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UN wants new global currency to replace dollar

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
To me it looks like the euro has worked in europe........before there were many currencies from many individual countries........most European countries joined the euro and got rid of their old currencies.....

Now the Euro is stronger than ever...

The British refused to join the euro and over the last decade have seen the pound devalued against the euro by around 30%......

It makes it much easier for European countries to trade with each other and the companies that trade don't fall foul to radical fluctuations in their currencies as before because its all the same currency......

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
It does make things more complicated with multiple currencies, but I think it makes the printers of each currency accountable for their actions. If one prints more money than is acceptable by other money printers, than the value of said currency goes down. If there is centralized currency, there is no accountability and they have complete control. If they want to freeze credit, they can, and the people have no where else to go. What if they stop printing money and make it all digital, total control with no accountability.

Centralization of power is not a good thing in my book.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Take a look at early America, each state originally had its own currency. At that time each state government also had much more control of its state. The federal government decided that the ability to trade and travel was suffering. It was then decided to make a standard currency across the nation. Soon the rights of the states began to diminish and the United States became much more centralized. Economically this was a great thing, though it was one of the worst points in American history as for as state rights were concerned. This is an example of what a global monetary system can accomplish, though on a much smaller scale. As I had said before there is a way to make it work and it could be a great thing, though at the same time there could be major drawbacks. Such as a more centralized globe, which is not the same thing as a globe in unity.


Active member
I'm a little late to the party, but...

As stated, I'm not claiming I'm right, but let's just say I'm playing devil's advocate. Obviously I'm educated in the ways of "the man", I have a very expensive piece of paper that says so. I understand I know what I know because that's what they want me to know. I'm in no position to change any of it, so I just need to know how to play by their rules so I can succeed.

The concept of a gold backed currency sounds great, but what will happen to the credit markets? Business thrives on credit. That would be my main concern. If there's still plenty of money to lend, then great! I've experienced the difference between life with credit, here in the US, and life without credit, living and traveling around in South America. I have a new appreciation for credit to say the least.

No matter what is done, there needs to be better regulation. When we had the gold standard before, it didn't work because they just printed more money and ended up devaluing the dollar, right? So they're printing money now, they printed money then... What's the difference?

Healthcare is a completely different topic, but economically I just have one point, maybe 2 to add. (I'm a little passionate about this because I've been working in a hospital the past few years putting myself through school.) We are the ONLY major industrialized nation in the WORLD that doesn't have a public option. Sick people without insurance are a burden on society. Preventative medicine and catching things early can save tons of money, but people can't go to the doctor if they don't have insurance. They use resources, and the bills are never paid. Insurance companies can charge whatever they want. Healthcare is going to cost us either way, and I vote to do what has worked for the rest of the world. Everyone deserves healthcare.

And damnit, I agree with just about everything Gypsy says! lol... Because when you take your dollar, and buy soles, and then take your soles, and buy bolivars, and you take your bolivars, and buy pesos, you lose a lot of money on the exchanges! And the Euro is a great example of how a universal currency works.


all praises are due to the Most High
And damnit, I agree with just about everything Gypsy says! lol... Because when you take your dollar, and buy soles, and then take your soles, and buy bolivars, and you take your bolivars, and buy pesos, you lose a lot of money on the exchanges! And the Euro is a great example of how a universal currency works.

Not saying you are not right, but if that stops, that is bad business for banking institutions. why would they stop it? unless they really wanted to benefit everyone equally they may consider stopping it.


Active member
I don't think it'll happen in my life time... but, I remember learning about there being talks of the Euro when I was in grade school, and that became a reality...


Devil's Advocate
Bartering is impossible. I need A, and I have B. You have A, but don't want B. Screwed. Gold standard, as I said before, still allows for credit in bad times because gold doesn't disappear, it just changes hand. There will always be someone with gold to lend it. Just because we need credit is not an excuse to make money out of thin air. It's bad economics.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Thats why I had started the statement with "I wish", it was a simpler time. Though of course has no place in modern society.


all praises are due to the Most High
I don't think it'll happen in my life time... but, I remember learning about there being talks of the Euro when I was in grade school, and that became a reality...

you are right of course, anything is possible, this can happen, but I don't see it around the corner either.

I don't know what I see around the corner, same old, same old perhaps...



High, just thought I would share my 2 cents

To me, our world would be better off with out a monetary policy at all. It is the monetary system that has enslaved us and will be humanities demise if not stopped.

so in short, money = evil, sadly money = ability to survive in babylon


Devil's Advocate
Jointed one, why is money evil? That's like saying that the computer right before your eyes or any other thing you have in your possession is evil, because it has value and can be traded for other things that you decide that you need or want. Money is the tool with which we trade value with one another. It facilitates the trading of goods. Evil? Not in my book.
Without money, we would be in a much more primitive state now, and you can't argue that would be a good thing. I'm happy, personally, with advanced technology that allows us to live longer and happier lives.

Anyway. I knew you guys were kidding about bartering, but I also know that there are people out there that believe what theJointedOne believes, and we have to make sure even the sarcasm is sorted out, honestly. (no diss intended, TJO, we just need to think honestly about our long held belief sometimes)

Money is good. A life entirely based upon the acquisition of material wealth, especially at the expense of another human's well-being, is bad. The exact definition of "another's well-being is sometimes hard to discern, but we do our best.
Read the Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, sometime. (available online FO FREE!) It's a fascinating book. Lots to ponder in that one. It's the lesser known masterpiece by the author.



global government?

i just find it very scary that our futures are seeming to be decided by groups of very rich people, and it is being done behind closed doors, with little tidbits peaking out every once in awhile.

All this sounds very similar to anti-semite propaganda, but I'm not even touching that can of worms. Anyways, until these shadowy rich motherfuckers think it profitable to actually infringe on our basic human rights I don't really think rich people running the economic show is really hurting anything other than our wallets, and us hippies need to learn to live without being wage slaves anyways.

Business can only wield tyranny when people are not free to use land to grow their own crops and hunt animals. In other words, when people can survive without taking a job that pays less than it should, there is no coercion in the market.

Of course I'm all for taking potshots at these conspiracy theory bastards as soon as I can see their faces :D


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Business can only wield tyranny when people are not free to use land to grow their own crops and hunt animals.

Then the tyranny has already started, their are already laws against growing certain crops (other wise this site probably wouldn't exist) and you have to be licensed to hunt and fish. That seems like a lack of freedom to me.


well the idea of scarcity is at the core of monetary policy.

the problem is that it is a false scarcity. there is more than enough abundance through out the globe. We ( when I say we, i mean humanity) should be helping one and other instead of competing for who gets the fruit and throws the rest the rhine.

the idea of maximizing profits is the direct reason for a lot of evil in the world such as GMO's, prison systems (which would not exist without scarcity, why do most criminals commit crimes? to make money of course!), herb being illegal, global warming a.k.a. death to all ......umm i could go on and on...BANKS!!! talk about evil. When you realize that war and death is profitable for them, you realize why we went into all those wars. To maximize shareholder profits. You can find TONS of evidence of banks having connections to nazi's.

the UN estimates it would take $30 billion dollars a year to provide clean/safe water to every person on the planet. Are you telling me that this is not viable?

You have joe blow the quarterback/shooting guard/ pitcher making millions a year. Insurance companies are raping mankind. There are a lot more billionaires in the world than we might think.

there are also 50000 people dying everyday from lack of safe water or a lack of water all together. Why is not one first world country coming out and saying " you know, lets not worry about what this or that costs. Lets provide water to all for free." That country would be shot down by world bankers in a second

Are you implying that the bottom line is more important than a human life?

"Money is the tool with which we trade value with one another. It facilitates the trading of goods. Evil? Not in my book.
Without money, we would be in a much more primitive state now, and you can't argue that would be a good thing. I'm happy, personally, with advanced technology that allows us to live longer and happier lives. "

I disagree. Without TECHNOLOGY (not money) we would be in a primitive state. Not that I se alll tech advancements as good. God knows some scientists are PURE FUC#ING EVIL. But yeah, I like living longer too, as long as it is a natural life.

When you get rid of money, you have a whole different concept of what incentive means. You are not going to have to buy any thing because people/groups who are passionate about certain things will provide those goods/services because providing that brings them happiness and joy. (I know this sounds like a norcal grower hippie dream but if you think hard enough, even the most greedy bastard [not you greenbastard lol]should be able to see the light!)

Lets work together to make the world a better place for future generations

one of my favorite peter tosh lyrics - "the day the dollar die...things are gonna be better!"

one heart, one aim, one destiny
Sellassie I


Devil's Advocate
well the idea of scarcity is at the core of monetary policy.

the problem is that it is a false scarcity. there is more than enough abundance through out the globe. We ( when I say we, i mean humanity) should be helping one and other instead of competing for who gets the fruit and throws the rest the rhine.

the idea of maximizing profits is the direct reason for a lot of evil in the world such as GMO's, prison systems (which would not exist without scarcity, why do most criminals commit crimes? to make money of course!), herb being illegal, global warming a.k.a. death to all ......umm i could go on and on...BANKS!!! talk about evil. When you realize that war and death is profitable for them, you realize why we went into all those wars. To maximize shareholder profits. You can find TONS of evidence of banks having connections to nazi's.

the UN estimates it would take $30 billion dollars a year to provide clean/safe water to every person on the planet. Are you telling me that this is not viable?

You have joe blow the quarterback/shooting guard/ pitcher making millions a year. Insurance companies are raping mankind. There are a lot more billionaires in the world than we might think.

there are also 50000 people dying everyday from lack of safe water or a lack of water all together. Why is not one first world country coming out and saying " you know, lets not worry about what this or that costs. Lets provide water to all for free." That country would be shot down by world bankers in a second

Are you implying that the bottom line is more important than a human life?

"Money is the tool with which we trade value with one another. It facilitates the trading of goods. Evil? Not in my book.
Without money, we would be in a much more primitive state now, and you can't argue that would be a good thing. I'm happy, personally, with advanced technology that allows us to live longer and happier lives. "

I disagree. Without TECHNOLOGY (not money) we would be in a primitive state. Not that I se alll tech advancements as good. God knows some scientists are PURE FUC#ING EVIL. But yeah, I like living longer too, as long as it is a natural life.

When you get rid of money, you have a whole different concept of what incentive means. You are not going to have to buy any thing because people/groups who are passionate about certain things will provide those goods/services because providing that brings them happiness and joy. (I know this sounds like a norcal grower hippie dream but if you think hard enough, even the most greedy bastard [not you greenbastard lol]should be able to see the light!)

Lets work together to make the world a better place for future generations

one of my favorite peter tosh lyrics - "the day the dollar die...things are gonna be better!"

one heart, one aim, one destiny
Sellassie I

Hey I've read the Venus Project's ideas, too, man. I'm listening to you. The thing is, a thing like what you're talking about happening, which is diverting resources to immediately "fixing problems" like drinking water and food is taking resources from other beneficial things. You have to remember that. Where would the resources come from? I consume less so that I can give my charity, k. This is the real issue. It is one group of people (the rich) taking a much too large share of the resources and using them on WORTHLESS SHIT like disposable everything, fast food, producing GMOs that make everyone much worse off. But I realize that we are working towards the world you are talking about where everyone is fed and clothed and sheltered through (regulated) free market mechanisms, we just aren't there yet. We have to be willing to accept incremental change, because that's the only way things can get done.

How would you suggest we divert the resources to feeding all the hungry? Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for life. Now apply that to food aid. It is ineffective and aid agencies themselves prove this in studies! The thing is, we are already exporting technology to impoverished people. It takes time! And as Sam Kinnison once said about those most in need of food aid,
"You live in a desert!
You know what it's going to a be
a hundred years from now?
It's going to be a fucking desert!
We have deserts in America
we just don't live in them!"

Now until we realize that bringing food to Africa and whatever else is a fool's game, the problem will not get solved. It's about that simple.

You're right, though, to realize that scarcity is a concept created to explain the economic principle that we are all sharing in the earth's resources. One day, we will achieve a balance (or we will become extinct, which I almost think is most likely) but it will not come from top down decision-making, because there are no "leaders" out there that are capable of bringing together the large amounts of complicated information necessary to distribute resources most equally. Money (and the price mechanism) is a very good way to disperse resources.

The banks may have in the past financed wars, but that is not their primary purpose, as you are making it out to be.
Also, asking me the question, "are you saying bottom line is more important than a human life?" is an example of a false dilemma fallacy. An approach to business that looks to the bottom line is not diametrically opposed to the well-being of human life. That is simply false! The goal of business, which is providing a good or service to people, which costs money, should be rewarded with profit. It is not a zero sum game (click) where my gain is always your loss. That is a CRUCIAL idea that many many many people don't realize about economics!

You must have an understanding of how markets work before you start talking about these things. I suggest a free online book
Economics in One Lesson
which explains many concepts of economics using examples and without boring you with math.

You can come into this discussion with preconceptions saying "money = bad" and "profit motive = bad" but until you can truly substantiate these claims without resorting to non sequitur arguments and logical claims with false premises and assumptions, you will surely reach the false conclusions as well. Excessive greed [which is different from self-interest, and can be regulated by gov't] and a profoundly sick- and feeble-minded society leads to the creation of suicide gene GMO crops, insurance companies charging too much, athletes and superstars making too much money.

My point about tech and money was that without a system of trade, we would have never developed this technology, because people don't create tech SIMPLY for the benefit of mankind, but because they have something in it for them. The baker does not bake your daily bread simply for your enjoyment, he must make a living...

Think, if the incentives for producing in the context of profit motive are removed, where does the incentive come from? Simply the benefit of mankind, right?
This sounds very nice, desirable even, but the fact is, it can't work because it can't be controlled. Production and distribution of goods has to come from somewhere, and value has to be determined in some way to be able to provide to each person what they are due. In a world without money like the Venus Project proposes, we will all be couch potatoes.
Today at least... I firmly believe that if we can overcome our sustainability issues, we will one day see a world in which robots will do most of the work. Programming will be the most commonplace occupation, and we will have lots of free time. However, we will still have jobs, money, etc. Everything will simply be much CHEAPER because of automation and free energy.
Cha ching.
Peace brotha