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US Using Racial Profiling to Catch Marijuana Growers


dog and cosmic nailed it....:yes:

hunters and campers alike need to be aware of what's going on in our forests. mexicans are trashing our land, selling us their shit weed, then sending the money back to mexico.....what part of this are you ok with?

nothing wrong with giving us AMERICANS a heads up! this is our land, let us protect it!


dog and cosmic nailed it....:yes:

hunters and campers alike need to be aware of what's going on in our forests. mexicans are trashing our land, selling us their shit weed, then sending the money back to mexico.....what part of this are you ok with?

nothing wrong with giving us AMERICANS a heads up! this is our land, let us protect it!


Not isolated to California, either. I recall a couple of busts in the Carolinas. Mexican illegals, huge grows, in the NF. Bad enough they're coming here to work for 5 dollars an hour or less.

Sorry, I just can't get my heart to bleed and get all worked up over this "affront" to hispanics.



well thats a good cover now, just bring tortillas, tecate and tuna....Im gonna use that disguise everytime I go out now...
Seems like a lot of fags want death, just abusing power...we called her grace.

Just into Death Camps for trespassers, seems that safety is priority number one~


So does that mean that if they find empty bottles of Heineken and sushi trays that the growers were white yuppies?

Are they fucking serious? Those are some pretty broad criteria. Tecate beer drinking mexicans, in state parks, listening to latin music? That pretty much narrows it down to half the population of California this labor day.


Active member

What gives these people the right to come into our country and do damage to our National Forests? They leave the places trashed out just like they trash the desert when they first get here.

All to flood us with schwag.

So are you guys OK with people trashing our National Forests? OK with them cutting trees out of their way? OK with them leaving their trash? Really? Or is it just because since they are Mexicans you can accuse the 'man' of being 'racist'?

Are you pretending that it's not Mexicans just to prove that you're not racist? No, couldn't be that, you know that it is Mexican Nationals doing 99% of the big National forest grows. Hmmm.


I like how you used the term, "these people" to describe the people doing your forests a great disservice by littering and destroying. It is these people who are doing the damage, not mexicans; simply put, "you people" dont know it's explicitly mexicans doing these things. HELL, we dont have mexicans in canada, yet there are lots of busts all over where "these people" are destroying our provincial parks from the inside out. Yet these people are probably not mexicans. I say we canadians blame it on the germans, or swiss, theyre obviously the only ones using our parks anyways, they love nature.

what tunnelvision.


In Holland they would say it were the Antilleans and Moroccans who are destroying the parks.Its the Belgians and the French who are destroying the coffeeshop culture.Its always those damn foreigners.:D

Meanwhile we need those damn foreigners (cheap labour for dirty jobs or bring cash as tourists) so we can pay the bills.:muahaha:

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Why don't they crack down and fine buisnesses who hire this illegals in the first place?. If they can't work they can't pay rent or buy food they simply move back to there home country very simple.

It's all fine and dandy when your making a killing off cheap labor then when they can't afford medical/car insurance making that shit pay you blame them for it.

They naturally have a low IQ it's a known fact so they can't help it how are they suppose to learn perfect english and make something of themselfs when when it's hard for them to learn?.

This is no worse than picking on a slow person calling him names and blaming him for not being able to keep up. If they really wanted to stop them from coming here and have those here move back they could but they only look out for there best interest which is cheap labor.

Not only that but it's America fueling the demand for drugs in turn causing huge drug wars killing thousands upon thousands of people in there home country each year and REFUSE to take responsibility for it. Way to go america use this people for what only benefits you humiliate them treat them like crap then deport them back to a deadly dangerous country that you've created with your appetite for drugs.


Active member
Huh. They're still trying to so this?

This is what happened the first time when Harry Anslinger legislated the 1937 Marijuana Transfer Tax Act. Warning white people that this plant turned Mexicans into murderous villans. This is an excerpt from his 1937 article first published in a magazine called The American.

"Marijuana was introduced into the United States from Mexico, and swept across America with incredible speed.
It began with the whispering of vendors in the Southwest that marijuana would perform miracles for those who smoked it, giving them a feeling of physical strength and mental power, stimulation of the imagination, the ability to be “the life of the party.” The peddlers preached also of the weed’s capabilities as a “love potion.” Youth, always adventurous, began to look into these claims and found some of them true, not knowing that this was only half the story They were not told that addicts may often develop a delirious rage during which they are temporarily and violently insane; that this insanity may take the form of a desire for self-destruction or a persecution complex to be satisfied only by the commission of some heinous crime."

The entire piece of propaganda can be found here. Read it. It's sickening.


The way I see this warning issued by the Forest Service is PRESENT DAY propaganda. Make no mistake it is meant to scare Americans into thinking there are armed and dangerous Mexican drug cartels hiding everywhere in Colorado. Trying to turn us all into informants. I say those days are over.

For me, I'm demanding the respect I deserve from my government as an American. If I'm going to play by thier rules, buy into thier system with tax money, I'm also going to pursue my happiness.

Obviously most everyone here at least has some idea that this is wrong. We should all comit to attempting to have EVEN JUST ONE MORE MIND understand things the way they really are: They want to lead us with fear. And that's not okay.

Where's the class in high school on handling the law? Police? Court cases?

Why are police TAUGHT to intimidate?

Why can't I have more than $10,000 on me?

Why can you listen to my phone calls, monitor my email and internet usage in the name of national security?

Because you have everyone scared SOOOOO much, they aren't even asking themselves these questions. They're just happy you aren't making thier life horrible with you court dates, appearances, warrants, and CAGES.

I dunno. Thanks for this thread! I needed to read that. I needed to be reminded that they are going to continue to treat us the same way. Hearding the sheep... It's our own fault if we let it happen any more...


Couldnt have said it better myself man, this country is fucked up and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Overgrow and overthrow!!!!:dueling: