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ulkokasvatus 2010



Kauniita kasveja kaikilla, harmittaa kovasti kun jäi tääkin kausi väliin..Kun on ihan pihalla näistä uudemmista lajikkeista ni kiva nähdä että homma on monipuolistunut ryydereistä eteenpäin, jos nyt jeppista ei lasketa saatavuuden takia.

Minkäslaista polttoa se mazar-i-sharif tms on? tuli aikoinaan paketillinen, mutta meni toiseen osoitteeseen mikä sittemmin kärähti.


Dr. Narrowleaf
Joo paikoin sisämaassa oli jopa tuntikaupalla pakkasta. Yleensä on vasta syyskuun puolella pakastunut. Nyt on kuitenki ollu sen verran selkeetä ettei home pääse leviämään, maidot on ruiskittu ja pari homepesäkettä piti leikellä viime viikolla.



Oli siirtyny etana-ansa ja kanankakkapussi oli ilmestyny jemmasta spotille. Toivotaan ettei oo viimeset kuvat näistä naisista.


Well-known member
Real nice and verry healthy looking Meepo.

I hope it 'll stay dry so you'll be able to finnish apropriatly.

Well done Meep!


Active member
Found the first mold on my AF´s today, it´s that time of the year. I hope the season would last another six weeks or more.


Well-known member
Same here at 65th latitude Piel, but it doesn't matter since my Autos are going down now anyways cuzz they are pretty ready.
It's the sudden drop in night temps that causes them to do this when the buds are as big as they are now.
Last night 17th of august we already had night frost here and there locally, but happily my plants are standing on 70 cm high hills so that will deal with that ;)
At night, moist clings to the buds and autos haven't been properly selected to resist mould growing in them.
Parhaps their under developed rootsystem might be to blame too, since early flowering strains seem to be more resistend to it.
Anyhows, here is a job for us now.
Only use seeds from the ones that prooved to be most resistend to mould and lets breed them into perfection when next season comes.
I still got one mega auto with a huge stem (indication of healthy root system) that has n't shown any toprot at all so far.

She will be the obvious one to take seeds from for next year.

I hope you all will do the same.

Thanks in advance !



Dr. Narrowleaf
Same here at 62' north. I was forced to clip most of my lowryder 2's today, I had mold last week and now the weather forecasts are talking about rain again. Combine that with the cold night temps and you get moldy buds. I live hundreds of kilometres south from here so attending the plants regularly is not an option although they could have used a week or two more to fully mature.

I think it's the short stature of autoflowers causing this. When it rains mold and other particles are carried through the air. Taller plants are quite safe but the ones closer to the ground will get contaminated.

I'll have pictures next week but unless the weather changes for the better I won't have much to harvest in september. 0-15c is way too low for most strains.
I have to say that autumn came fast after this tropical summer! I remember losing plants because of frost in early september, but never have I had to worry about that in august!


Active member
well i have a similar situation to yours thule, got plants in the eastern finland at 62 while living in the south myself...

but in the east we've had a very dry summer and it still is. in august it has only properly rained in two maybe three days. all my autos looked very fine last week but the larger early ones had suffered a bit from drought.

i'm pushing my harvest for autos for at least another week, should be ok. i planted them in mid june.


I think it's the short stature of autoflowers causing this. When it rains mold and other particles are carried through the air. Taller plants are quite safe but the ones closer to the ground will get contaminated.

Short stature has something to do with that...no doubt...but when it rains air is cleaned, so to speak...rain causes those particles fall down to the ground...
Windy days carries all kind of dust, pollen, mold particles etc. through the air...
Shorter plants are close to the ground so they live more humid enviroment all the time...I think this is one reason why they are more vulnerable to molds...

This summer has been extremely dry...at least here where I live...


Well-known member
Hmm,When trying to find answers to this kind of issues I always like to take a look at it from the plants roots point of view as well as it's genetical heritage.

A practise I once did on one spot that could be easely discovered by hunters because of it's awkward location was the plet and bend over tecknic.
On this particular spot I forced the plants to continue blooming horizontaly(by bending them over my finger at their base) and even though the bud tips were not more then 40/50 cm off the ground at their final stage, In this early flowering type of plants there never were no victims of mould as of yet.

I also don't expect to get any mould in those, since they have been prooven to be real mould resistend for already their 4th generation of beeing under my supervision and having seen the most terrible kind of weathers since. (total length of these plants might be up to 1.60 mtr when straightened out again. >when laying them flat like this their buds will be growing upright again I ment, so their buds will anyway stay verry low to the ground.)

Genetics is all where it is about in their case, not bud location aparently.

Bigger/sturdyer plants equals a better develloped roots system or vice versa whereas plant/stem> size/mass> root surface equals plants health. (offthehooks law) :)

A healthyer plant will have better means to fight off mould, provided it has had an ancestrial history with it.

The Joint Doctors series have originaly been bred in Spain, where circumstances like we have in Finland never occured.
Hence, the Auto's as they were put together back then, have never been in a position to face Finnish-like circumstances like they got now after the germination of a pack of beans.(correct me if I'm wrong tho.)

Taller growing plants may tap their health and resistence to mould from their better develloped roots system, wich is why smaller plants that stay closer to the ground seem to be easyer affected by mould. (No fact, just my mind speaking.)

Besides, The auto flowering plants put less time into their vegetitave state as do early flowerers, meaning that their root surface will be less develloped when entering and finnishing bloom as do early flowerers, and especially during the last stages of bloom will they have to tap essential nutrients from their fan leaves in order to cover up for nutrient deficiency at bud level since the roots are now not able to deliver on their own. (think of Mg deficiency as the most known cause for top rot so lets make sure next time they' ll be swimming in it ! Mmkay?) :D

When I grow many AF plants close to each other, the smaller ones will become more easely affected by toprot as the bigger ones, imo simply because the roots from the bigger ones have outgrown the roots from the smaller ones and thus will still get plenty of acces to virgin soil.
The smaller ones by then however already must be suffering some serious shortage(read toprot) since all prime quality soil in front of them has been used up by the ahead speeding roots of the stronger plants.
(not bad if it is about selecting for strongest feno's tho.)

Just my observations combined to some amateur plant science here :)

Have a good one. ;)

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Haha! Muutamassa DPssä siemeniä, ns. fem eli olivat muutaman uroskukan tehneet johtuen varmaan tuosta kylmästressistä tai mistälie, tervetulleita kuitenkin. Katotaa millasia friikkejä tulee.


Active member
FJ mitä kaikkia risteytyksiä oot tänä kesänä tehny ulkona? Ei sit tänä kesänä päässy niit danish passioneit kokeileen.


Active member
I´ll be cutting my last AF´s tomorrow, they were planted late so they´re smallish. The skunks will never finish but I have hope for the GG3 and C99 cross.


Active member
SF: What´s "NorSut"?

Cut the last AF´s this morning and just in time, several calyxes where already showing signs of mold.