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Seedling question


Active member
hey there, i have a little seedling growing outside on my deck. its a trainwreck seed that was just thrown in the dirt baisicly. one of the little leafs seems to have died or something though, im not quite sure what the problem is? its been raining the last few days off and on since it came out the ground and the rest of the plant looks fine. my only real question is...is it gonna be allright? should i just let it keep doing its thing?

any advice welcome!
My first thought is that since the dead leaf isn't one of the true leaves, the plant will survive. The first set of true leaves look OK. It looks like it's receiving plenty of light. It might be a little cool at night. If it goes below 50 degrees, I would cover it up at night. Too much rain could be causing a problem. You might consider covering it up when it rains as well. Good Luck!


Right on....you got yourself a volunteer!! Letter go if its in a good spot....


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
its not normal its already dieing off....it should take a few weeks untill the cotyledons will shrivel up and die.....but i can see it having ph issues...big time, i don't even need info for that...

and the mixutre its in.... does't look optimal to me ether