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URGENT!! Insurance Inspector coming tomorrow!


stoned teacher

D Rock said:
These guys are in there to make sure they arent going to insure a dump. they are not going to be looking through your stuff and lifting cloths draped over things that have lamps on them. Sorry im high. anyway, they are there to look at the size and get.....(4:20 :joint: smoke break)......a general idea of what the property is worth. dont stress. they would probably think it was a ugly dresser or something and thats why you covered it.

:yes: ...folks I've had three of these through the years....they're looking to make sure fundamentals are there, important appliances work...important stuff like that....they don't care at all to go through your stuff.....

dude it's fine for an insurance inspection...100% (and I'm a PARANOID MOTHA FUCKA)....

It's not freaking out for nothing....it's smart and insuring your freedom....freak away and stay safe!
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Put it in your bedroom with that bag over it. Far away from anything electrical/water.

When they are doing the inspection, if they go into your room, go with them... Dont let them anywhere near the box. If they touch or ask about the box, consider it a 50% chance of getting caught but just say, oh nothing and ask them what they are looking for.


I wouldnt leave it near the water heater, especially with that ducting. Put it in your room and you are fine.

The porn mag, dildo are all good ideas. They wont be looking to spend much time in there

Cozy Amnesia

Ok, I survived the inspection.

Wow...He didn't even go into my room! Or the utility room! He pocked his head through the hallway a bit, took a picture of the kitchen, and spent most of his time trying to figure out what apartment number he needed to write down on his paper.

Thank God I didn't go nuts and rent a U-haul!

Thanks everybody for all the help. /thread

Wooden Eye

Or took that advise to put it in your car!! wtf totally the wrongest thing to ever do. Driving is THE one way to make close contact with the people you would want to avoid.
Now renting trucks etc is one way to get looked at especially that its all posted up all over these threads. Renting and growing together a bit of a worry IMO.