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Unofficial Coco Coir Growers Thread


hi rooster449 ph 5 is low for coco i would definitely raise it up to about 5.8 it will make the plants a lot happier and allow the plants to get all the benefits of those nutrients, thats what all the threads seem to agree with !


OK sounds good to me, I will give it a try and keep you up to date.



Yes it is Dank, Iv just put in my new De-humifier and its down to 50% now so I can go into Flower and hope for no Mold
I will keep up with my pixs


Yes I like It Alot

Yes I like It Alot

So you're liking the de-humidifier then I guess?

It is doing the Job just Fine but it was A little pricey but its better than getting Mold.

I have my new room set up now for bud and it has A AC so Im not using it in that room now.

My new room

XXXL 1000

Bud it 4 weeks

All in Coco and Canna Nutes

Injoy the Porn I love Growing



dehumidifier are a necesity in coastal south spain and a lot of other high humidity areas. also it gives you perfectly clean water you can use in you nute mix.

avoid having the dehumidifier in same room as grow.

best option is to have the dehumidifier in the area the growroom takes air from. in an adjacent room etc.

dehumidifier are a necesity in coastal south spain and a lot of other high humidity areas. also it gives you perfectly clean water you can use in you nute mix.

avoid having the dehumidifier in same room as grow.

best option is to have the dehumidifier in the area the growroom takes air from. in an adjacent room etc.

Why is that better Bonecarver?


the very dry aiar of the dehumidifier gets mixed with the air, so its softer for the leafs.

a direct blow of dry air damages leafs. it dehydrates.
Wait, the only way I can grow in the summer when it's 40c outside is to use AC and seal the room isn't it? CO2 and all that.
BoneCarver, please tell me if if there IS a way to bring in outside air in southern Spain, then I won't have to use Cooltubes, AC, CO2 or De-humidifiers.


first a lot of ventilation is a necesity also.

im not going to tell you lies, the summer indoors are for the most experienced. its very extreme conditions... bugs profilerate, and plants get really sensitive.

none of the above is necesary if u have good enough air exchange. but if u dont have a basement of something similar to grow in, it is going to get more dificult..

personally i think the cost of the AC is so high it would make the weed so expensive... better look for other solutions.

dehumidifiers are a must.

the air around here is often up to 80% humidity. better drop that a bit if possible. also a big amount of plants breath a lot and make more humidity.

better avoid humidity.


Can any one Help Out

Can any one Help Out

OK Here we go again:wallbash: I did put all 10 new seeds in Coco Yesterday and Looking for them to Show some Leaves popping up, 8 out of 10 had sprouted before I put them In Coco with A very light Clone X Mixture.
So lets cross our fingers, Did I do Right By putting Clone X in with the new seeds or is there something else I should have done.
My Coco has nothing in it to start out with so Im hoping I have not Fucked Up My Seeds doing This:yoinks:



OK Seeds Are Doing Just Great

OK Seeds Are Doing Just Great

I put them in Coco just 2 days ago with A light CLONEX Mix With 5.5 RO water

Thanks for The Info But I Need HELP

Thanks for The Info But I Need HELP

What is Coco Peat (Coir)?...
and why is it desirable as a soiless growing media? (fyi)

Coco Coir, what's better to mix with it, Perlite or Hydroton?


IMB :)

Now I have grown my first Coco and They are doing Well and ready to Trim and dry in 2 weeks. The problem I am having is that the Clones I took of my girls are just not looking very Good
I used Root Tone and A light mix of Clonex in my coco and put them in pint pots under A dome for a week, They looked great at that point, But now they are not doing good at all. When I took them out of the Dome I started them on A 1/2 Mix of Clonex and Rhizotonic, Both at 1/2 Strenth.

Can some one tell me what they do to keep there clones in good Shape. They are under A T5 Light too:wallbash: I just dont no what I have not done but I am hoping that some one here can Take my hand and lead me to good clones.
They are under A T5 Light too:wallbash: I just dont no what I have not done but I am hoping that some one here can Take my hand and lead me to good clones.

The light isn't too bright is it man? I haven't used t5's yet, but I have put cuttings under too much light before they could handle it.


OK Here we go again:wallbash: I did put all 10 new seeds in Coco Yesterday and Looking for them to Show some Leaves popping up, 8 out of 10 had sprouted before I put them In Coco with A very light Clone X Mixture.
So lets cross our fingers, Did I do Right By putting Clone X in with the new seeds or is there something else I should have done.
My Coco has nothing in it to start out with so Im hoping I have not F**ked Up My Seeds doing This:yoinks:


hopefully it does no harm - but seedlings dont really need rooting hormones :D
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dont exadgerate watering with rooting hormones in excess. after the initial dose it is not necesary to use more imho.

make sure clones are WELL rooted before transplanting to coco. also it is VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO SOAK the coco too much at the first waterings.

it is also normal for clones to use their own reserves i.e the leaves for energy while they are rooting.

make sure not to put clones in a space with a lot of air movement the first week after rooted - or if you do -mist them or the surroundingsa to increase air humidity.

clones dont have a well developt rootsystem at all in the beginning and it is important to show them some extra care.

keep fluorecents on a palm and a half of distance at least - or even more. dureing the first weeks of rooting the plant dont need and cant handle too mcuh water nor drought.


and please all watch the language!

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