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unknown Indoor mix Cfl Coco grow


Dude just search "iron left on starts fire" or similar on google. flicker even has pics of the metal melted on irons that went up in flames.


heres a lil something to read.

even here it says that the fire stareted was because clothes near by got lit, I read one more story, it said that the plastic itself melted on the iron thus causing a fire this time the electricity continued flowing cause the circute didn't fail if it would have been a better quality plastic it wouldn't have melted, also there are safety mechanisms that switch off when it gets too hot, most people who had left theyr irons straight up not touching anything, find everything the same, or as i said the electricity gone in a part or the house, the fires are cause either because someone was in a hurry and left it next to something flamable, or by cheapass irons that melt themselves .


Thanks I appreciate your help very much without you or anyone else I wouldn't even have thought of these risks, cause now I found out about irons how they work and stuff, but everything could have been different than it is, I would put a heating blanket or mat, but don't have the money for one now, I had an Idea to build a pc box, but since I had set everithng up in the attic I was to lazy to do anything like that. but am gonna go to my grandfather he colects all sorts of metals so maybe I'll find an old pc there, so I could move the plants to my closet, gonna spend the weekend either serching for a heating alternative, or for building a pc grow box(if i find an old pc somewhere).

Now for my plants two of them are getting droopy, could it be due to genetics? ause the other two are looking fine after flushing


The Dude
you didnt need to flush, your chasin ur tail bro.......we already told ya dont overwater which is what ya did again......they are dying from root rot again from being waterlogged/overwatered. let them dry a bit before watering....atleast to where the first 1/2 inch of coco is dry on top.


I flushed it due to a ph imbalance, it probably was around 7, and they weren't watered before that for 4 days and were pretty dry, so no more fulshings, I'm much more caucious about it this time, this flushing was an eception.


The Dude
no seedlings need to be flushed. how do you know it was 7 in the coco? if in fact your coco was ph of 7 then all u had to do was lightly water with plain water ph'ed to 5.8-6.1........not flush an waterlog your medium.


Well not making this mistake again :D, i think it was 7 because when I made the first flushing before potting I did it with tap water at 7.4, and my nutes raised from 5.8 to 7 and didn't know that till last friday, your saying all I have to do is get the water ph right and it would stabilise?


The Dude
yup, coco is very forgiving an adjust very easily with a simple ph watering......think k.i.s.s. ....they would have been fine with a little ph'ed water but never flush seedlings cause they cant keep up with the heavy watering an will wilt.


The Dude
Im a med patient, used to be a vendor that ran a 4k room ( not huge but enough to produce 6 elbows every 2 1/2 months). Look in my pic album for some past work an current. I've been growing since 92', when I saw my friends dads backyard grow. His dad took me under his wing an I got started with my first outdoor grow. A year later I bought a phototron from hightimes, great at the time for a beginner but horrible now that i think of it. So you van say i have been growing for about 20 years and a grower for 18 years. I have been suffering from arthritis since i was a kid. First time i smoked when i was 15 i noticed a change in my body immediatly, like butter in my joints when i smoked and my headaches went away. I wasnt diagnosed till i was in my early 20's. When i got my first MRI they thought the films got mixed up cause it looked lije the body of a 60 year old with all the degeneration.

what else ya wanna know bro.....im an open book.


Yeah that's some time, if it didn't bore you then probably it was a great time spent, fells sorry for the arthritis, heard plenty of stories on people having hese conditions, and cannabis would be the only treatment for them, and was looked at as a poison, americans are starting to realise what it actually is, but in our country shich is lithuania, people are still super sceptical about it, even on the news they use frazes like " a doze of marijuana" like it would be sth a stoner would rob a perfume store for :D


Here are some pics, they are perkin' up

this one is by far the healthiest of them all


Here they are all healthy and green

This one has taken off real good this since past week

This one is catching up

And these two I think were a tiny bit stunned due to flushing, but now they should take off

Since I don't know what strains these are I want to give them good names, so if someone is still reading this thread help me out with the names.
Thank's :canabis:


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