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UK Outdoor 2012



Quote and pic from Archangel:

Thaedra - New Zealand Landrace

Great Lemon/raspberry smell. Medium sativa high. Harvest mid Sep/Oct. 6-9 weeks. Good mold resistance

Thanks. You wouldn't happen to know where one could find some of those seeds?


Something ive been pondering on and will carry forward, direct planting in mini 2 litre slug/snail proof greenhouse's :)

Ive cut the top off at an angle (see pic with my finger, finger points in direction of prevailing wind, so fresh air gets forced down towards plant) The net helps with camo, you could camo/net the whole length of the bottle for more stealth, but I want more light to hit my gals.

Last year i used white protection barrier cloth over a chicken wire cage, and it blocked out too much light and not enough wind, plants got leggy and couldnt stand up straight for a while.

Plants dont have to get transplanted, less shock/stress.

I dont like carrying plants, especially as i only use my bike... id rather get pulled over with a bag full of bottles. I can soak seeds at home and when they crack, move to there home, much more stealth.

The bottle greenhouse, will give warmth... and rain can still drip down inside, to quench the plants thirst.

(ps ill solder gun more ventilation holes along the length of the bottle)

maybe theres no need to cut the top off? and the bottle will keep the soil damp. I think its worth a go though :ying:


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ive discovered recently that diy compost has wonderful re-veg/ rejuvenating effects. A mini white russian (akww) mum that went into the first week of flower, has finally popped out of semi flower mode almost in a instant (nearly a week)... i top dressed the black gold and mixed it into the medium, removing some of the old soil also. i made a tea from a pint of rainwater mixed with 3 heaped tablespoons of compost. i foliar drenced this chocolate like shake all over the plant, watering her at the same time.

i was foliar feeding her with kelp a few times a week, but its wasn't getting no where, she even started to put out pistils again.

good homemade compost is like giving a plant a super-food boast when shes stressed and starving, bringing her out of the struggle. Its excellent stuff, and strangely it seems hardly mentioned or used?

the stuff i like is jet black, wet and almost greasy. my big compost bin is loaded with worms, so its a worm-cast combo :dance013:

Pics are of mum before and after, she exploded into veg after given the tea (only took a week!), now i have plenty of healthy clone sites :jump:


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Active member
harold , your idea with the bottles looks like a sound one but if you do leave the top on the bottle take off the cap as they they`ll need a bit of air .
I used them great big water machine bottles as bell type cloches , cut the bottoms off with a circular saw , took 2 of us , the missus rolling the bottle & me cutting . They done a fantastic job coz of their size .
One very good grower on here had some of my garden compost & said that you could tell the difference in the plants that had it & i always use it in my soil mix . I don`t get a great deal of worms though unless i get several layers of leaves in the bin , i`ll always find worms in the wet leaves .
Your compost tea works so make some for the season , if you want to make a dustbin full of it use a bucket of compost or manure in some sacking/hessian or scaffold net , tie it up & hang a rope on it & dump it in bin of water . Give it a jiggle every few days & within a couple of week you have some of the finest compost tea you can find ,just dilute it 10/1 .

I had to dig out quite a big hole

S T soil like you have there is just a dream for me , if you have enough for about 50 barrowload could you post it over ?

Stay safe .


im going to drag in an old black bin and use that for compost tea making/watering... ive got some old net curtain, that ill use as a sieve for the compost. ive got about half a big compost bin full of the black gold.

ive got a couple of those bottles, i think there 30 litres?... thought about using them, will give them a spin :)

i need a water pump, preferably an electric charge-able one. Doesnt have to pump too far? up a 6ft slope and then 15ft or so? any ideas?

cheers harry
I like the water bottle greenhouse but dont they stick out like a sore thumb!? Mine are blue....not exactly camo.... i guess i could put camo netting over them.


i think if you cracked open some spray paint and camo striped the net and covered the whole length of the bottle, i think it would be fine.... and it would only be for a few weeks? until there big enough to take a nibble :)


Active member
hi everyone, i had just a quick question - i bought some dj short vanilluna and flo, is it posssible they would have enough time outdoors here in UK and would not rot or are these strains prone to mold and i should keep them for indoor and better get me some autos? thanks for any insight and good luck everyone this year, cannot wait...:p


Active member
i need a water pump, preferably an electric charge-able one. Doesnt have to pump too far? up a 6ft slope and then 15ft or so? any ideas?
I`ve done a bit of web surfing tonite but so far hav`nt found the link . Somewhere i came across a pump that could be connected to a 12v car batt . If you had one of them you could hide the batt or even bury it till needed . & it could be carried in a strong rucksack to be taken home for charging .
" You mean this battery in the rucksack officer ? well i just found it & i`m taking it home to see if i can sell it to a scrap yard "
If i can find the one i`m looking for i know it would be powerfull enough for the lift you need . There is also a stirrup lift pump that will do the job but it could be a case of Popeye arms .

Waterbottle greenhouse did me really well but it was in my own garden so no security worries . I suppose if you got some matt sprays you could do a bit of camo but it`s a big risk guerilla .

jenery . Only way to find out is try them , what doe`s the site blurb tell you about finishing times . Looks like you can do indoor so get some going under light & put them out mid/end of May . If no-one has tried them we ain`t gonna know .
Remember all if not most autos are prone to mould outdoor if we have any wet spells but some Leb & AK have given a harvest .

Stay safe .
Anything that runs on electricity can be converted to run on a car battery...im sure you can figure it out with some web searching.

I would run something smaller for weight concerns... motorcycle battery etc.

ther are also some fairly efficient solar chargers out ther that can be had at a fair price.

The panels shine so be careful... there are ones that fold up that won't shine as bad.


Active member
and the jealousy continues... kids are 1 and 4 so only... uuuuhhhh... 20 odd years before i can grow again?? :D who knows... still finishing my 2009 crop, and dreading what's going to happen after that. dealer here i come :rolleyes:

2009 sensi star x lebcheese original


whole plant hiding





Nice camo wam lol...

flo and the blueberrys seem to be pretty tuff and resistant to fungus etc but just finish too late... would make a sweet cross to a guerilla gold line. krk has a bluebonic x gg3 thats tuff and decent from what ive heard.

stirrup lift pump - interesting ill look into that...

most peeps are using chicken wire etc, so i think the camo bottle would be ok stealth wise... i think if your that close to the plant your going to see it, anyways?


most peeps are using chicken wire
Yup,if your close enough to see a bunny-protector your plants compromised already,from a distance those bottles might just look like they have been fly-tipped if there is only a small number?I remember when guerilla growers always repeated the fallacy dont use vermiculite as it can be seen,yeah right,if your standing on top of it,we are adaptable,we have to be,I am sure you can figure out a camo ploy for the bottles,be lucky.


Active member
Hey everyone :)

Wishing you all a fine season ahead... I may even be growing a few myself as I'm skint :S still not had a smoke since march and feel so much better for it.

Much love and respect, TPS :)


Active member
Couple more plants that generally finish

Guerilla Gold . Royal Dane . Thaipan/Pehkuruder .HFH HP2 (hybrids from hell hash plant2)

Stay safe .
when my plants are small enough (for chicken wire or a water bottle) i've almost tripped on them before i saw them. Ganj camos itself alot better than people give it credit for.

I had a 7 ft plant last year that i brought my brother to see. I brought him within 20 yards and told him it was right here somewhere and it still took some looking for him to find it. No special camo or anything, just amongst the native fauna.

I've always shied away from chicken wire and the like. Not only does it make it easier to see but then the finder will know for sure its not wild. I drop a moth ball or two around my plants and never had a problem with rodents or deer. I live in a heavy agricultural area so the wildlife have plenty to eat, and not my plants.


Active member
Stick chicken wire in a bonfire for a minute & you`ll be suprised just how camo it becomes without any painting . Knocks the shine right off of it & dulls the colour .

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