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Unofficial Coco Coir Growers Thread



great thread guys, iam leaning hard twoards coco on my next grow. i am presently growing in soil ( organic ) using advanced nutes product line. wondering if i could use these products in my coco grow or should i use coco only ferts. thanx


bassbaba - looks awesome :D and VERY chunky! :D

bet she is going to smoke well!



Just wanted to say ay, friends, how y'all doin? Been super busy with a bunch of cool shit in tha works. :smile:

Smoke Kush, Make friends
Nandro :sasmokin:


Chillin bro, how you doing?

If your bored check out the canna dvd on the last page if ya haven't seen it already :rasta:


Indica Sativa said:
Chillin bro, how you doing?

If your bored check out the canna dvd on the last page if ya haven't seen it already :rasta:

Doing great, man! RIGHTEOUS I'm gonna check that out now..

Nandro :sasmokin:


a few questions, 1)does anyone know of advantages/disadvantages of the longer grain coco verses the shorter coco 2)what is the cal/mag prewash for the coco and where can i get some/how can i make some 3) would you recommend a coco/soil mix or coco/perlite mix. Any help would be greatly appreciated, i currently use soil and want to try coco next run


stonedm-i'm not sure about your Q's but guessing that coarser coco may drain quicker-some people add other stuff to their coco and lots use it on its own

guys-i'm wondering about all the diff coir nutes that you can get and thought it might be interesting to compare the npk numbers because they are all different. I got a few to be going on with and will add more as i get them. Where there is a part a and b i've just added them together to give the final figure assuming this to be the right thing to do. apologies if this has been done before i searched but didnt find anything

coco NPK

Canna COGr Vega A: 3-0-0
B: 2-2-4
=: 5-2-4
COGr Flores A: 3-0-5
B: 0-3-2
=: 3-3-7
Canna Coco A: 4-0-1
B: 0-4-2
=: 4-4-3
Atami Coco Nutrition
A: 6-0-6
B: 1-5-6
=: 7-5-12
Hesi Coco: 8-6-10


With coarse coco like profit disks how often would you water to get the roots established? Every 1-2 days until roots are out the bottoms and then i can start them on the drip? They been in there for one week. Thanks for any replies

Mr. Nevermind

Wow, what a thread!! I finally read all 60 pages of this thing. Ton of info in here all should read!! thanks for all the info in this thread and thank you to all that posted in it



jimjay said:
With coarse coco like profit disks how often would you water to get the roots established? Every 1-2 days until roots are out the bottoms and then i can start them on the drip? They been in there for one week. Thanks for any replies

What do you set your drip at with coco disks? I just got some coco husks...and they are very similar to the disks...except alot cheaper. I have mixed have of it with my coco coir...and I was gonna try some coco husks straight...but I'm not sure how often I should drip using 3G/hr drip manifold.

I understand it's alot like a drip setup with pure clayballs...but I've never done that either.



WHHHEEEEEWWWWW!!! Just finished reading all 60 pages, took a few sessions over a few days. I've been doing an INTENSE research into coco, and this is the last of the sticky's that I have read thru.

Got 1 question, that I didnt really see addressed anywhere.

If I'm planting clones directly into small 12-16oz cups, and the end goal is a drip system watered 3x daily, how would I go about approaching my watering in the small cups to achieve "hydro roots". Would I start right off the bat by watering them 2-3x a day? Or water maybe 1x a day until they establish in the cups, then bump it up to 2x-3x daily till they get x-planted to a larger home?? Going 100% Canna Coco by the way.


Active member
C_Q said:
If I'm planting clones directly into small 12-16oz cups, and the end goal is a drip system watered 3x daily, how would I go about approaching my watering in the small cups to achieve "hydro roots". Would I start right off the bat by watering them 2-3x a day? Or water maybe 1x a day until they establish in the cups, then bump it up to 2x-3x daily till they get x-planted to a larger home?? Going 100% Canna Coco by the way.

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you'd want to plant them in the small cups and water them in good. Then let them root into the cups for 2-3 days without giving em more water. Then after 2-3 days start dripping once a day and work up from there.
C_Q said:
If I'm planting clones directly into small 12-16oz cups, and the end goal is a drip system watered 3x daily, how would I go about approaching my watering in the small cups to achieve "hydro roots". Would I start right off the bat by watering them 2-3x a day? Or water maybe 1x a day until they establish in the cups, then bump it up to 2x-3x daily till they get x-planted to a larger home?? Going 100% Canna Coco by the way.

NOOOOOOOOO dont water every day, of the roots will get lazy. u have to let the roots get developed before u can do once a day + waterings. it depends on ur temp conditions. but i let the coco dry out, not completely but i let the top get fairly dry so the roots seek for water and develop
Wondering if anyone can help me, am I able to use my bio bizz grow and bloom nutes in coco? I have loads left from previous grows and was hoping to use it up in coco because I don't like wasting nutes.. is it formulated to be usable in coco coir too?


hey cq, i don't water seedlings every day early on. once i get them out of their first container, and they start getting nutes, i start feeding every day. remember, coco is hydro, so don't let them dry up. if you're going to automate, numerous small feeds per day is the way to go.


gaiusmarius said:
Hey bonecarver

i totally agree with you about the coco specific nutes, if you are giving them at the correct level and ph then you will have no deficiencies. but only if you water at least once a day with run off. as the coco needs to stay quite wet, if you start treating it like earth and letting it get dry you will create a great imbalance, the salts will concentrate in relation to the water evaporating. so as coco always has enough air in it anyway, one can concentrate on keeping conditions stable. every time you give water in coco with run off, you are in effect also switching out the old used up air and replacing it with fresh.

thats why giving several waterings a day works. because it's a hydroponic medium that has 20% air even when soaked full of water. so by adding fresh water you force the old water and air out, replacing it with fresh water, as the old air is squeezed out, new air gets sucked in to replace it as soon as the pump turns off and allows the coco to drain again.

but like i say there are 2 ways of working with coco. treat it like earth and it will do you proud, or treat it like a hydroponic system and it will amaze you with growth speed and yield potential.

i would say a ppm or ec meter is essential for a beginner, but one can learn how to dose the nutes without. although when maintaining a tank of nutrient solution for automated drippers, you can't really do without. same with the ph meter, i'd be lost without them.

i like to give my coco slabs a massage in between runs to loosen the coco up a bit again, but even in 6.5 lt. pots i've had no problem with coco getting too hard.

this plant had only 3 days of veg time on the coco slabs before 12/12 was started. it got a week of rooting in to the rw cube time before the veg, but only 3 days in the coco slabs before 12/12, imagine that. the slabs are best for short veg phases, Mampi is right about that.

Question for thread ...

Just transplanted some solid Hindu Kush x Sknk1 clones into some recycled Coco/perlite mix @ 50/50% . Found that milk crate worked wonderfully well for sifting out the older roots , did the rinsing out in 55gal drum with some clearex then streilized with H202 and anopther rinse out after ....and after this , all seemed good to go .
(will use some enzmes at the end of this round )

My question centers around how often to water in these given the high perlite ratio & what i notice is the tendency of this mix to really "wick" down easily ...while remaining moist at the top of the pots seems borderline dry & which could be a little disceptive .

* Gaius's idea of more frequent top waterings & the air replacement seems sound avoiding salt fluctuations due to wet dry , and was thinking of treating this mix similarly in recirculation system keeping ppms very moderate to avoid oversalting ..and with this much perlite this is definitely a lite mix and completely hydroponic.
( plan regular flushings of course and prolly install top drip which seems best upon final transplant into flowering cycle/2gals )

So how often would prevailing wisdom see watering in this 50/50% mix ...am running FN veg & bloom with hygrozme keeping around 700ppms . Will transplant into 2gals after 7-9 day veg & a rinse with definite plans to add layer of rox in bottoms , as Coco tends to puddle up .

tia guys, appreciate any responses ..loving this new medium
hope it loves me & my babies back !



PS: and hopefully no problems arise upon re~using it too ! Some are showing roots out the bottoms on the 2nd day, so far so good .
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