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UK Outdoor Growing 2010



How do,uk peep's dem!:tiphat:...great grows guys,love it:)it's been top reading :bigeye:

Heres whats been going down,around these parts....

easy sativa x killa skunk

outdoor grapefruit(female seeds)

biddy early

arne's hash plant(esben hfh)

a little buddage from arne's balls(esben hfh)12/12 greenhouse

norfolk n good

frisian dew(dutch passion)very nice sweet candy flava on this one:good:

purple peace x er/dp x dc(southern flatland seeds,lalandia)

purple peace x er/dp x dc..12/12 bud greenhouse

hope you all get a great harvest,
peace to all ganja growers:ying:yossman


very nice yossman :)

is the grapefruit a stinker? i plan to try this one out next year

harry (aka dpn)


very nice yossman :)

is the grapefruit a stinker? i plan to try this one out next year

harry (aka dpn)

How do fella,to be honest there not to stinky,just a slight mild smell,will let you know,when there more in flower:ying:


Hi all, great to see the thread up to 50pages already. I hope your all having fun. I got myself a new camera 12mg coolpix but cant take a decent pic to save my life. I just done a run on 12/12 in 1.4l pots of soil. Watered them twice a day when it was hot, what a pita but got some lovely smokes. Had to chop some as so dense going moldy. Ranging from 10" to 2'. Like a twat i never labelled them, oh well. Widely different but nothing crap so far. Loving the pics, keep em coming, stay safe. :)


some real nice outside grows going---esbens strains are realy starting to bush up a mixture of-rocketchunk-ah-arn--erdpert--afgani erdpert--x-files-ah-arn---i lost all my x files in my outddoor plot---but still got maybe 15 to 20 of esbens mixed not sure which is which---stay safe all


Active member


Hi all , it`s all looking green including my own plot . AAH F2 (auto) are covered in triches but still all clear . The late AAH sativas at 4ft6in plants have been in flower a week now . Every plant in plot is packing on growth & very close to flower but looks like early/mid Oct b4 they are finished . Biggest leaves are the AKWWxDurban .

AAH F2 auto








mixed plot , tall plants rear Lt & Rt are AAH F1 biggest at 8ft , may be a good crop off of these 2 :jump:


Stay green .


man thats one nice plant. i'm liking the bushiness of it dude nj


that biddysis x lebcheese bush is a beaut! its a tuff plant ive found... lots of branches, i trimmed alot of the lower ones off. She must be over six foot tall?

nice plants mjbadger!


Hey guy's just a quick peek at what's going on pics taken today, after a de- caterpillering session.

They are'nt half starting to stretch, I may have to top the largest one again.

Also got a few purples Jems going on, these should probably be finished around the same time as the rhinos. Also these maybe preflowers or it may be kicking into flower, judging by the stretch they are going through I would say it's starting to flower.



Hiya folks!

Nice one WAM ... ultra enthusiastic comments as always! :D

Well i went to see my Frisians today, ... the last time i'll be able to see them for some weeks as i'm holidaying for a bit. The last time i saw them one had been eaten, ... i think by a deer but i'm not sure; loads of leaves and shoots and bits were on the ground and all the stems had been eaten and not mutch left of the plant at all. And today a branch or two off the other plants had gone the same way as i found little bits of shoots and leaves on the ground again ... whatever it is it sems to like the stems more, but the plants were looking good so i'm hopeful they'll remain intact for the most part.
Anyway, some pics :)









Hey MJBadger ... let me pick your brains about deer a moment. In your experience, do deer like to eat plants in flower or plants in vegetative state?

Your irish spring soap ... do you know of any supermarkets or places i can buy it? (i understand it's marketed by colgate).
I was watching a clip about deer repellants and the woman suggested growing, ... among other things, Lavender around the plants you wish to protect, because deer will not eat lavender ... so i figure if i can't find any irish spring soap i'll buy some lavender scented soap instead .... or even make an infusion of lavender/lavender oil to spray on my plants.


Active member
nice plants harold . What have you been using for veg ferts ? Mag deficency usually occours when the plant can`t absorb Mag due to nutrient lock-up usually caused by high N ferts , rather than a foliar spray the roots/soil need the Epson so water it in , tb spoon per gallon . Usually 1 application is enough & results are normally seen within a week

harold , i may have made a mistake here & you may have been right . I have been trawling the organic threads & the advice is a foliar spray early morning when the stomas are open , apparently the plants absorbs more this way . I have only ever used a soil drench & it`s worked for me so use this method .

liquid , most deer damage seems to be vegative rather than flower , any damage i have had has been in the green , i cannot ever recall any of my plants being attacked when in flower & i only have Munties where i am & those little bastards will chew on anything green . This winter we really had some plants pruned by them including tree shoots on my bonsai stock & they love the bark on small trees . All the thick ivy on large trees & fenceing got pruned right back about 1 1/2mt high & that has to be some unappetiseing food .
I got the Irish Spring from Ebay could not find it anywhere else , bought an 8 bar pack . Each bar can easily be cut with a big kitchen knife into 6 pieces as it`s not a hard soap . All i can tell you is (as advertised) it`s a deodorising soap & i don`t know if it has a special ingredient in it but the deer don`t like it , so far this year i have had NO damage & thats a rarity . My sense of smell is stuffed but the missus tells me that something like Shield smells pretty similar so maybe that`d work , will try it myself next year . All the threads that have irish spring in them seem to be all US & maybe thats all they have over there that works soap wise .
I have never seen Lavender mentioned b4 as a deer repellant , poss it may work . If it doe`s it may be a good idea to try it as a companion plant alongside the MJ as it`s not too visible & that`s what the woman that suggested it doe`s .

Stay green .


Active member
i have to say this years plants are surpassing my expectations and its an awesome sight to see a big patch of heavily topped landrace sativa's(leb27) in flower. and the smell wow, that spicey sweet sativa smell. ive a few that werent topped that are 6ft tall!! absolutely love this strain once it gets its act together and grows to a decent size.

2 tasgg3xdp look like there about to flower shortly, they are still stinking really bad, so bad that i dislike going near them, im not looking forward to harvesting them either. anyone else grown these and find them too smelly ??

only slight problem i have is that earwigs like eating the leaves at night, im sure they do the same to all your plants too. im wondering if there is anyway i can get them to sod off like??


Active member
ear wig traps my grandad used to make them you get garden cane cut it into pieces of about4 inchs and tie them to your stem, then in daytime you go and tap them out all the earwigs hide in the hole through the middle in daylight, it saves spraying


Cropped and chopped

Cropped and chopped

Have just weighed in my dried (now curing) effort.

12 seeds sown (WAM's auto biddy x auto mntf)
6 came through
4 boys :(
2 girls :) grew to about 2 feet high.
1.5 oz (21g per plant dried, trimmed and clipped from stems) grown under
1 velux window with about
0 effort

VERY happy at that. :D

Had a little mold starting on the fat cola of one of them so lost a little to that but managed to spot, stop and clip those bits out and save just over an eighth from that cola.

Pics soon

This is the plan for the future - no risk, no effort, no nosy neighbours, no smell issues, sowed mid April cropped mid August...