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Ultra stealth CFL grow

Hey wudup guys greetings from Canada. Ive been lurkin here on ic for awhile now and finally have a grow to share.

There are a total of 3 24 watt cfl bulbs. Each bulbs output is 1750 lumens for a combined total of 5250 lumens. Also there is space for two more cfls, i just gotta grap a couple more sockets and bulbs and theyll just snap in.

Soil is Fox Farm Organics. Havent got to nutes yet but will prolly be using something made by botanicare. Temps are sitting at mid 60's lights off and mid to high 70s light on, and there is plenty of airflow. Also no need for odor controll atm beacuse the vent exausts directly into the attic.

Should be a fun little grow, The flip to 12/12 was made today so bring on the pistles haha

Germ date: 3/14
Sprout Date: 3/18
Veg Time: 8 days

DAY 1 12/12





^^^ yea good point man, the 24's were just what i had layin around the house. When i make it into town on monday ill take a look around for some 42's for justa couple bucks more i could hella increase my lumens and in turn yield :tiphat:
Thanks for tuning in guys... many more updates to come :thank you:
lights are about 6 inches away from the plants. Im gunna have to stack some books or somethin under the plants to bring em up to around 2 in. distance away, in order to get the most efficiency possible outta those cfls. Theres still a bit of work to do before everythins set up proper, i def. gotta grab some black duct tape on monday to take care of light leaks.


New member
Is that vent the only way in? How do you work with the plants? How much height do you have to work with? Details man!
Yea its the only way in, i got about 6 inches to the max height of the bulbs, plants will be tied down and eventually planted in a wide communal pot.


Crotchety Cabaholic
You should stick to 1 plant per container when starting from seed.
You can do multiples once their sexed.

I like the ingenuity. :good:


Haha thats stealth alright!
I agree wit Tony C...go with the 42w's and i would get them closer 2 the lights say 3in.

I'm subscribed!! :biggrin:


Green is Gold
Cool setup..will be interesting to see how things go when they start stretching a bit in that small space. Can you adjust the height of the bulbs or are they fixed?


We need more pictures of the set up dude! Looks like there's barely enough room in front of the lights to get the pots through let alone when there's branches etc to contend with! Really intrigued though!!
yea no one said this shit was gunna be easy haha, the lights are fixed and the pots just barley fit in. Access is a biatch. Theres 6.5in exactly to the bulbs from the pot.


wew...sum party cups for pots wud be nifty in there.
tight lil setup tho, woot another micro grow to lurk
around in :) Subbin


Recovering UO addict.
wow with only 6" headroom I'd start topping them on the 3rd node or so...gets kinda hard to bend them over later on.
^^ there in flower, wouldnt topping do more damage than good?

I dont think the plants will get that big, after males are culled i will have around 3-4 plant give or take. Also size is gunna be pretty restiricted due to availabele rootspace. i dont expect much, hopefully i suprise myself.

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