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Ultimate Super food, Raw Cannabis?


Well thru some research i found this website, www.rawcannabis.com, this guy advocates eating marijuana not for its psychoative effects but for its nutritional content and healing ability. It makes sense why the government wants this plant illegal now, not because people can get high but because its the ultimate plant that you can literally live on and be healthier then you've ever been. Once i get the resources in acouple months I'm gona give a 100% cannabis diet a go, should be fun :yeahthats:

Heres a little expert form the website if you don't feel like visiting it,
Though Cannabis seeds are very nutritious, I personally no longer believe it is right to say that the seed of the Cannabis plant is nature’s most perfectly balanced food. This is because all seeds, to a greater or lesser extent, are acid forming. Though pre-soaking of the seeds removes the enzyme inhibitors and makes the seed more digestible and nutritious, it is still slightly acid forming.

Acid imbalance is a major root problem to the general state of poor health of people consuming a 'westernized' diet of meat, dairy, frozen, cooked, processed and micro waved foods along with the widely popular drugs of refined sugar, alcohol and tobacco. All these drugs/foods create an acid environment, in which diseases thrive.

Therefore for a food to be 'nutritionally balanced', it must bring us back to a neutral pH, or better still, slightly alkaline.

The leaves and flowers of the Cannabis plant are highly alkaline. So a more accurate statement would be "The Cannabis
Plant is natures most perfectly balanced food", a view shared by Raw Food pioneer, David Wolfe.

Not only are the leaves and flowers, highly alkaline, but are also one of the highest mineral containing plants. They also
contain high levels of Chlorophyll and EFA's.

The flowers also contain a unique group of chemical compounds called the Cannabinoids. The Cannabinoids, of which
Tctrahydocannabinol is the most abundant, is a very powerful! Anti-oxidant, and is anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic.

I believe that Cannabis is the mystical Tree of Life.

In the story of Genesis it talks about God allowing Adam and Eve to consume of every plant, including the Tree of Life,
but not to consume of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. "...for in the day that thou eatest thereof, you shall surely die..".

However, Eve is lured into eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and shares it with Adam, who are then both turned out of the Garden of Eden.

Before sending them forth from the Garden of Eden, God says "... and now lest he reach forth his hand and take of the Tree of Life, and eat and live forever.. "

I have long believed Cannabis to be the Tree of Life, but what of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Well I now believe this to be fire. To eat of Fire, is to eat cooked food, which will eventually kill you, as it is continually
draining your life force, due to the production of its own enzymes. Enzymes are complex proteins that break food down into their constituent parts (vitamins, minerals etc.) so that we can utilize the foods nutritional benefits. Cooking food destroys the enzymes, while raw food is fully enzyme active.

By consuming Cannabis in its raw natural state, I believe we can restore our DNA, rebuild our immune and endocrine
systems so that we become as immortal walking gods, back in the Garden of Eden.


thats a cool link.... very interesting, and all the talk about how THC is super electron rich so it rebuilds electron deficient body cells is actually true.

I guess the question now is, can i reap these benefits and get high at the same time? :D


I've always thought that cannabis had to be cooked before consumption to melt the waxy cystolith hairs on the surface, in order to avoid stomach upset. I think I'll have to research this.


Cool, but 100% cannabis diet? are you crazy?

So you won't be a vegetarian but a cannabitarian? lol seriously though, i gotta have meat in my diet, if it works for you cool.

and honestly, i wouldn't want to live to be 90. i've seen enough bullshit in my life that i can't imagine being around for 4, 5, 6 times this long...


Cool, but 100% cannabis diet? are you crazy?

So you won't be a vegetarian but a cannabitarian? lol seriously though, i gotta have meat in my diet, if it works for you cool.

and honestly, i wouldn't want to live to be 90. i've seen enough bullshit in my life that i can't imagine being around for 4, 5, 6 times this long...

I'm already a raw foodist(100% raw food) so its not anything crazy, i don't care much about living to 90 as much as i care about just being healthy.

Heres a quote from my brother-"You know you society has gone mad when they eat food not for nutritional content but for taste"


glad you can keep a diet like that, i've eaten meat since i was a kid so i can't imagine not having it. i honestly don't know how you do it.


Now I actually visited the link and saw it was about eating the seeds and the leaves and not bud, makes more sense now.

Seeds are certainly a great source of protein and fats.. and actually afaik pretty much every "eco-food store" over here sells them (both with the shell and without) and products made from them like hempseed oil, hempseed flour, chocolate with hemp seeds, all kinds of stuff.
I love eating raw cannabis leaves, delicious and fresh tasting. I was surprised how fresh and edible weed plants are. I guess that's why critters love to munch my crops so munch. (that sounded dirty :D) Eat some trim, it's tasty.

as far as eating buds strait up... that's a waste IMO but if you don't smoke and maybe throw some chopped up buds in a salad or sandwich? I wouldn't want to just chew on a big resinous bud.


glad you can keep a diet like that, i've eaten meat since i was a kid so i can't imagine not having it. i honestly don't know how you do it.

I was the same way as you, its all mind over matter if you tell yourself you can or can't do it either way your right


Now I actually visited the link and saw it was about eating the seeds and the leaves and not bud, makes more sense now.

No actually its bud, leaves and seeds. The buds are where the cannabinoids are concentrated and they have the same nutritional content as the leaves(maybe more)


as far as eating buds strait up... that's a waste IMO but if you don't smoke and maybe throw some chopped up buds in a salad or sandwich? I wouldn't want to just chew on a big resinous bud.

Why is it a waste? Only reason you think its a waste is because you've been brainwashed to think that, if you have the abudance to do it its certainly not a waste

If you go to the website the guy makes juices that he mixes with powdered cannabis flowers


this sounds really cool.

1st question- When are you pulling leaves off, in veg?? Flower? End of flower? And do we still flush the plant before we take its leaves(I would assume so, therefore we would probably just use the whole plant at the end of its flowering cycle right???)

2nd Q- I don't disagree with you that it isnt a waste, but I think that one dude had a good point in eating a big resinous bud straight up is very hard, Ive tried. SO that being said, do you chop everything up together and do you add any dressing???

Thanks, I mean it makes sense to me, and at the end of flower I trim all the big fans anyway, I could be eating them!


Paint Your DreamStrain
Great read, I'm not crazy about all the religious mumbo jumbo but I like the eating cannabis concept, I've previously ate some plants that were males and some I didn't have room for... a straight bud salad is a must try.

I dunno about a 100% cannabis diet, you don't suppose everything you need is in canna do ya?


In regards to your first question i'm still not too sure, i'm thinking you want unflushed leaves because the chloryphyl has alot of nutrition but if your gonna smoke the weed you def need to flush it. What i would probally do is use green healthy vegging leaves (if i planned to smoke the weed). Another point i thought of, if your gonna start eating your cannabis plants its probally a good idea to grow organically.

Now your second question theres many ways to do it. The guy i linked grinds up the flowers into powder and adds it to this homemade juices but you could do practically anything with it. If your gonna make a salad i would just grind it up to powder and sprinkle it in, for dressing i use lime/lemon juice and cayan


Interesting paragraph about eating male pollen, maybe this could reverse the dream numbing effects of weed

Eating the male pollen is also highly beneficial as it is a highly complex structured protein, with a wide spectrum of nutrients, growth hormones, uncorrupted DNA and high levels of lecithin which help build brain and organ tissue. The protein within pollen contains high levels of tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin an important neurotransmitter involved in waking consciousness which converts into a regulatory hormone (melatonin) that shuts down the organ systems, quieting the body in preparation for the finer and subtler realities of higher consciousness. The pineal gland initiates a cascade of inhibitory reactions, permitting visions and dream states to emerge in our conscious awareness. Eventually, the brain synthesizes the "spirit molecules" 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and dimethyltryptamine (DMT), facilitating the transcendental experiences of universal love and compassion.