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New member
Hello everyone! i am excited to start my own grow soon. i decided, why not put together a wooden box, weather/water proof it and stick it in the ground and grow in it? I have found a small heater, wood, the perfect spot near an outlet, and more. i am fairly convinced it will work, but still need to figure out a little more. i am planning on a 2 by 2 by 4 box or something of similar dimensions. I plan on ScrOG-ing, using a 100-150 watt hps light, as 250 would need greater space. i am planning on soil for medium but undecided on other growing specs. am still doing research and hope to put in within the next month

any and all criticisms, queries, ideas, suggestions, etc are very welcome.


How are you going to get to the box? Seems like a bigger security risk trying to access some box in the ground.

find a closest or cabinet


Weed Robot
If your going to grow and hide just use a room or a closet if you scaired of posible few days in jail then dont do it and if you grow 1 your not geting less time. if you rob a bank you wont get less time because you only took a dollar.hope you get where im going with this
To me do it to win dont just do 1 and find out it be the same charge if they found 10
I would hope people stop play growing and just go all out
They wont find out if you dont tell your peoples
Sorry to drop down on you like this


dude really for a 150w light its not even close to worth it. just stick it in your closet i don't see a small grow like that requiring such security measures


New member
the big problem is there are people going into my room all day and random people walking in my house frequently. so anywhere in the house, no matter how small of a spot, is out of the question. a box outside would just be asking for someone to peek into it, so underground would be ideal. most of the mini closet grows have been completed with about these dimensions, mostly less. the area outside has nobody around, so the chances of me being seen are slim to none

Owl Mirror

Active member
Beyond all the other obvious questions, something to consider is moisture content of the air underground and how you would dial that aspect in, in such a small space.

Personally, in your situation I would wait until the late spring and find an out of the way outdoor site to plant a few seedlings.
have you considered ventilation in and out? or where to take the plant when you need to remove it to prune, water, feed, train it? underground makes me assume u only have access from the top...not a great idea for scrog when you got netting in your way. always better if you can access it from a side where you can pay better attention to minor detail ya know? hey listen though... i am in no way knocking your idea... but i am very curious to how you plan to adress these thing and wish to see it work out for you... got my interest.


New member
excellent concerns and i have already thought them through.
owl mirror: i have planned two tubes for ventilation. on one side would be a 2-3 inch diameter pipe with a heater fan at the mouth of it. on the other side would a small fan pushing the air out of a second 2-3 inch diameter pipe.

harvest time: i would have the whole grow box sealed, including the top. on one side, i would have a separate trap door that would open to a hole. this would bring me down to the level of the plants, but i would outside of the 2 by 2 foot area. think of it as the grow box for the grow, and then another hole for me to access the box, right next to the box. does my description make sense?


Active member
Move out of mommy and daddy's house.....then setup a grow....if you are an adult and live on your own then tell all those people to stop coming by and if they want to they need to call or knock first...,otherwise tell them to be prepared for an asswhopping with questions asked later.


This sounds like you are living is a college dorm or some other similar dwelling. If there are people walking into your house all day long then you shouldn't even be considering a grow anywhere near the house. Underground or not.

Barney Fife

the big problem is there are people going into my room all day and random people walking in my house frequently. so anywhere in the house, no matter how small of a spot, is out of the question. a box outside would just be asking for someone to peek into it, so underground would be ideal. most of the mini closet grows have been completed with about these dimensions, mostly less. the area outside has nobody around, so the chances of me being seen are slim to none

Didnt read this before. Big mistake. Dont even think about setting up a grow until you get in a situation where you dont have "people coming through your house frequently" ...


Active member
If there are people around aren't they going to notice the fresh dirt from the holes? It may take a while to dig the holes. The same with the pipes sticking up and possible fan noise. If it is the rainy season how is the drainage and the water table? Are you going to bury power. People tend to wonder why an extension cord suddenly has to be plugged in all the time and is then buried in the garden. If the top of the box is buried will the top of the box and the cover for the holes next to it or around it hold up the weight of people walking over it?


New member
i hear everybodies criticisms, but i view it as a fun project as well and being a hassle to get to (its about 30 seconds from where im at) is not a problem at all. the hole would be time consuming but i have a friend who could help me out. the drainage system is good nothing to worry about. people can walk over it with no problem because the earth underneath is dense enough. and the extension cord will go to a outdoor outlet that is partially underground so keeping it secret will not be too much of a stretch.


the hole would be time consuming but i have a friend who could help me out....

so keeping it secret will not be too much of a stretch.

If your friend helps, there goes the secret.

I love the admiration, but dude this is NOWHERE near the hassle. This has DISASTER written ALL over it.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
the big problem is there are people going into my room all day and random people walking in my house frequently. so anywhere in the house, no matter how small of a spot, is out of the question. a box outside would just be asking for someone to peek into it, so underground would be ideal. most of the mini closet grows have been completed with about these dimensions, mostly less. the area outside has nobody around, so the chances of me being seen are slim to none

You need to move or spend MANY MANY restless nights tossing and turning wondering is my girl ok? Did she get ripped? Did someone see it and snitch me. It's not worth it. Your time will come but I assure you now is NOT IT.

My Penny