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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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Well.. too add further info. This had v little 1g buds, if i could describe the bulbous shape of the buds as the same as the clubs on a pack of cards would u get me? Also at least 3g average weight of the mids and lowers on a well stacked nft bush. Tops, well forgetaboutit.

I know my guy sourced from south side of the Thames, and it still lives, although lacking a lot of the vigor it once had. Will see very soon apparently, I can attest to originality when I do!


Active member
The S8 rhino clone is alive and well in hastings, i know someone from down those ends, whenever he comes to visit he always brings a bit of the rhino. All the youth down there think its cheese.

Psyco G

oh my days, I know what rhino you're on about, did it produce beautiful 1.75 litre colas? real dense, and a great potency, smelled strong too,, it was an english dude, he was selling them out the back of his car and moved to wales for a bit, he had cheese and later mazar, the guy got spidermite man, wiped everything out.
not sure if this is one and the same i know he passed 1000's around the country. but it was around here till around '09 as a mate kept a mom, then lost due to a bust.

I know who you talk of ahahahhahah


cant re Member
I remember around 2004/2006 - back then the Rhino was in and of its own right the most Potent stinky bit of puff circulating round these parts. And the one guy who was the main keeper of the cut, the one who introduced most of the cats round here to it, was working in a grow shop, and circulated it to a select, then later large number of peoples ....Later he regretted this, as he stated that he felt it had been "bastardised"! Then it vanished, lost vigor with those who kept it, and generally faded from existence!

....But anyhow, this was the first time I saw "cheese". Got this from a mate with an older bro, who'd been in the game a few more years than us! BUT by all measures of my mind, I could only see Rhino! I was assured this was Cheese! I argued the toss, made no difference!Took it to the Rhino guy - he'd been growing Rhino for at least 5 years by then - i showed it, he smelled it and immediately said "thats Rhino"!!! Only slightly different in taste to that old Rhino cut! Then Cheese just changed! That Rhino-esque Cheese disappeared after about a year to be replaced with the Chinese cheeses, and the skunk#1 type cheese (yeah that sounds stupid in its own right - but I know what I mean). But that Exodus cut (i think that was the one that really resembled Rhino in my mind) really had a lot of parallels with Rhino that I knew, in taste, look, smell...

Recently popped Med Man to see whether something similar could be found, unfortunately there was no sign of anything similar!

Popped a load of seeds, of Dynasty's gear among others. Will share the pheno hunt as it progresses with the UK Heads...
Anyway, this is my official "whats Happning Chaps" to all the UK heads!

PEace oUT!

There was a rhino that was available in the south east coast in 2001-3 ish but I moved after that so never saw it again. It was the best smoke I've ever had to this day. Very well grown and flushed, perfect smallish chunky lime green colas, ridiculous afghan hashy pine funk, sparse red hairs, fat calyxes and huge resin heads. Better than any OG I've had in Cali. And was very similar to the real cheese in terms of mouth coating funk and power of odor. Diff flavour and more piney widowey afghan but the smell translated directly to the flavour like cheese. Entire rooms wold stink from a few grams sealed.


oh my days, I know what rhino you're on about, did it produce beautiful 1.75 litre colas? real dense, and a great potency, smelled strong too,, it was an english dude, he was selling them out the back of his car and moved to wales for a bit, he had cheese and later mazar, the guy got spidermite man, wiped everything out.
not sure if this is one and the same i know he passed 1000's around the country. but it was around here till around '09 as a mate kept a mom, then lost due to a bust.

Sounds about right Piff! The buds were bulbous when grown correctly with very little stretch. It was also, without a doubt one of 2 indica dom glue monsters Ive ever grown, the other being Chemdog. I mean scissor jammers.... Wasnt rock hard dense, more full of oil dense, and when squeezed, the buds oozed resin, i shit you not... Literally see the resin glands bursting and leaving a sheen on ur fingers.... Look a confession to make.. I use to hepl cut rooms of this donw, and I could easily make a ounce of finger hash/scissor hash combined from just my portion of the room....

Who knows, could be the one you and Foxy are mentioning. There was mention of it coming from Wales but could have been bullshit. It could also have been the s8 rhino clone siftedunity knows about, but apparently that was nothing to do with Wales.

Did see a huge cola once but it was mouldy unfortunately as they started moving it wet and whoever had been keeping it had kept it sealed a bit too long. Other than that it was lots of 1g nugs. I can still smell and taste it now. Super pine, barely any red hairs as the calyxes were so swollen. Looks kinda like bubba kush. But the resin was what made it solid. Really thick coating of resin and really large gland heads you could see with your naked eye. Beautiful.


Well.. too add further info. This had v little 1g buds, if i could describe the bulbous shape of the buds as the same as the clubs on a pack of cards would u get me? Also at least 3g average weight of the mids and lowers on a well stacked nft bush. Tops, well forgetaboutit.

I know my guy sourced from south side of the Thames, and it still lives, although lacking a lot of the vigor it once had. Will see very soon apparently, I can attest to originality when I do!

small world.. but you know who has tried s8 rhino aka terminator etc etc they always remember. it distinctly. a deeply earthy, antiseptic, pine taste and smell. lime green nugs, very few hairs, huge calyxes. insanely sticky. and the smell translated exactly into the taste. its all the same cut.

ive followed this cut around for years. how good it still is, all depends on where you source the cut from. some keepers have kept it well and it retains the smell and flavour, some people pass around a badly diminished cut. il be surprised if its still alive in a few years, its not aged well.
the guy who worked in the hydro shop (really nice guy) was the one who is responsible for spreading this cut the most. he didn't find it though, it actually originated in folkstone, and was found by an older circle of growers. this got passed on to the hydro shop guys as part of a deal.
the guy you speak of was literally selling hundreds of them around east sussex, no doubt it made it to wales that doesn't surprise me, and yeah shortly after that they passed out mazaar, didn't rate the mazaar to the rhino though. foxy lady you obviously know the guy we mean and you know he moved to ales so that connects it with the wales area too.
ive had two sources for the cut. one was the more diminished smell and taste. one had kept it in much better condition and still retained its good qualities although still diminished.
the thing is you have to take what your told with a pinch of salt. but the guy who gave me mine (I was told)was from the circle of the original finders and swears its a sensi skunk #1 - a cheese sister. definitely side by side you cant really tell them apart much in veg. the s8, slightly more broader leaves, same smell and double serrations though.

anyways, I had a friend from London who brought some with him about 5 years ago so I know its been spread pretty far around.
I chased sources around for it for about 4 years. met random people and tried to get hold of it. its a bit of a grail for me. so yeah ive got s8 now. all the info ive added is from what ive learnt or been told. as with most of these clone storys you never know which story is the true one lol. I first smoked it in 2001/2002.

Psyco G

I know exactly what you mean about how a cut can diminish depending on who keeps it and how it's passed round, even though people tell me I'm talking shit. I've found this with the original exodus cheese x nl5 cut which was 100% legit, came from a exodus rave. over time it kinda went to shit round my way! I didn't really care for it properly and noticed massive yield loss over time. The smell kinda changed to. When I first grew it, it was a thick lush plant, by the end, no matter how well you vegged it, it ended up spindley with smaller buds. The calyxs were much smaller to. I'm sure other people have cared for it better over the years, after it was purchased it was passed round fairly prolific.


cant re Member
^ yep agree 100% tbh I know theres strains which are around decades and don't change. even the cheese is still the same as it was back in the day. but some just don't fair well. I think its just a case of genetics. seems with the s8 it just has not aged well. real shame but I reckon its still gonna be fantastic for breeding.

Psyco G

Do you think cheese still grows the same? I'd have to disagree, but only because It doesn't support it's own weight and if you look back at old pictures it seems like the plants were a lot more dense come late flower. Also the calyxs seem smaller in today's cheese. But then who is saying they are even the same cut lol.

It all depends on how well it's looked after I suppose, and for breeding it doesn't matter, like you said.


cant re Member
well I think its definitely aged, but the smell/taste and yield are still there. I never grew cheese 20years ago so I couldn't honestly say.
and yeah like you say, you never know how legit some clones are. if you buy it locally though you could attribute some of those things to harvesting early or just not growing it with care I guess.
I do think that it helps how they are looked after. I mean if you keep old mothers sitting in the same pot for years, with pests etc its obvious the genes are gonna degrade much faster under the stress etc. like one of the s8s I got, the guy said ''yeah it used to be way better'' but then handed it too me covered in thrips and pm. hardly a surprise it used to be way better lol.

Psyco G

I think a lot of cuts get pm and thrips and spider tie, then they get treated and treated and treated, over time it surely makes the cut weaker, apparently photosynthesis slows down and re production of cells slows down to. Some strains fair better than others, I had a mango once that was fine for years and years, then one day it hermied and continued herming for everyone when before it was fine. It didn't show lack of vigour or anything like that. Cheese x nl was the main reason I believe what I do, I remember getting that badboy and it was awsome, it yielded better than cheese, stunk more than cheese and was more potent than the cheese. When we brought the cut they were selling exodus cheese at £15 a cut but the exo x nl was £25 a cut. This was from a brain skan party in the early 2000s. By the end of the 2000s the cut wasn't performing like when we first got it.


cant re Member
Yeah I can believe it. Theres much more to it than just wacking it in a pot and leaving it. And yup probably repeated treatments and revegging and alsorts probably weaken them. I was reading a study where they found that as a leaves aged, the dna within those leaves became damaged and mutated. I found that interesting when thinking about old mothers that are kept, sometimes up to a year or more.
I know that some other things like apple strains are kept for decades but they have a different life cycle to cannabis. I mean its life is ment to be one year tops.

Ive heard the same about rks in the states. Very few people can get it. Ive heard that some older heads have the cut and say its lost vigor but it is still kept for breeding. Im sure its like the NL xcheese and s8, it just aged badly but still around.

Psyco G

I've just recieved a cut of shoreline, it's meant to be just like rks. Sorry off topic lol.

They say your better keeping one mother and taking successive generations from her, than you are taking a new mother from each generation. Apparently it slows down the whole loss of vigour etc, I was told this it's not somthing I've noticed as I've always done the latter rather than keeping one mum alive for ages. I always kept one plant back to take the next cuts from, then would flower it and keep a new rooted clone. It was mainly because I used to have so many strains it was easier for space to keep my mums real small. Once they were big enough I'd take cuts then keep one back untill it was big enough and repeat the process. I would even do it if a plant got to big, I'd take a cut then Flower it. It kept my plants small. I ran perpetual, it's just how I found it easiest. Bad for the plants though.

Fuck I'm high, I dunno what I'm writing it makes no sense sorry:laughing::laughing:


cant re Member
well same here I need to keep things small so have to take cuts frequently same as you but, I still think its better that way. least that way you are always keeping alive the healthiest shoots rather than a really old mother. ive seen people keep old mums too long. they always start giving more unhealthy cuts as they get older. I generally watch some of the people running much larger legal grows in the states and learn some ideas from them. since some of them have huge ops and they can test far more than I can it seems to make sense to follow some of their findings. each to their own though lol

good luck with the shore line, ive read about it but never seen or smoked it :)


One Mother eyh,Psyco g! Thats what im on at the Moment,well ive 3 in 39l*pots that have just started to Revegge,Quite Tickled about Flowering Revegged Plants AND ESPECIALLY with not having to Cart 10 Gallon pots about :)
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Active member
If your mums don´t see the sun and are always under artificial light, that brings weakening.

Raise to the ocassion


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
I was reading a study where they found that as a leaves aged, the dna within those leaves became damaged and mutated.

If your mums don´t see the sun and are always under artificial light, that brings weakening.

Apparently the sun actually helps repair the damaged or mutated DNA, which is why it is recommended to put plants outside and take cuts to ensure healthy future generations. Psycho G, if you can, try and put your Nelly clone in a greenhouse and take a load of fresh cuts after a while. Keep the ones that root the quickest and veg with the most vigor. See if it makes a difference.

They say your better keeping one mother and taking successive generations from her, than you are taking a new mother from each generation.

I think this is a myth. Like sifted said, trying to ensure optimum plant health is a lot easier when working with fresh and young vigorous plants. When they're happily vegging and constantly growing fresh root mass and new shoots is when they're most healthy. As soon as you mother them out and the speed of growth slows down and the amount of new roots being produced lessens, they aren't going to be as vigorous, will be more prone to disease and generally less healthy, providing less healthy cuts.



cant re Member
well if you think about it when the shoots are growing, the cells within the plant are dividing over and over and replicating the dna every time. say you see a small shoot emerging, and 10 days later it is say 5 inches long and a good size to clone, when you chop it off, every cell within that plant/clone will be no older than 10 days old. plus.. the plant equivalent to stem cells are found in the growing tips. so it makes sense to me to cultivate those, kind of how tissue culture works to rejuvenate plants. that's my theory anyway.


Active member
Great thread though I would need a month to read it all lol. So how do you keep mothers in great health? I don't like keeping old mothers ether I thought it was just me until I read on here. Sugar is great for helping cell division on new growth and vitamins are are good to. I haven't keeped mothers for a long time I used to have a killer skunk similar to livers cut but not the same I had around for about 10 year. I just got gooey breeder's cut and hopefully can keep a few mothers again now I don't have to move house a lot anymore or at least that's the plan. :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi guys,

i can attest to the sunshine re-generating clones. when i recieved the OGK Abusive i could hardly get it to root at all, 3 weeks at least for the ones that did. after a few weeks with a young plant outside i took cuts and they rooted in a week.

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