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US Prisons are some of the worst in the world.


Annnnd some people still don't get that this thread wasn't about the living conditions within the prisons, but the things that are putting innocent people there there every day...

Woman, 61, arrested for asking 'why'
Four women, two of them well into middle age, were discussing funeral plans for a friend when an Atlanta police officer told them to move.

Three did but one asked "why." In answer to her question, Minnie Carey, then 61, was handcuffed, put into a police wagon and taken to jail, where she was held for nine hours.

The Citizen Review Board found that Atlanta Police officer Brandy Dolson had violated APD policies and had falsely arrested Carey.

"I was blown away," Carey told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "I had heard about people in the community being harassed by the police ... It really didn't shock me as much as it probably would have if I had not heard of people going to jail for no reason. I figured I was just another one.

"But I had the right to ask why I had to move," she said.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
USA has the most criminals because we have a huge population and we dont kill people for crimes..usually.

Go to some other countries and find out how good you have it in USA. Im certain there are a few places better than USA, but i gurantee there is alot that are far worst.

Hell there are countries out there that will KILL YOU for any drug posession.

About 400 people have been hanged in Singapore since 1991, mostly for drug trafficking, giving the wealthy city-state of four million people possibly the highest execution rate in the world relative to its population, Amnesty said. -www.cnn.com


Annnnd some people are still god-blessing America because It has made Its nation in an image not so bad as Its 3rd world.

Neo-conservatives have been at the helm for 30 years - and all we've got to show for it is a banana republic, a lousy t-shirt that says 'Patriot Act', and a corporate-sponsored, nationalist Tea Party that would never allow the transfer of some loving power from Christ to their Christian Nation (Blasphemy! - the sole power to be delegated from Christ to State is that of WRATH).

Wrath... the Neo-conservative dogma has blessed us with a big-ass prison system (that isn't as bad as prisons in some 3rd world nations).

We've got it so damned good I could cry.
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And, I'll apologize in advance for not noticing the quote by BiG H3rB Tr3E that referenced Singapore. Not 3rd world.

Guess America is great because it isn't Singapore (yet).


Active member
Well the prison population in the United States is higher than say Pakistan, but that's because you don't go to jail in Pakistan. You stand in front of a firing squad and you take it with a smile. There are no 10x10 cells. There are only AK-47's pointed at your noggin'.

However, the prison system in the United States is unjust and there are a lot of people sitting in prison for no good reason at all. It really makes me sick.


Freedom Fighter
I have been to Ca State Prisons 12 times....I got to hone up on my pinochle game...never seen anybody raped...altho I have seen several murdered--
I was the quintessential Peckerwood while there...kinda a "when in Rome..." thing--
It has been 14 years since my last time there...and in retrospect...it would scare the fuck outta me if some of those guys were out here--
Not all in there deserve to be...but the ones who do deserve it...deserve it big time!!
I don't think that Non Violent Offenders should be in Prison...I done all my time for mother fucking "Petty Theft"....Shoplifting...
And I done most of my time in Level 3 and 4 Prisons...Calipatria, Corcoran, Delano...it was fucking ridicules!! I was put in with Lifers...that is no Justice...that is "Just-Us"
Fuck the System...before it Fucks you!!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
The Illinois Governor, Quinn released 1700 inmates and took a lot of heat for it. He did manage to trip a few million off the budget, but people complained about the few prisoners who committed additional crimes.

I've never been in prison, county lock up though not legally. I slept on the floor and worked for a dollar a day. It was cleaner than my bedroom. I know, I was one of the detainees who kept it clean.

I don't know how to fix the Justice System The bar and lawyers association have many more votes than most communities.


in this modern days .. the "man" is a product who can produce money for government.
the world goes down.. not to hell .. to nowhere.


Just one. They had a much better prison system. I'm actively working on leaving the states permanently. However, the economic crisis has pushed those plans back a few years. Which is somewhat ironic; I'm stuck here because we sabotaged the world economy.
Try Cuba. I hear the prisons are real nice there................Bye Bye now!:tiphat: