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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


Well-known member
Minime - fooking bad news mate. You got more irons in the fire?

Heres a pic of my garden girl.

I went to visit the girls I have out in the wilderness...lol last week end. First time in a while, could only get to two of them.. They need a good feed which I should get round to this weekend.





Active member
Real sad news

Real sad news

someone stole my plants

Call me fick but were you ripped & then these gentlemen turned up to try & find evidence & or were these the ones that stole your plants ?
We got no hope if the rippers are gonna wear uniforms :moon:

Sometimes life sucks .

Stay green .


shit happens---charged with cultiation---not the naboures---they wearnt to concerned more surprized they took some bliding pics---3 vans it took to take it away waiting for the ccps in november to decide which way it goes----but still up in spirits though ill take some pics of the stalks---stay safe all


ah man, condolences minime, what a bummer. did they search your house too? it's so violating to have them digging through your stuff.

hope you are ok and have some thing to smoke.


Active member
shit happens---charged with cultiation---not the naboures---they wearnt to concerned more surprized they took some bliding pics---3 vans it took to take it away waiting for the ccps in november to decide which way it goes----but still up in spirits though ill take some pics of the stalks---stay safe all

oh dear :moon:
you were always risking it by growing on your own property :/

* this thread gained about 3 new pages that dont work :S


need a little help iv got a patch of mold on the stem of my plant, wtf should i do?

also its not the main stem, really dont want to cut it off and dont have any access atm to any thing other than milk, baking soda.


Active member
real bummer...

real bummer...

Shit minime I'm really sorry that you have had this happen to you :( :(

I hope you don't get in to much trouble bro! Makes me certainly realise the risks we take to grow the sacred herb... What a backward society we live in when you can kill yourself with fags and booze but you can't grow a few plants :mad:

It's fucked up...

Anyway i had to post this from a mates comp as mine is still fucked. I'm saving up for a new one although i may be getting some help to sort mine first..

Take care everyone and stay safe... TPS


Active member
Tonto , milk will help , if you don`t know how it`s used i may be able to find the link to it i was reading a while ago . Baking soda will help with bud-rot but i`m not to sure about stem mould .

Rippers in Fresno ain`t having it too easy , check out the 2 videos from the news .

Stay green .


Active member
harvested two GG#5 yesterday,,both had buds that had started to rot,,good result though,,mostly milky coloured trich's,,,,
maybe another week for my Typhoon showing nice fat colas


Active member
rain is coming down at a bad time for some of mine that are nearly done, lots of mould and every week longer i leave them, the more will start moulding up. little fan leaves like to die back and its what starts it off :/


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Outdoors update

Outdoors update

Hi there guys!:tiphat:
A little update on my backgarden on the day that my Biddys Sister went to safer&sunnier pastures.
She was too big&smelly by now and was becoming a safety hazard. So i just found a better place for her to finish flowering.
Here´s a couple of pics of her:artist:





Ain´t she pretty?!

Now only my Norfooking Good runt lives in my backgarden.
Starting to flower now but i dont expect it to finish before the snow&ice comes. But let´s see what happens:)
A couple of pics from her


Peace&light to us all:ying:

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