czech as well as some Colt/Springfield from the American Irish patriots sending arms from usa to ireland.
Try and find any report exposing that gem. But just look at any pics from 70’s-90’s and you’ll see it.

the US has huge stocks of Russian weapons that they dole out to terrorists when they want to stay hidden, in fact they are now producing the famous Russian ak in the US as well as other soviet weapons that are simple to use and have been used by terrorists and insurgents, bandits etc for years and years.

as for all the stuff about the great Kurdish government of Raqqa, thats a bunch of propaganda, Kurds kicked out Arab tribes who didnt agree to lick their marxist boots and let their kids join their fighters while being indoctrinated with marxism and being taught Kurdish instead of Arabic. most of the traditional arab lands around Raqqa will go back to their original owners sooner or later. Kurds have a chance of autonomy, but only in the traditional Kurdish lands, all the expansion to Arab lands are only possible due to outside military support. so they will be subject to US orders for ever as they will never be able to hold all the land on their own.

as for the smoking woman, just go to Damascus and you will see men and woman mixing, people smoking and drinking, Syria has always had secular laws and the constitution already guarantees religious and gender equality. this bs propaganda makes it seem like the Kurds are coming up with something new in Syria, they are not. their religion and language was already protected, their woman already had equal rights, it's only isis that took it away.


Well-known member
the US has huge stocks of Russian weapons that they dole out to terrorists when they want to stay hidden, in fact they are now producing the famous Russian ak in the US as well as other soviet weapons that are simple to use and have been used by terrorists and insurgents, bandits etc for years and years.

as for all the stuff about the great Kurdish government of Raqqa, thats a bunch of propaganda, Kurds kicked out Arab tribes who didnt agree to lick their marxist boots and let their kids join their fighters while being indoctrinated with marxism and being taught Kurdish instead of Arabic. most of the traditional arab lands around Raqqa will go back to their original owners sooner or later. Kurds have a chance of autonomy, but only in the traditional Kurdish lands, all the expansion to Arab lands are only possible due to outside military support. so they will be subject to US orders for ever as they will never be able to hold all the land on their own.

as for the smoking woman, just go to Damascus and you will see men and woman mixing, people smoking and drinking, Syria has always had secular laws and the constitution already guarantees religious and gender equality. this bs propaganda makes it seem like the Kurds are coming up with something new in Syria, they are not. their religion and language was already protected, their woman already had equal rights, it's only isis that took it away.

Your reply reminds me of the time someone called into Adam Dunn Show to say he knew the origin of Bubba Kush. He said its OG Kush crossed to an old florida line called Bubba.

Youre not gonna find the truth in media outlets, buddy.

And that you assume all AK’s are russian shows how little you really know.
China, Israel, Yugo, Poland, Czech, Bulgaria, fuck it all the Warsaw/Comm-Bloc nations build AK’s.
Oh yea, Finland does too. In fact, the Israeli Ak (Galil) is based on the Russian AK(Valmet).

Do you know where ULF got their weapons? They were the North Irish element, loyal to the British Crown who fought against the Catholic Irish. Well, those guys wearing a baraclava and Ak’s, yup thats them. Those AK’s were given to them from South Africa, but they were made in Israel.

You see, the AK is not Russian. It was Soviet. The tool of the Bolsheviks. But not all AK’s are Soviet.

And then again, its based on the German STG-43/44 and the German’s ammunition the 7.62 Kurtz.

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