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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
This has DISASTER written ALL over it.

Again, Eminem gets my proxy. You are begging to go to jail. How you think burying and digging up a box several times a week is going to escape notice is beyond me.

Please don't do this.


You need to move or spend MANY MANY restless nights tossing and turning wondering is my girl ok? Did she get ripped? Did someone see it and snitch me. It's not worth it. Your time will come but I assure you now is NOT IT.

My Penny

Fuck, even living as a middle class adult professional, in a nice neighborhood, with a good job, family, and as a member of the fucking PTA, who has no one coming over, at all (except other professional middle class well dressed adults for the occasional dinner party) With only a few well hidden plants, can cause the sleepless nights.

I often wake up sweaty to the sound in my head of "Search Warrant"

For me at least -- Light On = Sleep Off

It's a fucking plant, not a meth lab, it's sad it has to be this way.

I can't even imagine the stress of running around in the yard digging holes and going out at night under the cover of dark to try to maintain them.

Far be it from me to tell anyone what to do, but I think the OP may want to rethink this.


Listen to me jerky




Sorry, know you are trying to be creative, but you should listen to everyone here.

You seem to think that a small box in the corner of a room is more sketchy than a hole in the ground that has an extension cord near it that disappears into the ground as well? Um....no. :drum::bashhead::noway::jawdrop::spank:

Edit-I didn't even think about the venting.............Two pipes sticking out of the ground......... ................right


Devil's Advocate
There are several good reasons for you not to do this. I can't imagine why you're not seeing them, but the fact is, one good reason is enough.
Patience, homie. Keep this goal in mind as you move to your next house, make security a priority, and move on from there.

Lord Doobie

Playing the devil's advocate, I don't think you've given blazing420 much credit. He's obviously thought this out much more than he's letting on. Inside is out of the question. It would be interesting for him to try his plan and then tell us how it went. Of course, he can cancel at any time. Trust me...I've been in his shoes where goofs were coming in and out of my college house all the time. They were into absolutely everything. Not one place was secure. My clothing was even stolen. You're sure there's not an attic, crawlspace, or basement where the goofs can't enter? Hot water heater closet? If not, go for it and tell us what happened...but don't get caught and make us say "told ya so".

Owl Mirror

Active member
(about 30 seconds from where im at) where goofs are coming in and out of the house all the time

To be perfectly frank, if the activity of your construction project doesn't reveal the secret, your constant attention to this mysterious place 30 seconds from your computer sure will.

Do as you wish but, this sure sounds like a financial and legal disaster.
If you are in school and receive federal assistance, have you thought about losing that available money for the rest of your life just for a two foot plant hidden in the underground outside your window?
You need to remember, a local cop may smile, wink and laugh at your hole in the ground innovation but, a campus cop may become Barney Fife and go rogue on your ass.


How are you going to manage this archeological dig esque construction of this "pot bunker" if security is such a large issue? Won't someone see you outside with a shovel digging your little heart out and wonder "hey, why is this extention cord going underground in this freshly moved earth"? I'm guessing by your determination and general determination you're teenage or young 20s and probably still living at home or possibly at school, this is not a good idea at all. You're putting education and/or your family in jeopardy by doing this.

I can't even imagine how you would pull this off, i mean you're really thinking of making an underground laboratory for a microgrow? you're the next howard hughes.


My suggestion would be to do a stealth computer case or file cabinet grow. That could be easily hidden in your bedroom and not draw any attention. I am betting that there is pot smoking going on in this house with all the people going in and out so smell probably wouldn't be an issue. You could put it in your closet and put a lock on the closet door


New member
i see all of your concerns and agree, however i would not have chosen a location outdoors that is just as likely to get caught. this place has woods 10 feet from it, so disposal of dirt is no problem. the outlet is not a foot off of the ground, it is legit half underground, so hiding the power chord for the entire length is possible. the location is also so that it is not visible from any windows or doors, where anyone could peek out at any second. i appreciate your posts, however most of the points are not of concern


Active member
It sounds like you have made your mind up to do this. If so I wish you the best of luck.

Two final suggestions:
Re-read everybody's posted concerns.
Grow a legal crop in the new box for several weeks. See how it goes. Maybe a couple of peper plants or something. You can work the bugs out of the lighting and ventilation and more importantly see if it draws any unwanted attention.


New member
excellent suggestion. thank you. i am on board with the idea but still need to figure out if it is monetarily plausible. if so i will keep you all posted


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Playing the devil's advocate, I don't think you've given blazing420 much credit. He's obviously thought this out much more than he's letting on.

Are we reading the same thread? I'll assume he's a nice guy, kind to animals but, you're obviously giving him too much credit for something he hasn't thought out at all.

Blaze, take a pound of weed to the sheriffs station and blow some smoke in the sergeants face while kicking him in the shins. If all you want is to be incarcerated, there are easier ways than digging up the yard in the middle of the night.


Active member
I am not going to shoot you down but I think you will need to have a VERY good plan to pull it off. DO NOT involve anyone else whatsoever. The success of this will lay heavily on the fact of TELLING NO ONE!

The light should be enough to heat the grow area. I wouldn't think that a heater would be necessary. If you dig deep enough you can get below the frost line and the ground temp can help you steady the temps for year round growing. If you are in college you should be able to figure out a way to completely animate this box so that you will not need to maintain it as often(think robots). I would rather see you find a safer place without lots of people coming and going all the time. How will you explain coming and going to the woods all the time? Does it snow there? If so how will you hide your tracks in the snow? Will the box melt the snow around it? The vegetation will thin out and make it easier to see into the woods. I expect to see some pics if you feel comfortable with posting. No mugshots either, nobody likes those.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Are we reading the same thread? I'll assume he's a nice guy, kind to animals but, you're obviously giving him too much credit for something he hasn't thought out at all.

Blaze, take a pound of weed to the sheriffs station and blow some smoke in the sergeants face while kicking him in the shins. If all you want is to be incarcerated, there are easier ways than digging up the yard in the middle of the night.

:laughing: :yeahthats


Devil's Advocate
this place has woods 10 feet from it,
So it is sticking out 10 feet from the woods? Really what is your plan for camouflaging the freshly moved soil every time? You could make a fake stone cover ala the biggest grow op in TN ever.

the outlet is not a foot off of the ground, it is legit half underground
That is not a good place for an electrical outlet to be. Water will be your plague, my man.
May I posit that you are someone just messing around trying to elicit a response? If you are serious, don't take that as offense.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Ok it's sounds like your gonna do it fine. BUT your first run with this thing buried in a hole out in the woods 30 seconds from your computer why not make the first run some Veggies. Maybe some bell peppers or something of the like?

A grow is a grow. Get some experience with your new digs under your belt work out the kinks and then even if it does (when) get discovered simply say you got tired of paying 3.00 a piece at the store.

You will be able to plan the best times to go out and check and nurture your plants and maybe even find a better way to do it.

My Experienced Penny