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Ultimate Stealth Grow With Northern Light!


Today I topped her :) Here are the pics after topping
I hope she will do fine!


It looks very good norrsken! Crossing my fingers for it to be a female!!

When you topped did you use a scissor or did you pinch? I think im gonna do that on my next run! Did you follow a guide?

Hei norsken :) I'm also doing a micro grow w northern lights at the moment. Your's is doing alot better than mine I think, I'm growing under a 125w CFL, and I'm about 18 days in veg. Still got temp problems?


No I got no Temp problems anymore :) I installed a 120mm fan inside to blow the intake cold air up. Rly helped!! Also I got alot of cfl bulbs so I can pretty much get any wattage I want
maximum is 92. atm im using 65.

What space are you using?
Whats your problem?
Nice :) Was going to suggest that you made another air-intake hole which helped me alot with my temps. (dropping 5+ degrees c).
https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=203436 here's my problem :/ she's just getting worse, someone said it could be overwatering. So I let her dry out for like 4 or 5 days, and she's really droopy today. Gave her some water+a very small amount biogrow a few hours ago, but it looks like she's drooping even more :( Lots more yellowing and brown spots aswell. Guess I just have to wait and see how this goes.


ooh okay! Thats great!
yeah maybe I should or could. But their probably will be more odor and less
stealth and both are very important for me.

How often do/did you water? What is the temp?
Well they get droppy if you dont water. You should put
her on a Wet-Dry schedual.

Everyday I dig down ~2cm and checks if the moist.
If it is,no water.. Its important to let it dry out.
Dont give it more water than it needs

No im not from norway:)
I've got one intake on the back of my cabinet, and one in the front. The front one is stealth, cant see its there because its covered in plastic and has a light trap. Smell shouldnt be an issue, intakes take air in, if you have good exhaust air and smell should not escape through the intake. Anyway, just something that's really helped my temps, with 2x the watts your using. I have just a 92mm fan for exhaust.

Ninjaedit: intakes are passive also, no fans blowing air into the cabinet, 2 fans inside the cabinet for circulation

Switching to 150w + 2x 24w bulbs when going to flower, if she survives that long :(

I have tried my best not to overwater, I know it's the most common rookie mistake. Guess I failed lol, I have watered around every 3 days or so when the soil felt dry a few cm's down.

Another edit: I assumed you were norwegian because norsken translates to "the norwegian" in norwegian :)


Hmm, okay.. But I suppose your space is bigger then mine?
Well I think my little setup is ok atm:) Gonna get some
a better powersource for the fans and then I can
push the wattage a bit higher :)

It can be so much, and im a rookie as well.. sooo
It sucks when they feel bad. But at the pictures
it doesnt lock unrecoverable.. not 100% healthy..
but no way near dead:p

oooh, okay! (why cant I send pm´s to you?)


Todays update:

Its a little stunted still. The buttom leafs looks like they are
dying. But I guess thats ok.. Otherwise I think it looks
good:) No?

Here is some pics!


I guess this will be the new tops??


Don't know about the PM's, maybe I havent got enough posts yet?

I'm growing in a PC cabinet, so it's not that big. I just used an old adapter from an old router I had, doesn't take much to power those fans. Old cell phone charger or anything like that will do. More lights = more yield, so I want the most I can fit in there without it being too hot. Was planning on putting a 250w CFL in there, but the bulb was too long.

My little baby is looking a little better today compared to last night, she drooped so much she looked lika a christmas tree lol.


haha okey, well you should make a thread :) Would be nice to follow^^

yeah yeah ofc

That happens when they get no water :)
Yeah I might do a growlog the next time around, my grow is not going too well this time lol.
I also see you are using aluminium foil as light reflektor, that's really not that good. You should buy some mylar, or simply spray paint it white inside, that reflects light much better than alufoil. Your plant looks great though :) mine is alot shorter and bushier, which might be a good thing since it's in a small space, or it might not :p


Yeah I know. But when I build the case I didnt. I will for the next run take it out and make it white:) I want mine to the bushy but it never gets :/ I hope the scorg+topping will
sort out a god stratagy :)

It probably will ^^
Don't know why mine is so low and bushy, but she has been getting plenty of light, tops being 4-6cm from the 125w bulb+reflector every day.
http://i.imgur.com/3CfdA.jpg this is her today, only the lower leafes are drooping so thats good I guess :) She's only about 11 cm tall
so what ever happened to your PC grow? how did it end up like? find a taller case to use?

ooops missed this last page. I see its is going good. good luck
Last edited:


heh, Thanks!

Well I opened the case today and it had almost exploded!

Here you go:


The new 2 tops:

Nice pic, huh?


So any suggestion on how long to vegg it??

heh, Thanks!

Well I opened the case today and it had almost exploded!

Here you go:


The new 2 tops:

Nice pic, huh?


So any suggestion on how long to vegg it??


Wonderful pics norrsken. I would say 1-2 weeks more depending on how much space you have left in there. btw its a she right?

stay safe peace!

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