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Urgent help with cancer and Hash Oil

I hope it can cure or lengthen his life i really do.I believe cannabis can cure it,i just dont think the science is there yet.Its a shame to if the last 70 some odd years hadnt gone the way they did the science would be here.Like others said i would not ignore conventional medicine.We are all very aware of the studies and findings.Thanks for posting the links.they may come in handy!best of luck to you.


Active member
dude first off,i am sorry to here about your pop's man.thats gotta be tough.i can sense your stress and worries.my first piece of advice for YOU is don't stress yourself out.the stronger you are,the stronger your dad can be(and other love ones can be,for him). for your dad .you need to look at everything in his life style.try and think of everything as nutrients for him,the oil included.look into wheat grass juice and micro greens,specifically broccoli sprouts.im going to look on my brothers computer where i have downloaded some youtube videos to find the links.but again my heart is with you,lost my dad going on a year.and i do anything to try and help you out.ill be back.and let your pop's know either way ,its all good and there nothing to be scared of.trust me man(coming from a the complete stranger...lol)


Well-known member
Another question for the pros. When I make my Hash Oil, I use Butane as a solvent and Grape Ethanol as a carrier solvent. In a double boiler, it takes me about 45 minutes to evaporate the ethanol when I'm making every 14 grams of Oil at a time. After 45 minutes in the double boiler, there are no more bubbles at all. The temp of the oil reaches around 200F when all the ethanol is gone. Does this mean that I shouldn't decarb further at 250 degrees because the oil is already decarbed. I hope you guys know what I mean.

I suspect that should be adequate to decarb the oil.

The decarb chart I found on the web shows right about 40 minutes at 223º F to decarb (the boiling point of water is around 220º F.)

If you noticed kind of a final "flash" of bubbles during your purge, then almost no more, that is usually a sign that the decarb completed.

Best wishes for your Dad Snype.


Active member
As ghostmade is talking about, rawfood is a very good idea.

Please check up hippocrateshealthinst , they know what they are doing.

Keep the head high, all the best for yours and you.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
oils great, but dont be afraid to include other forms
Get a twin gear juicer and a buch of OG apples. I use a green power juicer,


Change his diet, try raw foods also. He needs his greens, green smoothies and green juices.

Turkey Tail mushrooms are also beneficial. Check out Paul Stamets Host Defense and various other myco products.

Cancer survivors that ran a marathon everday for a year last year.


My easy example of raw food is this.....Have you seen the led clock that you plug into a potato and it works? Try that with mashed potatoes, and or french fries and see what happens.

I did raw food for 11months. 100%...it was a challange but i have never felt better and I never got sick.


The Boutenkos have good books to start with.



Your gonna need a blentec or vitamix for a good blender.

I have kale banana and blueberries with fresh spring water in a smoothie almost everyday

Honestly with your eye issue, you should go raw also, be ready to detox though. This takes dedication and LOTS OF WILL POWER. Unless you move somewhere heavily populated and conscious you wont be able to eat out anymore.

Go do some tai chi with your pops also, get natural energy flowing and improve your overall health while reducing stress.


Active member
youtube dr. larriane day,and dr.lenard coldwell
you will need a blender and a juicer.juice wheat grass and weed leaves and tops if ya got it.its hard though since he is older,radical lifestyle change might not go over so well.so maby try and get him to do 1 super shake and 1 super salad(make sure ya get them broccoli sprouts)if he is on heart meds,he probably cant intake vitamin K so be sure that you consult the doctors about diet and nutrition.i offer my advice for selfish reasons...i don't wanna see you hit ghost from the fourms.i love lurking on your threads :) stay up man

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Not trying to discourage you if that's what you think is best. Just wanted to share my experience that oil alone did not work for me (although maybe I didn't try it long enough, didn't want to risk not treating it properly). I know I'm not the only one either. It sounds great and they make nice claims but if you have other options still take them or consult with an oncologist which I'm sure you already have.

Not everyone that we supplied oil to was successful here either, some were miraculously so, and heart breakingly some that I developed a close relationship with died.

Many were end of life, having been sent home after exhausting everything western medicine had to offer them, and suffering the indignities of things like chemo and radiation, so I'm not sure how much that reflects on cannabis, or to simply point out that it isn't the great panacea, curing not only the original tumor, but all the iatrogenic damage from treatment.

We just sponsored Dr Robert Melamede to lecture us'ns on the human endocannabinoid system here in River City last Saturday, and suggest that you check him out.

He is one of the leading research scientists doing clinical research with cannabinoids, and an engaging speaker.

In a nut shell, he says that there are sugar burning tumors and fat burning tumors. The sugar burning ones are easier to kill.

We should have the DVD of his lecture for those who missed his presentation later this year. In the interim you might Google him and check out some of his papers.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
One thing that I learned from Dr Bob, is a game changer and I want to pass along.

He says that it is primarily the THC responsible for the cancer cures, and more than about 4% CBD is wretched excess. The trick is to simply flood our bodies endocannabinoid receptors with phytocannabinoids.

The fly in the ointment of course is that someone who has low tolerance, can't take a gram of concentrate a day and not be discombobulated.

We've had success with raising the CBD levels to more closely balance the THC, but Dr Bob says they use Citicoline. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citicoline

At 3X the concentrate dosage, he says they were able to reach full concentrate dosage almost immediately.


Active member
Awesome Info!

Diet is extremely important. Cannot repeat that enough times. So... No sugars or modified/bad oils for both cancer types.

Indeed it's been the ravages of the chemo and radiation therapies that are most responsible for the destroyed immune system. I firmly believe there are a great number of folks that would have had a chance with cannabis, had their immune system been intact and undamaged by modern oncology practices.

I'd much rather go clean diet and cannabis as a first resort. I look forward to the day when that is a common thought for the population.

Keep it Clean! :D


Not everyone that we supplied oil to was successful here either, some were miraculously so, and heart breakingly some that I developed a close relationship with died.

Many were end of life, having been sent home after exhausting everything western medicine had to offer them, and suffering the indignities of things like chemo and radiation, so I'm not sure how much that reflects on cannabis, or to simply point out that it isn't the great panacea, curing not only the original tumor, but all the iatrogenic damage from treatment.

We just sponsored Dr Robert Melamede to lecture us'ns on the human endocannabinoid system here in River City last Saturday, and suggest that you check him out.

He is one of the leading research scientists doing clinical research with cannabinoids, and an engaging speaker.

In a nut shell, he says that there are sugar burning tumors and fat burning tumors. The sugar burning ones are easier to kill.

We should have the DVD of his lecture for those who missed his presentation later this year. In the interim you might Google him and check out some of his papers.

I get your point. I am not trying to dissuade anyone from using oil for this purpose, it may or may not work and I am always on the side of hoping it will. I made my comment simply because I have had a handful of people I know refuse treatment after seeing the Rick Simpson video or other videos of oil curing cancer and they did not make it unfortunately. I hate seeing people progress to the point of no return simply because they do not understand chemo or their other treatment options and reject 'western medicine' because its made by 'the man'.

And to anyone considering oil as a treatment, speak with your oncologist, they are not all against cannabis and in fact I've found oncologists to be some of the most accepting of mmj. My situation was caught early and my doctor gave me the chance to try oil first while it was under observation, once it got to a certain stage I let him do things his way.

Again best of luck to Snype and his family ,as well as anyone else dealing.


Active member
THanks for posting in Grey Wolf, great info.

The raw people are all against pills, sugar, meat and processed foods, also fruit sugar when treating cancer.

Hippocrates, Dr. Brian Clement had Steve Jobs in his hands and prolonged his life several years, however Brian stated that Steve would not drop his daily fruits, so a fully treatment was never possible (only vegetables, no fruit sugar) + 1 hour infared sauna a day, followed by body cleasing techniques, spirulina tablets etc.


New member
Not everyone that we supplied oil to was successful here either, some were miraculously so, and heart breakingly some that I developed a close relationship with died.

Many were end of life, having been sent home after exhausting everything western medicine had to offer them, and suffering the indignities of things like chemo and radiation, so I'm not sure how much that reflects on cannabis, or to simply point out that it isn't the great panacea, curing not only the original tumor, but all the iatrogenic damage from treatment.

We just sponsored Dr Robert Melamede to lecture us'ns on the human endocannabinoid system here in River City last Saturday, and suggest that you check him out.

He is one of the leading research scientists doing clinical research with cannabinoids, and an engaging speaker.

In a nut shell, he says that there are sugar burning tumors and fat burning tumors. The sugar burning ones are easier to kill.

We should have the DVD of his lecture for those who missed his presentation later this year. In the interim you might Google him and check out some of his papers.

Is the DVD available yet? I am very interested in hearing what he had to say. Sad i do not have the ability to make it all the way out to Oregon from the great lake state.


Active member
Hey Snype; Google..My Experience With Rick Simpson Oil ~by GrowGoddess~.
There is so much information and testimonies in that thread. And frank discussion of administration of the oil

wishing nothing but the best outcome for you and yours. jpt

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Is the DVD available yet? I am very interested in hearing what he had to say. Sad i do not have the ability to make it all the way out to Oregon from the great lake state.

Nope, it takes a while for the film maker to edit and compile a four hour lecture, soooo it be a bit.

The ones for Dr Fischedick are compiled, but Sara is having trouble with the compression, so she is seeking support. It was made using a cheap $650 Cannon and the raw footage wasn't primo.

This time I rented a $5K camera, to make her job easier.


Kiss My Ring
iirc rick simpsons oil is only heated to evaporate the solvent, not to boiling point of water.

I happened to follow phoenix tears literally and frankly it is a miracle. yes it takes a lot and some people cannot abide the ride, but it eliminated completely the lesions from basal cell carcinoma that refused to heal.

I took minimum of 1 gram per day. half morning half nighttime...about 1cc from a syringe, for ninety days. the lesion scabbed over, then pink scar tissue, then not even a scar remained.

maybe it worked because I had faith it would...I took no other medications, and didn't change lifestyle or diet or anything.

this is not medical advice, just my observations and experience. your mileage may vary.

the risk you take is very small compared to the benefits of beating cancer.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
I'm just some guy on the internet and don't have much to add here, but I will try to address the original question.

First, I have seen some misinformation here.

Decarbing has nothing to do with absorption.
It is the process of using heat to remove a carboxyl group from THC-A to make it psychoactive.
And, the boiling point of water is, of course 212 F.
To decarboxylate THC-a into THC takes many hours at that temperature.
And you have seen the decarb. charts for time and temperature.

From that, you can deduce that those "big bubbles" are the last of the water boiling off.

When the big bubbles stop, slowly raise the temperature to around 270 F. and you will begin to see "Tiny bubbles".
About the size of the ones in ginger ale.
Those are the CO2 being released.
The are tiny because CO2 is denser than air, or steam.
When the tiny bubble production tapers off, you are done.

Mind you, this applies to solvent derived oil.
I have no experience with BHO.
And I'm still hunting for some 'tane oil to try on skin lesions.
Also looking for lesions, Mine have all disappeared so I need a test subject.

Now, to address your original question.
I do know that THC binds to the endocannabinoid receptors.
What I do not know, is whether THC-A binds there also, but without being psychoactive.
I'm 'bout to go look that up.

Anyone out there know?

The good news is Decarbed oil can, and does repair skin lesions, neuro-endocrine tumors , warts n some moles.
Did a 2 month topical application on the wife's mole with known to be effective oil, and saw no change in it.
However, when she had her last endoscopic ultrasound, the 10 neuro-endorine tumors in her pancreas are now 3!
And those 3 are about 1/3 their former size.
(Neuro's under 2 cm. are considered benign).

So I would go with decarb.
And not to worry, even raw cannabis has both THC and THC-A
It's the ratio that we change when we decarb.

If you want to cover both bases, quit halfway through the decarb, and ship it!
Time is of the essence here!


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I'm just some guy on the internet and don't have much to add here, but I will try to address the original question.

First, I have seen some misinformation here.

Decarbing has nothing to do with absorption.
It is the process of using heat to remove a carboxyl group from THC-A to make it psychoactive.
And, the boiling point of water is, of course 212 F.
To decarboxylate THC-a into THC takes many hours at that temperature.
And you have seen the decarb. charts for time and temperature.

From that, you can deduce that those "big bubbles" are the last of the water boiling off.

When the big bubbles stop, slowly raise the temperature to around 270 F. and you will begin to see "Tiny bubbles".
About the size of the ones in ginger ale.
Those are the CO2 being released.
The are tiny because CO2 is denser than air, or steam.
When the tiny bubble production tapers off, you are done.

Mind you, this applies to solvent derived oil.
I have no experience with BHO.
And I'm still hunting for some 'tane oil to try on skin lesions.
Also looking for lesions, Mine have all disappeared so I need a test subject.

Now, to address your original question.
I do know that THC binds to the endocannabinoid receptors.
What I do not know, is whether THC-A binds there also, but without being psychoactive.
I'm 'bout to go look that up.

Anyone out there know?

The good news is Decarbed oil can, and does repair skin lesions, neuro-endocrine tumors , warts n some moles.
Did a 2 month topical application on the wife's mole with known to be effective oil, and saw no change in it.
However, when she had her last endoscopic ultrasound, the 10 neuro-endorine tumors in her pancreas are now 3!
And those 3 are about 1/3 their former size.
(Neuro's under 2 cm. are considered benign).

So I would go with decarb.
And not to worry, even raw cannabis has both THC and THC-A
It's the ratio that we change when we decarb.

If you want to cover both bases, quit halfway through the decarb, and ship it!
Time is of the essence here!


The issue with THCA is its polarity. With the COOH carboxyl group attached, it can't readily cross the blood brain barrier to get to the CB-1 receptors in the brain, which is why it isn't psychoactive.


Oil has been known to shrink tumors in rats or mice. If that's true, it sounds like a cure to me.

depends how your using the hash oil.. for tumors... if hes eating it . decarb it.. if its being smoked.. don't.. but decarbing the oil just makes it absorb better while being eaten.. while smoking u decarb as u smoke .. but I also heard that the chlorophyll and other waxs and lipids.. that are extracted into the holy anointing oil.. does a better job for cancer and or tumors.. then normal clean clear bho.
and tumors have been proven to shrink a dogs tumors on the skin.. and also has been proven to shrink skin cancers and to basicly cure the skin cancer..

but don't quote me on this.. I don't know for a FACT.. but I say TRY TO SAVE HIS LIFE!!! doctors want to bleed u dry of all your cash and savings .. to allow u to die after ur broke..

don't give a shit wat others think..

even most doctors have no clue about the medical values of the cannabis plant... they have been brainwashed to believe it has no medical value since the pharma companies cant make money on it.

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