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US Marijuana Growers Threaten Mexican Cartel Profits


Active member
According to this article, the increasing quantities of marijuana grown in places like Northern California are threatening the bottom line of Mexico's huge drug cartels.

As more people grow cannabis in ever larger quantities, the amount of marijuana imported from Mexico is dropping. As more people realize how superior the carefully tended domestic product is, the more people prefer that over cheaper, poorly grown and processed Mexican variety.



New member
I can dig it! More profits for the American people instead of the Cartel's pushing all the white stuff along with Mexican dirt. I don't see a problem with this at all.....


Well-known member
Overgrowing the cartels one plant at a time:joint:

I can say one good thing about mexy weed. You do find some good seed for practice growing:2cents:


1%...Billions of taxpayer dollars wated, millions of harmless, upstanding citizens wasting in prison, sick people afraid to use the most effective medicine available....what a crock of shit. These moron drug warriors should be ashamed fo themselves. With all of this bullshit, and they can only intercept 1% of the crop. How totally ludicrous is this, and when will it stop? Keep it up people, I can feel it, it is coming, continue to OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT!



whos the enemy? the us gov or the cartels..?
funny how cartels hate the gov and the gov hates cartels..yet usa home growers with the real dank hate them both. overgrow the cartels and gov cartels..clearly we are
winning both sides :kos:


Active member
It's about time we take back our country, and push the mexican cartels and their shit back to where they came from.:laughing:


This is what ive been sayin for a year now. you want to create jobs in america for americans then legalize it and many new industries would pop up. Yes, i know that will take money away from established corp.s so itll never happen but im doin my part to stop em. I dont support terrorists except when I pay taxes.



Active member
We smokem "GOOD BUDS"

Maybe Mexico will start exporting more SENORITAS! I'll take two 22 year old ones!


south of the border down mexico way thats where i told jose to take his compress shit brick weed back to just the other day. haha it's why I don't care about camp busting illegal growers on public lands.a significant amount are illegal aliens .


I have a definite hostile attitude if you are an illegal alien growing on public lands.
1st off they are illegal and should be back in mexico so anything they do here I am against.can you go to mexico and get any goverment services or grow bud?no and why would you bother?
the damage they do to public lands is significant in that taxes are wasted to interdict them.the land clearing,garbage,and other activities I would be upset at even if they werent growing.nothing pisses me off like being in the ocean or mountains and seeing garbage lying on the ground or in the water.that is what really upsets me,and having been to mexico I can care less for their garbage strewn country.
I would say if you grow on public lands try to reduce your impact or footprint,clean your garbage up or bury it effectively.I would wish that we all cherish our public resources by leaving them the way we found it, having done trail repair work cleaned my fave beach every morning,and I wish everyone would do a little to improve the environment they live in.


Well-known member
when I owned a shop, I had a cartel actually order 300 lights and everything to go full hydro at MSRP. they spent nearly $300K to grow shwag. They tried to buy genetics off me & I said no way. they offered me $20K for 1000 roooted OG cuts. told em "sorry" I just sell the gear and tell people how to use it. they offered more, and they wanted to fly to me to their op and "manage production".. I told them "sorry" I cant, I am a legit business". offered me a $100,000 to come down for a weekend and show them what their doing wrong! "nope sorry, I may smoke herb, but I don't grow it anymore" "I could really use the cash, but I cant help you." I was worried I was gonna get black bagged V for vendetta style and forced to help them. it was scary...


Thats fantastic. I hear everyday about cartel wars killing tons of people...I can't wait til the day not a single pound of worthwhile weed comes over the border and funds their bullshit.