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US Using Racial Profiling to Catch Marijuana Growers


Active member
The US Forest Service has been accused of racial profiling after it issued warnings about illegal immigrants growing pot on federal land. Their list of supposed indicators of illegal immigrants include "tortilla packaging, beer cans, Spam, Tuna, Tecate beer cans," and campers who play Spanish music. The warning includes people speaking Spanish.

They tell people to leave right away :angrymod:AND CALL THE POLICE :angrymod: if they see these warning signs.

Better watch out! There are Mexicans who speak Spanish and drink beer in California! :yoinks:

Hey, if they're drinkin' Coronas, they're cool then, right? :friends:



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I don't have long hair why? judgements
I don't wear jamacian flag colors or tie dye shirts why? judgements
I don't have dirt under my nails when I got out why? judgements
I don't drive POS cars why? judgements

I have to wear button up shirts, and fitting jeans and nice shoes and conduct myself in the best manner when out , as all it takes is someone to call the police and say this guy is a drug dealer...


Grinding extra.
Huh. They're still trying to so this?

This is what happened the first time when Harry Anslinger legislated the 1937 Marijuana Transfer Tax Act. Warning white people that this plant turned Mexicans into murderous villans. This is an excerpt from his 1937 article first published in a magazine called The American.

"Marijuana was introduced into the United States from Mexico, and swept across America with incredible speed.
It began with the whispering of vendors in the Southwest that marijuana would perform miracles for those who smoked it, giving them a feeling of physical strength and mental power, stimulation of the imagination, the ability to be “the life of the party.” The peddlers preached also of the weed’s capabilities as a “love potion.” Youth, always adventurous, began to look into these claims and found some of them true, not knowing that this was only half the story They were not told that addicts may often develop a delirious rage during which they are temporarily and violently insane; that this insanity may take the form of a desire for self-destruction or a persecution complex to be satisfied only by the commission of some heinous crime."

The entire piece of propaganda can be found here. Read it. It's sickening.


The way I see this warning issued by the Forest Service is PRESENT DAY propaganda. Make no mistake it is meant to scare Americans into thinking there are armed and dangerous Mexican drug cartels hiding everywhere in Colorado. Trying to turn us all into informants. I say those days are over.

For me, I'm demanding the respect I deserve from my government as an American. If I'm going to play by thier rules, buy into thier system with tax money, I'm also going to pursue my happiness.

Obviously most everyone here at least has some idea that this is wrong. We should all comit to attempting to have EVEN JUST ONE MORE MIND understand things the way they really are: They want to lead us with fear. And that's not okay.

Where's the class in high school on handling the law? Police? Court cases?

Why are police TAUGHT to intimidate?

Why can't I have more than $10,000 on me?

Why can you listen to my phone calls, monitor my email and internet usage in the name of national security?

Because you have everyone scared SOOOOO much, they aren't even asking themselves these questions. They're just happy you aren't making thier life horrible with you court dates, appearances, warrants, and CAGES.

I dunno. Thanks for this thread! I needed to read that. I needed to be reminded that they are going to continue to treat us the same way. Hearding the sheep... It's our own fault if we let it happen any more...


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Spam is evidence of Hawaiian growers... not Mexican...

Can't the government hire competent profilers... sheesh :rolleyes:

PS don't trust ANYONE who plays Spanish music...


Active member
Here's a question for ya...

What company was part of a huge multi-billion dollar contract to help the DEA with drug interdiction? This same company now has a NEW BASE in California from which to conduct operations. And their target? Mexicans...

Who is this company?

The same company that was Dick Cheney's personal hit squad, assassinating people around the world, illegally and with the full support of the US gov't.

The same company that has made billions contracting with mercenaries to provide security and black ops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The same company that TORTURED innocent people in our names.

The same company that massacred 28 Iraqi civilians in broad daylight in cold blood...

The same company who's leader is on a Christian Crusade against Islam and now against cannabis growers.

Yes, it's Blackwater. Now known as XE.

Since they got that contract, MUMS the word about it. There's virtually no stories about it in the news. So there's no news about whether they lost the contract. In fact apparently the US gov't (and Obama) are so happy with Blackwater they continue to give them more contracts like this!

Could it be Blackwater's mercenaries who are going in and dealing with these Mexican cartels in California? Could it be they who are busting law abiding collectives now? Can it be them who is trying to put this FEAR into Americans that Mexicans are taking over our forests so that they can continue to get contracts like this?

Someone needs to find out exactly what Blackwater is doing in California (besides building a blimp!)


Active member
OK, I researched it further and found out that Blackwater doesn't have a base in California. A grass-roots movement managed to stop them in their tracks, and they abandoned their plans.

However that doesn't mean they're not present in California still fulfilling their Anti-drug contract with the Feds.


So if they found Chicken bones and coca cola bottles laying around would they Blame the Afro`s? don`t go getting all black on me. White or yellow.or Green with envy.

K Double O

All these good points really boil down to this....

"Racial" profiling is business as usual here in the USA...

Always has been & always will be...


My little pony.. my little pony
They were all wearing these hats and waving pinatas in the air like they just didnt care.



Active member
So if I mosey up around the forest with long ass dreds, a dead shirt, listening to 60'/70's tunes while eating wholesome organic foods while tripping on acid (alcohol sucks) all will be well?

Hrmmm sucks to be a Mexican in California (which used to be Mexico) I guess.


Well-known member
If you ran into a group of illegals camping on the edge of a man-made clearing deep within one of our national forests with many weeks worth of empty beer bottles and cans of Spam laying aroung,..........

what are the odds that they're just on an innocent vacation camping trip?:fsu:


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
The US Forest Service has been accused of racial profiling after it issued warnings about illegal immigrants growing pot on federal land. Their list of supposed indicators of illegal immigrants include "tortilla packaging, beer cans, Spam, Tuna, Tecate beer cans," and campers who play Spanish music. The warning includes people speaking Spanish.

They tell people to leave right away :angrymod:AND CALL THE POLICE :angrymod: if they see these warning signs.

Better watch out! There are Mexicans who speak Spanish and drink beer in California! :yoinks:

Hey, if they're drinkin' Coronas, they're cool then, right? :friends:


I think if you look at it from the leo's side

if you are trying to catch crackheads, well you know where to look, and what they look like for the most part..

so if you see a group of mexicans( not in an organized camp setting) but backwoods situation, I would think that was abit strange too. I do alot of backcountry campin, and you know who I see....white people. When i go to a campground I see all different skins, but never while a few dozen miles in the deep forest.

I think this story is overblown

Owl Mirror

Active member
I did a bit of googling:

Rep. Brian Bilbray explained:

"Either we can go after these cartels in Ensenada, or we can fight them in Escondido," said Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Carlsbad), who voted for the plan. "I'd prefer that we move now and take care of this problem south of the border. The drug wars in Mexico and in other regions have grown horrendously violent, and their destructive ways must be quashed."

October 14-15, 2007 -- Blackwater training police in American cities and towns
Blackwater is also planning to establish regional training centers in Potrero, California and Mount Carroll, Illinois, billed as Blackwater West and Blackwater North, respectively.

These training centers, in addition to Blackwater's Lodge and Training Center in Moyock, North Carolina -- Blackwater East -- and a possible fourth rumored to be slated for the Pacific Northwest -- Blackwater Northwest -- may result in the establishment of a network of Blackwater-trained police, sheriffs, and other police units around the country. Given Blackwater's dismal record on human rights and brutality, this spells trouble for civilian control of police and paramilitary forces in the United States, from major metropolitan areas to small rural towns.

Blackwater's new California battleground
It is here, on this derelict 824-acre chicken and cattle ranch 45 miles east of San Diego, that Blackwater Worldwide wants to establish a West Coast beachhead - a proposal that has stirred up one of Blackwater's biggest battles yet. Blackwater has an option to buy the 824-acre site and proposes to build a 5,000-square-foot headquarters building, a 10,000-square-foot armory, a driving track, a helicopter pad, a bunkhouse for 300 students, a mess hall, a 50-foot fire training tower, four ship simulators, 11 firing ranges, a live-fire "shoot house" and an urban-simulation training area.

25771 Potrero Valley Rd, Potrero @ [email protected]

Blackwater Coming to California @ http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/blackwater
Miriam Raftery has written a series of articles covering mercenary and warprofiteering firm Blackwater's proposal to open a huge new facility in California.


A good friend of mine is on the police force and he says they always racial profile. Especially when they pull tags.