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UK Outdoor Growing 2010

rocket high

Active member
My Autoflowering Haze however will hopefully change all of that! [quote/]

let's hope so chapper's ...scotland need's it's own auto strain that doesn't slow down as soon as there's some wind and rain hitting it ...like what's happend to mine.
Your auto web is coming on leap's and bound's ch@pper's cant wait for a release ;)

here's a pic of my fast bud's they've had a hard time of late with storm's , heavy rain and over cast day's to name but a few ...



pls more info on the well, you dug it? how wide is it, what tools you use? i'm quite near a river and would imagine the ground here is full of water, would be awesome to have a mini well at my spots.

first i dug most out with a post spade (aka rabbiting spade, long thin head to the spade), then i used one of those double handled post shovels to get the rest out... didnt take long to be honest, soil nice and soft like clay.... its probably 7ft in total, water seeps slowly through the ground layers 4ft down. When its rains it fills up from the rain and run off. Plenty off water to give all those plants a good few litres each. Be careful you dont fall in head first though, otherwise you would be buggered, you might want to make it so if you did fall in you could maneuver out. The holes about a 1m diameter, will make it 1.5m soon, for more water and for safety reasons.

:thank you: if the soil was hard it would have taken me an age.


no autos are suitable for growing outdoors, in the ground.

do you mean most on the market? because i understand that most peeps are growing them indoors so they aren't adapting to bud-rot etc... but you havent found an auto that performed well/finished outdoors? do you mean in scotland only?


gaiusmarius its worth the effort, if you have a sweet spot and plan to use it for years to come, and feel water is close below, go for it..... it may seem like alot of effort but its so sweet being able to have several gallons of water only a few meters away, pretty much every visit too, as it keeps refilling itself... very stealth, big risk for peeps is carrying water around, just another chance getting noticed filling up water bottles at a river etc. Cover it up so wildlife and plant matter doesnt fall into it, making it go putrid.


when the seasons over, some one should make a strain guide thread in the uk forum and list when strains finish, and how well they perform in the uk outdoors.
would be a wonderful resource


Active member
harold , nice work on the well but i`d better warn you there`s a really ugly bastard hiding in the bottom of it with a camera .

double handed post shovel is called an Easy Out in most builders merchants .

Stay green .


Active member
woo, my leb27s are in budding mode, i cant get very good pictures atm but this is nearly as tall as me, way over 5ft and theres 9 plants in this plot, the first pic is an untopped one and second pic shows all of them but they have been topped and im not sure how many tops it has in total, maybe 50+, but its hard to see because my camera is crap and im a grower not a photographer sorry! my inspiratation was paddys leb27 plant, what he tied down for a big bush, but since i started late, i had to go with plant numbers and topping to get many colas



do you mean most on the market?

That's what I said.

because i understand that most peeps are growing them indoors so they aren't adapting to bud-rot etc... but you havent found an auto that performed well/finished outdoors? do you mean in scotland only?

Growing autos indoors is close to pointless. A standard strain grown under 12/12 from seed will produce as much or more than an auto grown under 16/8, 18/4 etc..

Growing autos indoors uses more electricity for less yield. It's as simple as that. Some growers think autos are easier to grow than standard strains, that you can plant them and forget about them. This is a huge mistake! Autos require different growing techniques to get the most from them, if you treat them like that, they will yield close to nothing.

I said that no commercially available autos are really suitable for growing outdoors in the ground, that's true. They are too short and too indica influenced that their proximity to the ground means they usually go mouldy (unless you get a few months of non stop sun)

I grow nearly 100% outdoors (indoors for me is pretty much winter time only) and my autos are awesome but they are in pots. Pots give you the ability to move them indoors during times of bad weather. I've got a few auto strains now which are suitable for direct to ground planting but none of them are commecially available yet like Auto Haze, Auto Giant Matanuskathunderfuck, Auto Lebanese as well as an amazing Autoflowering classic style Sativa (all of which are sativa dominant and grow over 3ft tall)



thanks chappers, im thinking the auto haze could be a pioneering strain for outdoors here it has amazing potential. The giant mtf and lebanese sound great too.


harold , nice work on the well but i`d better warn you there`s a really ugly bastard hiding in the bottom of it with a camera .

lol, he looks like gollum doesnt he :thank you:

mjbadger, hows the FON going? have you kept any nice males?........


Active member
mjbadger, hows the FON going? have you kept any nice males?........

NO , 1 small auto male is all i got . I`ve had the same problem with all the strains i`m growing from seed , seems to be the year of the females . I`ll tap some dust from a good mate of mine next year i suppose unless i find any very soon . It`ll be too late for the full auto sativa fems but i have some just near flower around 4ft & some others between 5ft & 5ft-6in (1 at 6ft) & possibly beyond that if they grow any more , they have a while to go yet so something may happen .

Stay green .


ello all.good to see soo many good pics,really really good work everyone,,:tiphat: the weather is having it,got 1 plant left my gorrila patch,had some drama and lost others,but got nycd&blueberry mazar going nice under the sun,,been buzy gettin my smoke for the next couple of months,,i will get some pics up of my out6door soon,,heres some of my blueberry mazar,,neally ready,,,:dance013:


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nice pics all---got out to see a grow ---all gone all of esbens females---not sure if they war cut but man or deer---there are a hand full of akww but there 6inchs high like there roots wear left with a little branch thats re weged---healthy as well---put in ground in july some 2ft tall -----shit happens----seen another plot there still there but lnot looking to healthy no water--it has been hot though but still allrite akww and wams strain in that------stay safe all


minime ... thats harsh fella! When all that work and hope goes down the pan. I'm glad it's not everything though. I only have one plot and this year i'd be gutted if they're lost. But as you say ... "shit happens". Just gotta let it go and move on. ;)

Oh, ... at last we had a nice sunny hot day today after 3 weeks of crappy rainy grey days, ... the wheelbarrow is full of water, as are all sorts of containers in the garden. Sunshine is definitely good for the soul. I feel a changed man today! :)


Active member
minime , real bad news about the guerilla plot it must be a real bastard not knowing where the plants went . I know how much effort you put into your plots & the work involved .
Went flying out with the dog this arvo coz the alarm went off , bloody deer walking through the plot had triggered the sensor !!!! (bought a wireless alarm) little shites had some radish tops but so far it`s not gone near my plants , fingers x`d i`ve cracked it with the deer repellant i`m using coz every other year i have had some of my mj munched by the little shites .

Stay green .
@ ch@ppers I hope I make your list of in the know cause id love some nice webbed autos and 6 footers and such are fine with me... damn crohns is killing me... but very nice work, whats the breeding algorythm? I have traits I want out of one plant with those of another but havent the slightest how to stabilize them...

any resource books etc greatly appreciated



cant belive I missed this thread!

shame about your patch minime :(

i got some Mi5 between the veg patch and the compost bin, there HUGE!! we been blessed with good weather for ages, but for the last week or so its been raining everyday, im getting worried about mold but havnt seen any so far

