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Ultra stealth CFL grow

^^ there in flower, wouldnt topping do more damage than good?

They're still seedlings though aren't they? I think even 12/12 from seed involves a short veg time as they won't start flowering before they are sexually mature. Despite knowing little on this subject, I would imagine that there will be a time between seedling and flowering in which you could train.

At a guess you should be able to do as StealthDragon said and top at 3rd before they start to flower. I think people tend to say 3-4 weeks from seed before any flowering starts.

Leaving them a few to a pot or in party cups like kayaNOW said should help keep them under control too.


weed fiend
Stealthy!! The vid is great!!

I'm not sue if you're into upgrades but pl-l lighting would improve headroom and access.

ahsupply.com sells pl-l fixture kits. Variable lengths of 11", 15", on up. Depending on space depth, you might fit parallel kits. The kit reflectors boast maximum reflectivity. I think they're primarily aquarium/terrarium lighting and space needed is minimal.

Kits come w/o bulbs. 1000bulbs.com might sell bulbs a lil' cheaper than ah. Additional shipping may make ah more bulb-price attractive, at least for the first bulb purchase.

If wiring is your thing, you could make a custom sized bulb frame. Ballast, bulbs, sockets, wire and plugs can be easily converted into the best space configuration available with your setup. Ah sells the reflectors separately. A pebbled bat wing might work and roof flashing could also be custom sized.

You've got me thinking about the plenum behind my large central return. If I could manage light trapping, would be sick as hell. No more cab taking up floor space.

Thanks for showing.


New member
I definitely agree wtih Disco about getting some PL-Ls in there if you're serious about this. Will increase your headroom and will allow you to place the ballast elsewhere.
They're still seedlings though aren't they? I think even 12/12 from seed involves a short veg time as they won't start flowering before they are sexually mature. Despite knowing little on this subject, I would imagine that there will be a time between seedling and flowering in which you could train.

At a guess you should be able to do as StealthDragon said and top at 3rd before they start to flower. I think people tend to say 3-4 weeks from seed before any flowering starts.

Leaving them a few to a pot or in party cups like kayaNOW said should help keep them under control too.

They were given a short veg period, you def right on them not flowering immediatly after the flip. It takes between 1-3 weeks before pre flowers emerge. It might be possible to top after making the flip if the plants were growing fast enough, but with the amount of watts im running i would be suprised if they even make it to the 3 node before pistils emerge.

Thanks a bunch for the link man, thats exactly whaat i need to be looking into!!! i gotta spend some time on the site a pick somethin out that would work. It'd probly be alot less hassle than tryin to add more bulbs/get higher watt bulbs.

Also for the record i start my flowering calender on the day i make the the flip to 12/12 not the day i see pistils/sacs like some other growers, imo this should be standard practice.

Irate jah mon peace


Crotchety Cabaholic
Is the growspace your cold air plenum, or is the baseboard vent just an access panel to the area between the subfloor and ceiling below?
If that's your plenum, your whole house will reek once your flowering and the AC kicks on.
it is the vent that ac travels thru. it cut threw the attic so i blocked it off and redirected it to vent out directly into the attic crawl space. Was suprisingly easier to redirect than i thought. Main concern regarding odor is that smell could possible permeate from the attic, how much u think they could stink the place up haha?

Couple quick q's
1) communal pot idea/plan, would it do more bad than good to transplant them during flower, even though now there only in pots about 1/2 the size of a dixie cup?
2) Would a slight light leak the first 3 days of 12/12 possibly cause some plants to... either hermie, delay flowering, nothing?

Irate mon thanks
Anyone Know? ^^^

The plants are moving along, Its been 10 days since the last update, check it out...


Everythings all sealed up and no light leaks, gotta love duct tape haha




Cant wait to get started on outdoor, unfortunantly there will be snow up here in canada for awhile longer. i gotta move someplace warmer haha


Well-known member
Canada, ehh.
I like visiting our Northern Friends.
Looking good somniferum420.

That CVS RX bottle, Did U Make that?
Hey wudup bro, thx for stoppin by. Lookin forward to see your outdoor!

Yea i made it, copy and pasted a script bottle label, put my own words in and printed it off. just used clear box tape to tape it on. If anyone is interested heres the template, its already perfect size.




Enormous Member
lights are about 6 inches away from the plants. Im gunna have to stack some books or somethin under the plants to bring em up to around 2 in. distance away, in order to get the most efficiency possible outta those cfls. Theres still a bit of work to do before everythins set up proper, i def. gotta grab some black duct tape on monday to take care of light leaks.

that might be a little close for cfls, unless this has already worked for you. If that's the case, I'll let you carry on. Nice setup, I love stealth.


Enormous Member
^^ there in flower, wouldnt topping do more damage than good?

I dont think the plants will get that big, after males are culled i will have around 3-4 plant give or take. Also size is gunna be pretty restiricted due to availabele rootspace. i dont expect much, hopefully i suprise myself.

You should train them down to the bottom of the pot, then let them grow up from there. That way you can get the WHOLE 6 inches.


Enormous Member
^^ there in flower, wouldnt topping do more damage than good?

I dont think the plants will get that big, after males are culled i will have around 3-4 plant give or take. Also size is gunna be pretty restiricted due to availabele rootspace. i dont expect much, hopefully i suprise myself.

Sorry for the spamming, but I've grown seedlings from 12/12, and had them finish at 2.5 feet tall. This was usig CFLs.

No such thing as too close when it comes to cfls, as long as the plants are not directly touching the bulb. Also after 2 in. away from the bulb light intensity is cut in half.

I like the idea of training them below the pot

2.5 ft, musta been some nice plants. These plants will be grown more horizontal than verticle

Thanks for the input man. gave me some good ideas
sour 60 unfortunantly has shown female so im now plannin on ditchin the seedrun plans and just reverting the regular strains back to veg after they show sex and putting em outside. Gunna be vegging the non auto strains in the vent and flowering the sour 60 under my 150 hps. Will keep everyone updated.

Stay Fly

bad news, the one plant (#3) hermied on me, and the other plants are just begining to show sex.

I checked and double checked but there still must be a light leak somewhere, or mabey it got too rootbound.. i dont kno.

Should i just continue to keep an eye out for nanners or just toss it all together. Under anycircumstance is there a possibility that the pollen wont produce seeds highly likely to hermi?

anyway females that show will be reveged and put outside, and males flowered for pollen and future breeding projects, or atleast thats the plan for now... sour 60 is still under the 150 hps and lookin frosty.

Hermaphrodite (plant #3).

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