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URGENT!! Insurance Inspector coming tomorrow!


Cozy Amnesia

Ok I pulled off a note on my door today saying that my apartment's management will be entering my home with an insurance inspector to perform a brief inspection. FUCK!

What are they going to check? My grow is in a storage area that shares the same room with the central air unit and hot water heater. Tell me if I need to take my box out of this room and store it at a friends. Obviously the plants would go with it. Here's a stealth pic and non stealth pic:



If I don't take it all to a friends place, I would have everything shut off, which wouldn't be a problem because right now they nap from 11:00a.m.-3:00p.m. and the inspection is from 11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m., and I'll disconnect the exhaust duct and tuck it away.

Am I being just too paranoid? I hope so becuase the way it's designed it would all have to come apart. Or should I take these extra security measures? HELP!


I would move it to my bedroom. They will definatly be looking into that closet. Don't take it to a friends then he will know your growing wich is a huge mistake. Worst case rent a u-haul truck and store it in there for the afternoon.


Yeah, your setup is really small - if it's in your room with lights, pumps and fans off, you should be ok, but if yer really concerned, I really like baccas125's renting a trailer idea.

Cozy Amnesia

Ok I like the idea of taking it into my bedroom temporarily because you're right and they will definitely be in that room.

Does anyone know what happens during an insurance inspection?

D Rock

Put that mutha in your room with a black cloth over it and put a lamp, a ashtray, some change, magazines, ah anything make it look like it just a makeshift table or sidetable to a bed or something. Unless they are flowering then they would smell. Good luck bro.

D Rock

These guys are in there to make sure they arent going to insure a dump. they are not going to be looking through your stuff and lifting cloths draped over things that have lamps on them. Sorry im high. anyway, they are there to look at the size and get.....(4:20 :joint: smoke break)......a general idea of what the property is worth. dont stress. they would probably think it was a ugly dresser or something and thats why you covered it.
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Active member
Shoot... You could just put it in the back of the car, and just go drive around for a while... I have t say, no matter what your plan is, is that you MUST get the box out of there.... It is an easy chance that you will be doing time if a home inspection turns up your grow op, even if it is just a PC. Keep safe and keep it green.


Active member
looks clean, relativly, for a closet, id leave it right there.
put a few more things in it if u can, the vacuum looks good there.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Put a thin blanket on it and have some cards and shit on it to make it look like a make shift poker table.


Go to U-hual buy one of their biggest wardrobe boxes (the kind you hang your clothes in) put it over your box and put other boxes on top of it and around it, make it so that it would be a pain to check out whats in the wardrobe box. If you're really noid just stick it in your closet and most anyone will write it off as something you never unpacked from the initial move, if you wanna one up it with a little camo write Gina's Clothes or something would be awful rude for an inspector to go through a ladies clothes.

You'd be suprised how easy you can get someone's attention off a larger object by distracting them with a smaller more devious object like a porno mag. If they believe that porn is your dark secret laying in the closet they'll pretty much assume they've figured you out. Reminds me of Houdini
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Active member
d has it correct...it's just a walk-thru visual inspection to make sure the building is up to code and has no major probs (cracked foundation, leaky roof, cleanliness, etc)...but as long as major probs aren't found they are usually done very fast. had one done at my place when i changed insurance co's a few years ago and had plants in the backyard...a table and paint drop cloth covering it did the trick. the guy was here for maybe 10 minutes and this is a fairly large old house. he paid extra attention to the roof, fuse box, hot water heater and checked a couple elec outlets then poof...gone.


Active member
i agree with the others here, i wouldn't be too paranoid over this. just turn the box off right before they get there and cover it up like others said. i like the idea of making it look like a table too. a couple months ago, the maintenance guy was over at my place switching out water heaters which is right next to my grow cab. he was there for a good 30-45 min and even asked what was in it cause i had to move it. i just said some junk and that was that.


Active member
don't get complacent!

don't get complacent!

I would move it to my bedroom. They will definatly be looking into that closet. Don't take it to a friends then he will know your growing wich is a huge mistake. Worst case rent a u-haul truck and store it in there for the afternoon.

good call...also, vacuum up real good, too...you never realize what is there until it may be too late...

better safe than sorry, especially for a small grow...

if it were me, i would remove any trace of a grow.

be happy you had advance notice. :nono:
Last time I had to hide my plants due to an apartment inspection I put everything in a corner of the room, stacked a bunch of shit around it, so it looks like a pile of stored crap. Then to top it off, I put my ladied dildos in plain sight, right on the stack of crap, so they wouldnt want to spend much time looking around.

Cozy Amnesia

Ok this is exactly what I wanted to hear, lol. Sounds like I freaked out for nothing. I just need to keep a cool head and take the right measures and my security shouldn't be breached. I think I'm going to put the box in my cloths closet with a sheet draped over it and plenty of stuff on top of it and in the way.

Thanks for all the help guys and keep the ideas coming!


full time daddy
last time one came to my place they looked in (livingroom) then to ketchin... Looked under the sink to the bath room again looked under the sink then to the water heater. Checked the roof for leaks ( Sheetrock inside ) then left ....
They look for fire hazard & water damage that's what they cover mostly everything else (theft) is just gone off crime rate in your hood... It was less then 15 min's at my pad
I'm sure the 3 hr's they gonna be there is for all place's in your complex and paper work .... You should be safe I'd leave it n stack more shit on it even empty boxes jus make it away from your water heater n stacked neat if they say shit say all move it tonite
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You will be fine, cover it up really well.. its going to be a quick thing...
make sure the house smells good too! a little water on the stove with a cinamin stick does wonders!


D Rock said:
Put that mutha in your room with a black cloth over it and put a lamp, a ashtray, some change, magazines, ah anything make it look like it just a makeshift table or sidetable to a bed or something. Unless they are flowering then they would smell. Good luck bro.

Ditto for sure. I'd even add some dirty underwere and day old socks on top. They (ME) would'nt want to even touch it. I think you'll be alright. :joint: