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Ultimate Super food, Raw Cannabis?


Active member


Great thread!
Never heard this information before.
I will definitely try this next time.
Peace and positive vibes.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
i was inspired to eat raw cannibus by another thread a while back. It actaully was quiet good. I tried a few things, including some vegitable capsules fill with grinded nug... interesting. i posted a few pics at that thread:

I Love to Eat Raw Cannabis!


in the end though i decided that the THC needed to be heated to become more effective so right now i have a few #'s of cannabutter in the fridge and a fresh batch of brownies and rice kristpy treats.

my lungs are on break.


I know this salad would have been daaaank! BUT I used some bad greens, the lettuce, or spring greens or what ever I used had gone bad so it made the whole salad crap!!!! Next time I will use a different strains leaves cuz Purple Kush has some thick fat leaves lol. Probably go with Green Ice next time.






Hi Everyone :)

Great read........

One of my worm farms is only ever fed Cannabis, and they are the biggest worms out of my 3 farms they also breed the most also!


Haha That's awesome OM ^^ I was thinking about testing that theory on some kind of vegetarian creature and your experiment shows it could be true haha.


stone fool
I have recently tried adding a few leaves to my spinach salads, which works great. I just pick a few leaves that look good to eat, and tear them up and blend in, add red pepper, asiago cheese, very good. I do not get high on it, but there is a feeling of calm and well being the following day, mild happiness. Very cool, more experiments to follow.
Wow amazing find! Def going to try doing this when i finish my first harvest. Not only do i get nice plants to smoke but some food too? Cannabis has to be the miracle plant!


Wanted to update this thread with a few tid bits i have learned, its bieleved by some people that durian and cannabis may be our most ancient(original) foods, So if thats true its essentially hardwired in our brain to be able to live off cannabis. Not only that but weed is also is super alkilizing so u can use it to balance out acid foods (even just by smoking it!).

Some people earlier in the thread were asking what would be the best type of plant to do this with and i would now say defitnetly some sort of wild land race, hybridized plants have a fucked up mineral content and might actually do harm over the long run (if u lived only on cannabis and a juicy fruit). I really recommend readin david wolfe's sunfood success diet(the latest edition) if u plan to put this diet in effect, he has some awesome guidelines u can follow


Good info AndreNicky. I have been eating raw organic cannabis just by instinct for the last few years. It is a true living organics based system so I figure it only makes sense to eat the leaves and males. True they have tiny hairs but if you chew thoroughly they cause no problem. I have always wondered what the nutritional content is but I have no vegetables in my diet so it must be very beneficial.

I notice that eating the leaves and male flowers causes a slight burning in the mouth and stomach. It is not unpleasant but it is very strong, a spicy sort of thing like someone mentioned earlier. Maybe I am extra sensitive since I never eat veggies. I also notice that eating potent female flowers causes mouth numbness for several hours, maybe good for toothaches?

My cat loves to eat the fans. She eats grass which always makes her sick, but when she eats the ganja leaves she never does.


I am on 100% raw diet for 11 years now but seriously dude... cannabis tastes like so fucking horrible... I need to eat something I enjoy.


I'm also curious if there are any studies to show that eating cannabis slows or hides the effects of opiate withdrawl.. I've been eating a calyx or 2 and my stems on every bowl I smoke for about a year now. Recently was dropped down quite a few milligrams of my methadone and I went from 60mg to 45mg in 3 days and to my suprize I haven't felt any dopesick feelings like most folks would going down that much. I have been arguing with my counselor that cannabis helps majorly is Substance Abuse treatment the same way the methadone does but it is ALOT safer and not nearly as addictive.. I used to get sick every 2 weeks or so and I noticed it was when I didn't smoke durring the day and at night before I slept. So I made sure to have enough meds to last me before I started to detox off the methadone and it's been working GREAT! The cannabis stops my cravings for opiates as long as it's a nice strong indica so I think there should be more research done for this... I think it has ALOT to do with me eating the cannabis trim covered in crystals and the stems of leaves have lots of goodies in them what do you all think???

i know from experience that cannabis helps withdrawls. just a few months ago my homie was heavy into pills. he was mainly smoking oxycottin. that shit is like heroin so...we got him to cold turkey just smoking and eating cannabis. thats heavy! so cannabis is just a very special plant. it can help with so many things, its a blessing.