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USA strikes Syria again


Active member
the fact that nikki haily was defending this blatant war crime as defending yourself, will come back to haunt the US. the reputational damage to the sense of US being a just country is made even worse by this kind of blatant bias to one side, while they want to be the "neutral" arbitrator. it's a huge joke

Nikki Haley is actually jewish. You have to study her features and dig around online to put these pieces of the puzzle together. There are plenty who go in disguise so as to make it less clear to non-tribe members what is going on. I had a professor and his wife claiming to be irish at a graduate student get together. Unfortunately it's not the sort of thing you can call them out on in situations like that. I already knew his parents were orthodox because he told me in a one on one discussion during project consultations. They didn't even look remotely Irish.

"Through deception we shall wage war." Mossad motto


being jewish doesn't make you a zionist, also we have extreme zionism of the greater Israel variety and we have folks who believe in a general way in the 2 state solution, both consider themselves zionists and both are not necessarily jewish, you have christian zionists that are even more rabid then some extreme right wing jews. to me its about the issue of land, not really the religion of those claiming it. i don't care if haily has jewish roots or not, it's her actions that damn her as an extremist, some things she advocates would be considered terrorism if someone did it to her. in the end she has no real power though, she is Trumps, or the deep states attack dog at the UN, thats all. she gets told when to bark and when to sit at heel of nitenyahoo. but she is not the one deciding when to bark and what not. just like Samantha power before her, she is a sock puppet for US global empire.


This has come true again:


Mostly what happened is ISIS launched an attack which was crippled as usual, then the Syrians chased them into the desert at night. Being somewhat near the SDF contact line gives the U. S. plausible deniability that Syria "was too close to our stuff" and bombed three sites. No casualties reported yet. Sounds like the "strong message" they say they send.

SDF vs. Turkish militias could get really bad.


Well-known member
Nikki Haley is actually jewish. You have to study her features and dig around online to put these pieces of the puzzle together. There are plenty who go in disguise so as to make it less clear to non-tribe members what is going on. I had a professor and his wife claiming to be irish at a graduate student get together. Unfortunately it's not the sort of thing you can call them out on in situations like that. I already knew his parents were orthodox because he told me in a one on one discussion during project consultations. They didn't even look remotely Irish.

"Through deception we shall wage war." Mossad motto

Irish is a nationality, not a religion. Jewish folks can be from anywhere on earth. okay, maybe not Antarctica, but pretty much any where else...:biggrin:

St. Phatty

Active member
I think many Americans' response to their Rabid Dog government, is to expat-in-place.

They give up on this government, find legal ways to minimize their tax liabilities, and create an Oasis where their home is.


^^ That's fairly accurate. No one has provided us a refugee pipeline yet, and a means of escape is slightly beyond most peoples' ability.


Active member
In my Oasis I have everything I need, I wish I could solve all of the world problems(including hunger and war)from here...but I can't.


Well done (said),bwana '

Folks dont realise... "it" makes itself bigger - will have you talk about anything that causes Disruption,sadness,loss- Anger etc.
anger is its Vehicle.
- opposing emotions - ?

just saying
Gauis' "went out" with a Jew/Israeli For 3mths? - Lovely. She was doing 2yrs Army Service ....... From Bat-yam nr Telaviv
...Ooh Lovely Pigeon English ... :huggg:
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Active member
Irish is a nationality, not a religion. Jewish folks can be from anywhere on earth. okay, maybe not Antarctica, but pretty much any where else...:biggrin:

Judaism is a religion. Jewish is a race. You don't get specific genetic disorders by converting to judaism, but you do if you are born within the jewish race. There are splinters of this race with the ashkenzim making up the majority, then sephardic, and others with less common biological ancestry.

St. Phatty

Active member
In my Oasis I have everything I need, I wish I could solve all of the world problems(including hunger and war)from here...but I can't.

People were scolding me for watching TV, but ... that's part of how I escape from things like ... the injustices inflicted by Psycho nations such as the US & Israel, in Syria.

Added some Blue OG x Candyland x Apollo 11 to the Oasis last night ... and this morning ... it's GOOOOD :woohoo:

Actually I think 'Oasis' also used to be one of the names for Northern Lights #2.

Love the comments section at RT.

Can't figure out the RT members though. They know English really well, like an American. But how did they learn colloquial American English, living in Russia ?

moose eater

^^ Lots of RT readers/viewers are American/U.S. folks.

For a long time, al Jazeera English and RT served up superior news to that offered by the 9 corporations that seem to have their thumb on our local/national news networks.


Active member
Who really makes US foreign policy decisions?

AIPAC with assistance from SPLC, ADL, and various NGOs like the CFR. Just look at who is given huge sums of money with no strings attached, some of which is no doubt funneled back as bribery money and so the cycle goes as the awake and aware have failed to effectively shut this down.


The U. S. does not have a Foreign Ministry. There is a legislative committee on foreign affairs, and the State Department. This dept. listens to the unelected Council on Foreign Relations, so is or was Rockefeller. One should understand a "split" between the Executive/CIA and the Legislative/DoD branches--each working on its own nightmare.

Sec. of Treasury is an agent of the International Monetary Fund, at which point the U. S. is simply an arm of a non-national private affair. A lot of that aspect is an upswing of the Fabian Society--no longer influential but the original motor for globalist development or attempt at one world government.

Our Secretaries are appointed and the CFR is a private club. Foreign affairs are somewhat arbitrary, and not much of a concern for the population. We have difficulty producing an actual diplomat. See for instance Nikki's recent U. N. walkout; what a tool!


Active member
No offense to anybody....... But you guys are concentrating on the insignificant stuff.

Watch the news this week, the war has begun, no going back. Trump vs globalist. Wake up folks. Terror attacks in the next few weeks against globalist targets? False flags against CNN, and government buildings? Watch the news, keep an open mind, and ignore the MSM.

Good luck America.

Hahaha Trump is one of the globalists. Try taking a little bit of time to look at his connections, past and present. He's a money launderer for the jewish mafia through his hotel resorts international front. Look at the alleged money he owes various banks for bailouts. I don't really comprehend how any one can't see that the people who are in these positions are selected for them and are given bulletpoints on positions to present to the public. They use psychology and polling to know what the public wants to hear and they flip flop between poles every so many years, even if the individual they put forward never truly acted and spoke as if they represented that pole, until the time they were selected for the position.

I do know there are a ton of israeli hasbarat who go around and promote him on forums ignoring all of this dirty stuff and I also know that 2/3's of the population are followers and have this innate need to follow someone so they will settle for shitbags when they shouldn't be overlooking the shitty things they do. Trump is also tied to Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire convicted pedophile who runs a blackmail pedophile ring out of an island he owns in the virgin islands. Trump has flown the lolita express just like other high ranking politicians and entertainers. The alleged polarity between democrats and republicans DOES NOT EXIST at that level. It's all political theater.


Active member
But nooooooo, the dog chose to allow itself to be steered by bad judgment on both its part, and the part of its owner's bf, whereupon it engaged (obviously publicly) in a distasteful (but maybe a bit impressive) joke that lampoons a totalitarian salute..... all for what was probably a pittance of rewards.

That salute is actually ancient. It goes back at least to the time of the Romans. I don't see people making a fuss over the communist fist that gets constant display by various communist groups, and who have been responsible for more mass murder by many times over than what occurred in war with the Germans. Judeo-masonic Russia mass murdered 10s of millions of Russians before WWII even broke out, largely over what was going on in Russia and eastern block nations. But that won't be taught in school or pushed in the media. The same media that blamed Germans for the Katyn forest massacre which was the judeo-masonic NKVD wiping out Poland's intelligentsia. There's so much that happened that isn't in the media and that is spun. 1984 has been going on long before 1984.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Recently I was pondering on this Jewish - Nazi question...

Just about everyday of my life I have come across this 'Nazi's killed 6 million Jews' during WW2 claim......its always in the news somewhere.

I rarely if ever have heard about all the millions of Gypsy's and Slavs, homosexuals and handicapped people that the Nazi's were accused of killing too...

So its not as if I am one of these so-called 'Holocaust Deniers' .....'cos I do believe that millions of people were killed in WW2 for various inhumane reasons.....War itself is a mass murderer, and whoever helped push that war (or any war) are the real culprits who should be made to pay for all the death and suffering they have caused....

But why do I only hear this '6 Million Jews killed by the Nazi's?.....constantly and regularly in the news?

Did Jewish bankers actually fund Adolph Hitler, directly or indirectly before WW2 broke out?


Well-known member
OThey were probably experimented on by Oppenheimer. I don't think most people really know what was going on all sides.Allies included. Some real sick shit.my memory is shit but I think George Bush sr. Funded Hitler or his family I mean

Brother Nature

Well-known member
You're not wrong there Gypsy. It goes back to even before WWII, with British intervention in Ottoman Syria (really the break up of the entire Ottoman empire). It's late here and I've had a terrible day so can expand on it in the morning, but for those interested look up the 'Haavara Agreement' as well as 'British mandatory Palestine'.

I have a family member who was part of the camps, Dachau to be exact, but he was not of Jewish decent, just in opposition to the Nazi party, another of the 6 million much like the homosexuals, gypsys and many others caught up in that terrible time. Yes it was bad, yes it was a genocide, but it was also more and it's not an excuse for Israel, as unpopular as that opinion probably is.