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US Supreme Court Fucks the Constitution (again . . .)


Active member
Fuck me in the goat ass. Hey quick question. Do any other drugs give off an odor that police could smell rhrough a door? So what we have here is a direct attack on cannabis. Cuz if I read this right if cops smell drugs and hear noise they barge in.
Well...FUCK ME! All they have to do is 'say' they smell it or 'say' they hear something. ALWAYS your word against them and YOU LOSE 'cause they have WEAPONS and BADGES and YOU are a fuckin' criminal until YOU prove different. The ppl are up against legalized professional KILLERS.


ICMag Donor
This is utter bs. There is almost no such thing as probable cause anymore and now probable cause almost instantly turns into a warrant. I mean if a cop hears any noise... or says he does and then claims he thought evidence was being destroyed he just made his own warrant. Police lie under oath all the time, I've seen it first hand. Seriously i shouldn't need a 6' perimeter fence a guard dog and a camera system to be free in my "castle" from my government. This ruling doesn't seem American. One cop could now go pick a house and raid it. If they find stuff they go see i was right, if they don't they could just leave. That's a messed up situation. The way all these laws are changing and the rate at which we are all loosing civil rights is really beginning to scare me.:hotbounce


this really sucks!!!and .this will give the cops the right now to kick your door in if u trip in your house or move a chair or any noise they hear.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
this gives any police absolute right to kick in your door at any time... all he has to do is "SAY" he heard shit... no proof other then the leo's word... everyone knows how truthful them guys are....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
People willingly give up there freedoms to be "safe" safe from what though? whos gonna protect them from the protector??


So i need a Vault door on my house if grow to not get fucked in the ass by the now even longer arm of the law... This is utter and complete bullshit... What you are really seeing is the US government trying to get law enforcement agents shot during warrantless raids to make a run at reasoning to not legalize as it is on the front steps of 3 states legislation... Our founding father's are rolling in their graves while relocating them to Canada...


Rubbing my glands together
All I can say is those who wish for America to swing further to the right, this is the kind of thinking that is the result.
Vote, vote to change the laws, and then to pick more liberal SCOTUS. Other wise we are on the run away spiral to the bottom.

I'm guessing the other 4 liberal leaning justices, one of which is usually a swing vote, who could have sided with Ginsburg to beat this thing just weren't enough. Hard to believe but they aren't your allies either. Looks like they are carrying water for leo at every turn. So much for separation of powers.
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And yet they cant sit outside of bars and wait for drunks to get in their car? Me getting stoned in my house is way more dangerous. Fuck America.


How can you defeat this warrant less search?
Anyone? Myguyver?
What if you confuse the noise with more noise like turning on your stereo? What would their probable cause be then? Leo: "we smelled weed your Honor and we heard Bob Marley reggae music thru the door. Not only that but he/she must have been home and refused to answer the door before we broke it down".


Well-known member
Lets band together and find out were these judges live and go and kick down their doors and ransack their homes.
Then tell them we heard them destroying the constitution.....


First thing I did after reading this info was checking if it was not posted on april 1st, and it wasn't. I am not surprised that this happened. You should thank the supreme court because it's made to protect our society from terrorists. Now, when police arrives on a terrorist's grow site they have more power to destroy the evil weed plantation and save the world from terror


Sounds like your best defense is to get those cameras/audio recorders rolling before you ever do ANYTHING in response to cops at the door.

Right, and as you are trying to find and press the record button, the cops scream "He's destroying the evidence!" and kick your door down.

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