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My Modular SCROG


I have been growing for about 3 years. In that time I have been lurking here on ICMAG learning from everyone here. So I thought I would show you what I have learned. This is my first Mod SCRoG.

My box is 22 1/2 inches deep 36 1/2 inches wide and 30 inches tall inside measurements.

Light, is a 205 LED and I got 4 spiral CFLs on one side.

Soil, is just some cheap soil from hope depot.

Fertilizer, is GH Maxigro and bloom.

My Mod SCROG Screens are 9 by 11 inches. I am running 6 of them. 1 plant each in 1 gallon pots.

I am 30 days into 12/12 this round. The strain this run is Gak x Grapefruit. I over vegged a little I think. It is really packed in there and have been having to fight to the girls to keep them from hitting the light. But looks like the stretch has stopped so hoping they will start to fill in now.

One of the screens out of the box my camera sucks sorry for the crappy pictures

Top view

looking in with the one screen still out.

looking over the tops from the left side the led is off here

and from the right side


weekly update

weekly update

shafty420~ Thanks I will try to put on a good show.:plant grow:
HighDesertJoe~ Thank you :laughing:

Well things are going nice. the buds are a little smaller then I would like at this point but hoping they will put on allot of weight in the next few weeks. I also moved every thing up 2 inches closer to the light they are now at about 7-8 inches away from the led.( too close?)

They are looking a week or 2 behind where they were when I grew them without the screens.

Day 37 Pics.










:smoke out: :wave:




Sorry things got busy around here and haven't had much time to spend with the girls.

Well I hate to say it but i managed to kill one. I don't know how my best guess is I just didn't water that one. last few times I was watering them I was in a hurry and may of missed her. but two nights ago when I looked in at them to water and give them a good look over i had one that was just totally wilted and drying up. So I watered them all hopping that she would come back and this morning I look in again and she just wasn't going to come back so she got chopped. Kind of mad at myself because of it.There was only 6 pots to water how did I miss it.

So this morning i shuffled around the girls to make some room in the box for some new young ladies. they are 5 pk clones in 1 gal pots I think they are SR71 pk will have to check. I'm not going to scrog them. Because it is my first time running them and I wasn't to see what they will do with out a screen holding them down. they are all about 7-8 inches tall. anyone know what I can expect as far as stretch?

I am really not to pleased with this scrog round. All the buds all really small kind of like I had too many bud sites so none got big.

a few picks from this morning day 49ish I think



that ones ya see on the left here are the PK the ones on the right aren't looking to hot atm they are mad at me for negating them.

Pk on the right

Well thats all for now.


Active member
What happened to the pics?
I've got to go over and take a look at your cab, now that your a month+ into flower. Should be looking good.


CannaBunkerMan ,Canniwhatsis ,silver hawaiian ,and Hazy and others that have tried to look. Sorry my pics got set to private. Don't know when or how it happened but should be working now. I was high I'm sure


Well I chopped 1 on the 25th because it started to put out Bananas. then last night i seen i had another one that was popping bananas so i chopped it too. I didn't want them to get on the others. I did think about just picking the bananas off but after i tried to on 1 bud with my fat fingers it didn't work out. they where in their 7th week any way.

The PKs i flipped have only stretched about 1.5inches so far in a week. not really looking like good candidates for a scrog.

I also has something sweep through my veg box killing off almost everything i had in there. It started is really small white spots on the leaves then in a few days after the spots showed up they started to die. I have been treating everything but the ones in late flower with Neem and it seems to have stopped the spread. I'm thinking it had to be some kind of bugs or a fungus. All that made it was my PK mom and a few pk clones they seemed to be immune to it.
So with what happened in the veg box i have nothing vegged up to go into the screens. So will be a little bit befor i put a new girl into the box with a screen. I also don't thank the Pk's will work out too well in a scrog with their slow slow veg and not much stretch.











