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where there's a water bong there's a way.

*HAHA i like!

thanks for posting this Redeye-it is obviously important to challenge some of the more 'arbitary' (for arbitary read unjust/silly) aspects of the Misuse of Drugs Act.

*Arbitary comes up a lot in Eddys case notes-whats good enough for the goose is good enough for the gander!

This could very well be one of the hammer hits needed to actually get change in the uk, Just have to hope they bring MMJ to the brits who need it.

*I hope so Cork,i hope so! Not just Medi Ganj but Recreational Ganj 2!

I myself have celiac disease (coeliac in Europe) and can attest that pot helps tremendously. Pre-pot , and yes i do remember those 6 years ago I was throwing up 50x a day. Now i throw up maybe once a week. pot is a miracle drug stop the persecution.

*WOW im SORRY to hear abot your illness Barf-hearing people in your predicament and how GANJA really helps and seeing my goverment stand by and watch you suffer makes my blood boil! Im glad the Ganj gives you a higher quality of life. (Have you watched Run From The Cure-The Rick Simpson Story? DL it,might be of use to you!

You never give up.





For those of you that asked and anybody else who is interested-i asked eddy about his court dates,heres his response:


With regard to the matter of Stratton v Waltham Forest Magistrates' Court, it's July 1st at the High Court in London. That's the date set for my hearing for permission to go to Judicial Review. If I win permission, then I get to argue my Abuse of Process case at the High Court. If I am refused, I shall appeal the refusal. We have yet to be allocated a time slot for this date.

With regard to the 'criminal' matter of R v Stratton, the next appearance at Magistrates' Court in Walthamstow is July 21st at 1.30pm, which is a committal hearing in which the CPS will try to get me sent for trial at Crown Court as fast as possible.



Will update this post as the news happens-keep up to date with this topic and show as many people as possible to spread the word. Our goverment is constantly fucking us over a barrel when it comes to Marijuana-its TIME TO STOP IT!
Did you know that aspirin or paracetamol(cant remem which) was only tested on 11 adults before it went into full production. Marijuana has had tonnes of studys showing how beneficial it is-but still it remains illegal! So it has medical properties-but it also has helat properties too,i saw this vid in another post-watch it:

FUCK THE GOVERMENT,FUCK THE DRUG PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANYS,FUCK THE BANKERS AND FUCK THE POLICE! There one big happy family all put into place to keep you ill,in debt or in jail or if theyve done there jobs right all three!




ENZO: "if you win permission for judicial review will that postpone your other trial?"

EDDIE:"Hi Enzo, yes, I believe so. There's a legal term which applies here; if the High Court is dealing with a case, it is said to be 'seised of the matter' (yes, that is the correct spelling!). When the High Court is 'seised of the matter', it means nobody else can touch it until the High Court has finished its involvement with the case."

Abit more infomation that i missed out peeps!



The Tri Guy
I wonder if the matter is under appeal, the other case can continue? And I wonder if the appeal fails, the same arguements can be used in the other case for it to be passed all the way up the court system for consideration by the top court ( I believe refered to as the house of lords (not the second chamber but rather the law lords)). And if that fails, I wonder what the european courts would make of an appeal to them as the uk has to abide by european law when a judgement is made against them. All this has to be costing him an arm and a leg, has he got any thing set up for members of the public to make donations to his legal fight?


I wonder if the matter is under appeal, the other case can continue? And I wonder if the appeal fails, the same arguements can be used in the other case for it to be passed all the way up the court system for consideration by the top court ( I believe refered to as the house of lords (not the second chamber but rather the law lords)). And if that fails, I wonder what the european courts would make of an appeal to them as the uk has to abide by european law when a judgement is made against them. All this has to be costing him an arm and a leg, has he got any thing set up for members of the public to make donations to his legal fight?

Yes i think whilst the judicial review is in process the other trial cant go ahead and thats all the way to the european courts as well.
Donations if possible should be made over this site:


You can find all info regarding his case there (i think theres another person fighting the same case to on that site)

Some more words from EDDIE:
"Media coverage is key. If my claim for Judicial Review is newsworthy then the support will grow. Having exhausted my own address book, if there are people here with media contacts, please let them know about this new challenge to the government's unlawful drugs policy direct them to my case and to the drugequality.org website and fire them up about this important challenge..."

Please help!



The Tri Guy
Red, you seem to have more upto date info than is posted on that site, is that site supporting him, is that site him, or is that site funding his legal costs? I just dont want to donate to a site that is merely giving him publicity but not helping his legal costs.


Red, you seem to have more upto date info than is posted on that site, is that site supporting him, is that site him, or is that site funding his legal costs? I just dont want to donate to a site that is merely giving him publicity but not helping his legal costs.

EZ GMT that i think that site is helping eddie formulate his case and is supplying legal advice. Ill PM u a link to get upto date info on his case and you can speak to the man yourself on his own page-i would post it up but i dont want to piss of the MODs!



The Tri Guy
I don't think they would mind to be honest, last year Gypsy stated on the home page that IC will use all of its resources to fight the injustice of the illegality of cannabis, since that is what this is all about, I doubt anyone could argue that its inapropriate for it to be here.




I don't think they would mind to be honest, last year Gypsy stated on the home page that IC will use all of its resources to fight the injustice of the illegality of cannabis, since that is what this is all about, I doubt anyone could argue that its inapropriate for it to be here.

OK here it goes....please dont ban me MODs

EDWIN STRATTON v THE UK GOVT all upto date information regarding the matter can be found here:
http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=149128&st=0&start=0 this puts you on the first page-loads of info! Anyone can run with the same case if your caught growing or toking.

thanks for posting
* Cheers dude spread the word to all you know!

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Dr. D

Active member
This is really great news. It will be interesting to see how this pans out, thanks for posting it Redeye.btw love the avatar Garbage Pail Kids, awesome. I havent seen one of those in like 15+ years lol!!


This is really great news. It will be interesting to see how this pans out, thanks for posting it Redeye.btw love the avatar Garbage Pail Kids, awesome. I havent seen one of those in like 15+ years lol!!

LOL Garbage Pail Kids for life homie LOL! Buzzin spread the word DR!



Eddie is in court tomorrow-everybody cross your fingers and toes! If he wins this case he'll get to present his main case!


Active member
The High Court judicial review will examine the government’s application of the law, based on British legal system rules that say decisions made by public officials must be procedurally fair, lawful and rational and must include relevant factors and exclude irrelevant factors.

How sad we don't have a law like that in the United States.

Great post REDEYE!!!



New member
Been keeping a close eye on this. Best of luck for tomorrow, I'll be keeping everything crossed :joint:


The Tri Guy
Very important day for us in the uk tomorrow, we really need this one. This is the best shot we have ever had I feel.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yes its a very good angle. after the recent big step backwards, this gives us hope.

+ vibes
