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Ulcerative Colitis!


Yes sir.. Both are good products from good people... They each have wins from high times and I can safely say they did not buy them ;)~

Any questions u have about your personal condition they are very knowledgeable


ICMag Donor
yeah prednisone is pretty run of the mill they give it to elderly a lot. It should help your digestive tract heal up. I used to suffer from IBS and my friend has crohn's let me suggest you try to maintain a healthy diet. Salts, Spices, Alcohol, fatty foods, greasy foods and also very rich things like chocolate and others should definitely be avoided for the next few months to give your gut time to heal up. Eating better is very important also avoid eating 2 hours before going to bed as well. Lots of bottles water too. Hope you feel better soon and glad you are on the way home!


Yes, diet changes make a tremendous difference- pretty much in any auto immune or body imbalance.

Salmon, oatmeal, applesauce I recall (not as a menu) when working with elders with IBS, Crohn's, UC.

Imagine a combination of CBD, dietary changes...hoping for relief.

Can only imagine how painful/exhausting it is during a flare.

chris harris

Commented in your other thread. Forgot to mention Probiotics. Had a very positive effect for my wife's Crohn's. Check it out. You can get it with many different amounts of active culture. Look for 50 billion. Good luck, hope you're feeling better.


Active member
Commented in your other thread. Forgot to mention Probiotics. Had a very positive effect for my wife's Crohn's. Check it out. You can get it with many different amounts of active culture. Look for 50 billion. Good luck, hope you're feeling better.

Agree with all the above on probiotic supplementation/anti inflammatory diet etc.

Also may want to look into L Glutamine supplementation.
(Google it).. U.C is a bitch. Lots in my family. Thank god
not me.

Wish you health



Thanks man. Getting lots of great feedback guys and gals. Very much appreciated. It's helping me get my head round this.



Go High Carb Low-Fat Raw Vegan...

Go High Carb Low-Fat Raw Vegan...


It is a challenging lifestyle to maintain, but if you truly want to feel the best you have ever felt, get rid of the colitis and anything else that may be wrong internally, this is your best shot. You truly are what you eat, and I strongly encourage you to look up the High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan lifestyle, it changed my life, though I have had ups and downs maintaining it.

Its an amazing story, of how I found the path, but there are endless stories of people curing their chronic and terminal illnesses. Biggest thing is getting enough calories. Food is the most addicting drug in the world, and being a cannabis consumer doesn't help my addiction. It comes down to what you want most in life, and sadly being skinny for me is not always the winner in the balance for me, but 13 out of top 15 killers are dietary related, and until I went raw and detoxed for the first time, I truly never would of believed someone if they told me I could feel what I have felt every time I can maintain the lifestyle. Its a huge struggle, as until you try to abstain from what most think of as ok sustenance, one does not understand the power food has upon their being.

The first couple weeks to month, or so, you can feel very down and worse then when you started, but that is your body dumping what it has been storing, and starting the cleaning process. Its when you make it past the majority of the bodies detox, that for me I truly discovered what feeling alive is like. Environmental and personal choices are huge and since most people around you will not adapt, its up to one to see what they want more, the satiation of the urge to eat whatever, or to be free of sickness and to pretty much stay free of sickness. Even if you just do it to cure it, I believe its the food you are eating that is causing it. Love yourself some more, and feed the soul, not the spirit...

Best of luck!


Well-known member
Premium user
Diet change has to be #1 for digestive problems and disorders. Eating RAW and vegan will help but depending on what you have been eating your entire life certain changes may help without going overboard. I eat extremely spicy food which I know is bad but every now and then I just have to have my hot stuff ya know sometimes it might mess me up but if you can heal your gut you will be able to pretty much get back to your normal routine once enough time and healing happens. I am sure some canna butter and treats would help if you are experiencing pain at this point but I would limit it and definitely stay on a bland diet for now.

butter would fall into the greasy category right now so I would recommend looking into coconut oil infusion if buds are available. That would be a more natural raw way to get at it with the same results if not better due to the stomach pain.


Yeah food has always been a love of mine and it's gonna be hard to cur certain things out if I have to. To start I will go back to basics and build up slowly seeing what I can and can't do. First things first is to get this flare under control. Thanks for the advice. It's all going into my future thoughts.


It is a challenging lifestyle to maintain, but if you truly want to feel the best you have ever felt, get rid of the colitis and anything else that may be wrong internally, this is your best shot. You truly are what you eat, and I strongly encourage you to look up the High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan lifestyle, it changed my life, though I have had ups and downs maintaining it.

Best of luck!

I've been looking into coconut oil infusions. I've also been looking into co2 extractors.
Diet change has to be #1 for digestive problems and disorders. Eating RAW and vegan will help but depending on what you have been eating your entire life certain changes may help without going overboard. I eat extremely spicy food which I know is bad but every now and then I just have to have my hot stuff ya know sometimes it might mess me up but if you can heal your gut you will be able to pretty much get back to your normal routine once enough time and healing happens. I am sure some canna butter and treats would help if you are experiencing pain at this point but I would limit it and definitely stay on a bland diet for now.

butter would fall into the greasy category right now so I would recommend looking into coconut oil infusion if buds are available. That would be a more natural raw way to get at it with the same results if not better due to the stomach pain.

I'm not sure about other symptoms apart from all the gut stuff. What are the meters for?
What other symptoms do you have?

Do you have a pH meter and a conductivity meter?

PM me.


Active member
ICMag Donor
With a pH meter, you can test the pH of your salive and urine.

If you are acidic, this is where it all starts. You have to get you body back to neutral.

The conductivity meter can test your salt levels in your urine. Most folks don't drink enough water and the build up of salts in your body can slowly make things stop working.

These two meters can tell you a lot about where your body is chemically.


I definitely didn't use to drink enough water that's for sure. Something I already changed tho! Had issues with acid reflux for some time also.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You are acidic then. Stop eating wheat, bread, etc..

No acid anything.

Take a tsp of baking soda two or three times a day.

I have a list of foods that are alkaline, but need to email it.


Well-known member
Premium user
You are acidic then. Stop eating wheat, bread, etc..

No acid anything.

Take a tsp of baking soda two or three times a day.

I have a list of foods that are alkaline, but need to email it.

Thats what my gal is doing with the baking soda. I get acid reflux constantly. Beer is a problem I dont want to quit and it is probably to worst thing in my diet right now aside from the hot chili peppers and mexican food! Just take it easy for now after all you were in the hospital and sure you would rather stay out of there....

I remember a dr stating the optimum ph of the body to be slightly alkaline. You need to oxygenate your body for that lots of green veggies and water. Stop regular table salt too that stuff has sand and glass in it you can use pure sea salt its better anyway. They stated 1 tsp or table spoon of sea salt in a gallon of water daily.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Lost Tribe,


Use mined sources of salt only. And learn to use small quantities.

Alcohol is the enemy of calcium. You will be acid constantly. The correct pH for both the urine and salive is 6.3 to 6.4

Don't buy off on the alkaline pH. Things go wrong above 6.5 or so.

Take your weight, divided by 2 in pounds. That is the amount of ounces you need to drink per day of water provided you are not grossly over weight.


New member
Clarence, you can solve most of these issues with (2) very simple items and some lifestyle adjustments. One is Kefir, it's truly a miracle for people with digestive disorders and issues like IBS, Crohns, UC, ect. Kefir is a probiotic fermented drink that you have probably heard of and it's very simple and easy to make at home with Kefir Grains which can produce the Kefir daily and can last indefinitely. There is a lot of information out there online about Kefir and while I do not think the Kefir Lady ships internationally you should definitely read up on KefirLady.com and also check Kefir.net

Ulcerative Colitis is an auto-immune condition in which the body produces antibodies that attack the lining of the colon which ultimately produces ulcers and yes, it can and will kill you if you are not careful. Eventually the colon has to be removed and you are either stuck with a colostomy bag hanging from your abdomen or a part of your small intestine can be used to create a new colon. Either way once UC reaches this point your life will never be the same.

The ulcers as you likely know will bleed and you can lose a lot of blood in a very short time which can lead to shock, low blood pressure, coma, death. The entire process of lower intestinal inflammation wreaks havoc on your entire well being and it's very destructive to the colon which will be riddled with scar tissues and have a hard time performing it's important duty of reabsorbing water back into your system from your bowel movements, among many other important functions. The good news here is that it can be stopped and it can be healed, but inflammation is your worst enemy and probiotics are your best friend right now.

I recommend the daily usage of the active ingredient in Turmeric root which is Curcumin, and the one you want is BCM-95 there are a few companies that use this formulation and bottle it. As far as what is available to you in the UK I am not certain but there is plenty to be found on Amazon. Life Extension would be best brand wise but there are others that have the exact same Curcumin formula. You can read more about it on BCM95.com but this is the best and most bio-available form, this one will deliver the Curcumin to your bowel and colon where it is needed as well as have much higher bioavailability than just about any other brand out there and it's guaranteed pure and natural.

As others have said, drink plenty of water and try to eat easily digested foods that do not cause inflammation or excess mucus production. This is a bit tricky of course because you may or may not be aware of food allergies but it is possible you have a gluten intolerance so looking into a gluten free diet (at least temporarily) is worth trying and could rapidly resolve your issues.


Hi clarence,

Sorry to hear of your prognosis, I have been dealing with some digestion issues myself. Could you PM me? I don't want to ask too personal of questions in the open forum. I was basically wondering about your symptoms leading you to go to the doctor.

Hope you are feeling better now, digestive issues are no fun


So this is my diagnosis after getting the results back from my biopsy....



Hi ho here we go
I hope it works out for you, sounds like a good diagnosis...

I hope it works out for you, sounds like a good diagnosis...

So this is my diagnosis after getting the results back from my biopsy

My sister had Crohns, died at 53, wasn't pretty.

I have Rectal Cancer and have been through radiation and chemo, surgery and I am in my last Strong Chemotherapy (6 months) cycle.

I have a Colostomy :biggrin: I can answer your questions and do not have a problem with any questions.


Green Squall

Well-known member
I was told I had IBS as a teen. I know it's not anywhere near as serious as crohns but I thought I would share anyways. I missed my senior year of high school because of this. I still graduated with the help of a tutor thank god.

Sometimes I wonder if it was even the correct diagnosis. I was such a stubborn knuckle headed kid that I would skip appointments and was basically uncooperative during this time. I'm almost 30 now and I rarely have problems. I credit this to diet, exercise and weed. Some good foods I can recommend are sweet potatoes and congee (rice porridge). It's actually really good! Plenty of recipes online. Probiotics and fermented foods are also a good idea for that healthy gut flora. I still don't go to the doctors, I don't trust them. But that's a story for another day.


Hi ho here we go
I would go to a doctor for a checkup..

I would go to a doctor for a checkup..

It would give you a base level to see how you are doing.

If I had been diagnosed with IBS I would get a Colonoscopy as Colon or Rectal Cancer can start with polyps which are easily discovered and removed.

Trust some Doctor - I never had any medical conditions until I got Cancer at 61.

It changed my life, not in a good way.

Take care of yourself
