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Ultimate Stealth Grow With Northern Light!


I digged down and the tail was out, no roots no nothing.. I think it was to high or something.. Well I digged it down a bit and givin it one more try.. Well see what happens but I have no hope..
have hope...the tail out is a good sign(it's alive)...some seeds may be slow...
I also digged on a slow seed...saw the tail...and 2 days after it was out....


okey! We will see then^^ I have no big hopes for it.
The other one, the good one, it´s a little "bent" its not growing straight up, a problem?


The other one, the good one, it´s a little "bent" its not growing straight up, a problem?

with little time and a little wind the stem will go stronger...no problem at all;)
and that natural inclinaison could be helpfull for your future LST

maybe a little thing though...the leaves are oriented upwards trying to reach for the lights...if it is possible to put it closer...


Yeah.. I moved it closer today for a day or 2 to se that it doesnt feel bad for the higher temp up there.. As close as posible, your right. Thanks your rly Alecto helping out man :)

Well the stem seems a little stronger today and also it was grown a bit, here is todays pic:

btw, when should I transplant it? And is putting Leca balls at the bottom of the pot a good idea??


Thanks your rly Alecto helping out man :)
no problem...I like to share my still little experience...I like micro growth like this...I like computers and I didn't know you could use them like that;)

btw, when should I transplant it?
for the story...3 weeks ago I planted 3 bag seeds and put them direct in 12/12...I put them in transparent bottle bottoms...just to watch the roots...I believe I took good care of them...
anyway my conclusions about that little experiment
-day 3 to day 7 : you see strong roots reaching the walls at about half the height of the pot and then going vertically straight to the bottom of the pot...each day bring more of them
-day 7 to day 11 : more of those strong roots always doing the same...the older ones already at the bottom began to circle on themselves never going up again

i tought it was a good moment to transplant...but there I see 2 males...the third one not declared yet...so I decide to wait for it...

-day 13 to day 18 : you see that the downer half of the bottle is well colonized the plant is doing fine...good grow and all...
you begin to see a few thiner roots colonizing the upper half of the bottle then the day after a lot more...and each day a lot more....with probable exaggeration I'd say there were hundreds of them...a lot!
those roots don't seem to act as the first one, they dont go vertically to the bottom they just arrive to the walls and "stay" there....but now you see your soil completely colonized....

so I waited one more day , saw two pistils:jump:...then finally I transplanted it...and I think it was a good moment...but of course somebody to confirm this would be nice
my plant was 3 nodes+apex with big green leaves...

I have to add that I use a 400w HPS....so obviously it is surely not the same for you but it may help you decide...

all this :yeahthatsjust to say I'd wait at least a week to transplant...

PS I'm smoking my first ever own weed, it may explain why I wrote all this...I'm toasted...and strangely happy:smokeit::D


Okay! I´ll wait a week or so. So it got good roots and so.. Then I´ll transplant it! :)
What you Think of this Custom built ;) Scrog net??

Would this be a good hight to put it? The White boxy thing the plant is standing on atm
is going to be the pot later on.



Active member
it will work but your gonna be lowering plant height as they grow by the looks of it which is gonna make it a little hard to work. But its doable mate yes. One thing i will say is you could do with removing the electric plugs, timers fittings & house them on top in another Box or something, they are taking up room your gonna want/need. ive seen it done where people used another box on top of their cab(microcab) to house their carbon filter, exhaust fan & electrics, just looks normal & not much stealth is compromised to the eye. Just an idea for you. Look into buying a 70w Hps (cheap) that would reaaly do the trick, but your looking good for now, & it looks like it will work well!¬)
Best of Luck!

I see it Full of Buds already!


Okay, thanks man your being very helpfull!

Well I don´t got any money, at all.. And the Pc case might be needed to be moved. So I don´t want it to look any strange when I simply move the case. Im not living alone you see.
And they don´t know, and they aint gonna know either!

It reeealy is reaching for the light. It´s almost pointing upwards haha, the leafs are kinda curled to the light. But at the same point I think I can see a littel littel yellowing on the tip of the leaf, isnt that a sign of heat problems?? At the moment I´m giving her water every time it´s morning for her

maybe I will get a 70whps for the next time. Or I might get another grow area. A pc case is so very smal
if your watering every day your overwatering causing a nitrogen defficency in your plant hence yellowing....let pot become alittle light before you water again.....also its best to put scrog net on after alittle while of growth example let them grow bigger then put screen in and start training so you dont need to keep moving the plant up and down.....


Okay! Well should I start from today and only give her water every 48h?
Well the pot and plant is light when I give her water everyday, she drinks alot.
I´ll try give her less water now then. And see if it goes away. Yellowing is not a sign
of heat problem?

Thanks for help!

Here is how she looks


Active member
You need to cool the cab down some how man, id consider running more fans 'In-series' / one behind the other(as exhaust-close to top/lid)! but you'll need to sneak in more power somehow, & use more 12v adapters, they get hot running 2 & need to be positioned away from the cab imo, just extra heat you dont need in there, as you'lll prolly know. Just an idea for you bro!;) Sorry i know its a stelth cab but its just too small for perfect conditions with all those cfl's & not enough exhaust. you could either remove some lights(not rec) or add more exhaust fans to cool the space down, running pc fans in series will boost your output cfm/air. imo a 70 hps would prolly run alot cooler than all those cfls, definately a good move for next time.
sorry if im not much help, but you really need to cool the space imo, some strains dont mind the heat as much as others.

Can you explain you intake outake airflow in detail please, cfm in/out etc?, seems like you have quite a bit of static pressure/blocking airflow basically, the PC fans aint enough on their own by the looks of it so doubling them up could be an option but it means more power.

Move the plants down firstly, heat rises remember, ok you'll lose light intensity but it should help improve things some! maybe a Mg hit wouldnt harm any either, id foliar with a mild Epsom Salt(magnesium sulphate) solution & a small drop of organic dishsoap(scentless) as a wetting agent/spreader, which will help penetration.
Dont spray with all the ligths on if you do do it with 'one' light on & turn a fan on the plants to dry them out as fast as possible(5 mins) then turn your other lights back on. (mix 1/2(half) a tsp of epsom salt in a 'little' warm-hotish water to help it dissolve then add to 1 litre of water, add tiny tiny drop of dishsoap, shake & spray.
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hmm, this is alot to take in. Thanks for taking your time mr Scorger!
Well I got 1 pc fan for intake, 2 for exhoust, carbon filters everywhere!
all is connected to mobile chargers. I had an 12v adapter, but It stoped working :S don´t know why. And I dont got any more.. I´ll try to find one somewhere or get one from a friend. I´ll see what I can do.. the cfm I got no clue about. it´s 80mm fans.

I checked the air temp now, and it was 25 Degress Celcius. But the termometer
was kinda lower than the acual plant. I moved it down and switched the place for the
termostate will update later.Also I will not give her any water this day/morning for her.
Ive given her water everyday since birth. But I guess it´s time to give the soil
time to dry out good.

btw, I got no job no income and no money atm


I uppgraded the air circulation. It good stronger intake and also 1 120mm fan blowing the around the air inside. The top of the case where the lights are feels alot cooler..

Why does it look like it looks??



Active member
because you r makiing it hotter, its exaust you need 'not circulation' like i tried to say! Hope you get it fixed up.!
Your filters over outlet are making static(back pressure)/blocking airflow(so your 2:1 doesnt work), forget circulation & concentrate on exhaust CFM(Cubic feet per Minute), with fiters you are making stattic pressure(not good), take air& heat out & you reduce this effect! this is the only option bar running AC lighting!
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Did some more changes...

Well The intake Fan is now running a bit slower but the Exhoust a bit stronger.
I removed 1 more Light.. So i´m only doing 46watt right now..
That sucks!

I need! 12v adapter! Have to get one asap!


Active member
Id consider running a passive intake(no fan) & adding your intake pc fan to you exhaust & run it in 'Series' one behind the other gaffa taped together. This way your gonna increase exhaust cfm(cubic feet per minute) & in turn this will surely help decrease the Cabs heat. In such a small cab, one little pc fan for air-circulation might be ok but might also be too much. without enough exhaust, the fan you use inside the cab is just making things hotter blowing it round & round, with the exhaust fan constantly on you wont get back draft through your intake anyway, your intake fan is unessasary & not helping. Add it to your exhaust like ive sugested & check your tempreture then, ill bet it drops several degrees C+, then you may be able to put the other lamp back in.
This should fix things up for you.(alternatively you could run the fan in parallel as apposed to in series, either way add your intake fan to exhaust your Cab's heat-74f-78f is what your looking for!)

Whats the PH & EC of your run-off? & what medium did you say you were using, (brand of soil etc). lets see if we can fix you up before problems get any worse. 25C is not too bad, so you may have other issues, PH EC etc. try to give me as much info as think may help me!
cheers buddy!

I can see they are too hot & they need re-potting probably, i would re-pot right away in a nice rich soil, allmix/ffof/happy frog etc etc! & put the plants on the floor of the cab, forget light output for the minute, this is not helping putting them so close to the light, besides it will help with rooting too(moving them down), id definately move them down bro! fast as. I did mention this in one of my last posts bro! i did try to tell you sorry!

have you got any Superthrive or any stress relieveing additives? if you have, add to your next watering & continue its use regularly, it will help de-stress them bro! Nitrozyme kicks it in soil, a little bottle of that goes along way & its an exellent additive for you too! Also consider using liquid Si(silicon), it improves the plants ability to stay healthy in Harse enviroments, drought conditions & is a protective. Provides extra K too, great stuff bro! yes you can use it in soil! its an Alkaline so PH adjustment is paramount. make sure you follow mixing instruction exactly! hope this helps

Peace...Scroger! ;)

(next time fill your pots to the very top bro! yours looks half full, defo re-pot them as fast as possible!)
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Well the name of the soil is not in english. I could probably give you the ingredience.
Well that you can see, is Dirt ofc, smal leca balls, and smal pieces of bark.
I have grown with this soil once before and didnt have anyproblem with it then!
and then also with tap water.. Those plants was always 100% healthy.

I repotted her today and the new pot is 2L.
I checked the temp now it was 22C = ~72F

About the fans I dont aggre with you acctualy. I could use more exhoust yes!
But the case is right at the window wich is open 24/7 and its Snowy and Winter
outside. So the intake fan pulls in cold fresh air and the bottom. And the 120mm
fan inside pulls it up and is directed at the lights. Then there is 2x exhoust blowing out
~2x the strengh of the intake. It´s blowing out the more hotter air in the top of the case.
But I aggre with you More powerfull exhoust would probably the temp even cooler in there.
And the way for me to do that is to get a 12v adapter so the fans will go faster.
I cant move around the fans becouse they are kind of stuck where they are :/

The soil is now watered alot, when I repotted them. Should I go with watering every 3days or something like that from now on??




Well. There has gone some days since update. And here it is!!
It´s growing quiet fast! The burned/yellowed leafs havent
gone green or gone worse.. Should I cut it off??


Here how she looks overall, what you think???



Best regards your loyal Norrsken

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