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Active member
Not the worst result and a small victory nontheless! Well done to Ed, hope his appeals go his way. What do you think this means for most other cannabis growers who are only growing small amounts for themselves and not for sale in any way? Maybe this is going to open the door for small amounts to be grown at home, especailly as the lib dems SEEM to want to decriminalize MJ?? Any thoughts anyone?



Doh, I wish they'd of announced the change before, I could of got the afternoon off work and made the 2pm hearing. I assume because of his sentence he was found guilty by the jury again, was this one provoked aswell, or is it just a continuation from the last hearing?

m0ff99 I assume now as this was at the high court that we could just cite this case and get the same sentence, not sure though so don't quote me on this.. maybe someone can enlighten? Still a bitch though, £500 and a 3 month sentence doesn't sound great. Would need to start selling to pay the bloody fine off hahaha

m0ff99, with regards to opening the door, I somewhat doubt it and I'm not getting my hopes up. I was listening to radio 4 earlier and it was in the house of commons. Cameron mentioned cannabis with regards to something else and brushed it aside as a joke, and it sounded like the whole house laughed with him, shame because the rest of what was said wasn't too bad (except opening up ALL uk waters to oil, grrrrr).

But lets not forget Cameron was found to of "tried" ganja when at eton and has "got around it" by saying its nothing compared to "todays skunk" which is apparently "much stronger" according to him - not sure how he knows unless he's tried some of that too ;) Clegg has a heart and maybe he will get his foot in on this issue, but I doubt it, Camerons ego is bigger than his logic, rationality and fairness and if he decriminalised ganja he'd be damaging his own rep (ego) for going back on his words of saying how much stronger (ie. worse in his eyes) cannabis is today. Unless eddie does good in court, I'd say Cameron will stop the decriminalisation from going through.

But... Clegg has got his way on a few issues already so you never know I guess he might talk some sense into him. We are broke, legalising and taxing ganja would make some money and reduce crime and criminal cash, fucking idiots. But as long as the HUGE tobacco and alcohol corps keep lobbying, we're fucked, because mo' money mo' victory in todays world.

Do a search for the draft of the proposed change in the drugs classification which was never came into fruition, which was released after a long winded to and fro request from a judge with regards to another case, it can be found on the drug equality site. I read it and it cites several times how "young people" are wondering why cannabis is illegal yet much much much less harmful to the individual and society than alcohol and tobacco which are of course legal. It also states in there that cannabis is classed has having NO medical benefits.... yet whoever in the UK produces sativex (sp?) spray has a licence to do so....hypocritical bastards as usual.

The government love statisics except when it doesn't go their way, somewhere in the region of 120,000 people die a year (05/06?) from A and T related incidents and causes, only 1388 (in 05/06?) from ALL drug related incidents/causes. Alcohol related incidents with police and NHS etc costs the UK roughly 20bn!!!! a year. Don't know about ganja, but i'm guessing about £50 plus whatever the shitty cops spend busting our passive ass' for no good reason. Fucking rediculous!! I'm not against alcohol at all, but if they banned drink and legalised ganja, that alone could pay off our 160bn debt in 5-8yrs (depending on how much they taxed weed). They ain't gonna do that don't worry, because unlike pot smokers, I'm betting they'd be more scared of drunk protesters as they wouldn't be so passive! LMFAO.

Cameron must realise soon he has no scientifc, statisical, logical or any other basis for keeping it illegal, and is infact defies and is technically breaking the law of the misuse of drugs act 1971 and will realise the government is being a knob... yeah right, when does the government ever normally care about being a knob...?? :whee:

El Toker

Good result, he got his conviction, but didn't get a custodial sentence, which, as I understand it, was exactly what he was hoping for. Now he can carry on up through the UK court hierarchy and on to the European Court if necessary. Although that may change as the authority of the European Court in the UK is currently under review by the government.

I don't think that there'll be any change in the law as a result of today's decision, at this stage as far as the police and courts are concerned the Misuse of Drugs Act hasn't been successfully challenged, yet, so I won't go chatting to my neighbours about my grow just yet.


Hi all I'm leaving ICMAG, so you'll have to check for updates at uk420, all the info is in the 'cannabis activism' section.

Sorry for any inconvenience.



New member
How can he agree with the misuse of drugs act, the act itself removes the liberty from informed adults of sane mind to choose their own substance of choice. He won't get no satisfaction from this he's only been agreed to be listened to that's all.
Just keep growing your own. . . actions not words!
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The Tri Guy
Hi Vickie, the point is that even the uk govt must obide by the law, and implement laws in accordance with their rights to do so. If they themselves violate the terms of their employment, then we have the right to correct those actions. Even if we cannot alter their minds, we can alter their actions through using the correct procedures. And Edwin is the guy in the position to do this. Whether he will, or whether he will accept that keeping his head down at this point is his best option I am unsure of.


WAY TO GO!!!!:dance013::dance013:


Take Care "it's a jungle out there" :plant grow: