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UK Cheese - Mandala Hashberry - Paradise Sensi Star


Today temps are at 26,9 c. Much better :)
Soon winter is here and then I'll put a nuclear reactor in there. No problem cooling it, lapland is cold and the polar bears steal all my weed.

yes, i'm stoned. it's three-strain-friday :)


Picture update.

Cheese, 6 weeks or thereabouts





Cheese, 4 weeks or thereabouts



Already foxtailing :)



SensiStar, 8 weeks I think? 1/2 liter bottle for reference






Well, it's been slow lately, mostly due to the fact that I cut the SS bitch and have been smoking the shit out of it since then *cough*. Good smoke allthough the flavor is lacking a bit. She yielded OK though, about 2.5 oz.

Next up is a UK Cheese tree thats flushing for a while now before the chop. I'll post pics in a day or two if anyone is still listening to this slow tune...
Im watching from a corner! I have a DWC cheese plant going as well, and just harvested another early due to PM and fungus gnats but Im hoping to let this one go longer. Post some pics, please, and keep up the good work :)


Nice thread and good lookin buds. I am still waiting for the flavor to come outta my sensi. I did paradise also and it has an awesome strawberry jam smell but zero flavor. I also did not like how leafy it was.


Esbe: Thank you :) Yeah, the star has got me feeling like I'm full of helium and I'm just floating around here... Funny feeling indeed.

BuddahBoyee: Thanks. Yeah, there's a shitload of leaves on it, I think I might do another round of beans to get another pheno. This one is a bit slow also, 10 weeker and a sucker for budrot.


Yo Black Ra1n, thanks a lot. Just gonna do one more run with the star, then I'm finished with her for a while. Too much leaf matter in the buds I think.

The Cheese that's flushing right now has started bursting with new pistils. Plant is yellowing as it should and still on target for chop in a few days time.

Round #3 of the cheeses are foxtailing beautifully but I also think I see some signs of them being root bound (they're in 6,5 L pots) so I might shoot for twice the size for next round. Round #4 of Cheese are rooting now, I'm thinking I won't do any topping or LST this time, I'd like to see how they do in single cola style.

I've noticed great health improvements since I switched to handwatering my coco. Also, the fungus gnats are gone now - the predatory mites worked very good Bone, try them. They also kill aphids and spider mites so they should be a good match for your enviro.

What else? Yeah, I got four Nirvana Papaya babies, looking very lime green / yellow right now. Working on their second true leaf pair now but very very small. I guess they are about 10 days since they broke the surface so I will feed them with a very weak dose of coco nutes (i'm thinking 0.4 ec) together with low doses of beneficial bacteria and superthrive to keep the root zone nice.

I saved a little treat for tonight, a sample bud of the cheese that i dried out a little hastily today. Sure is going to taste sweet when I'm done with the laundry tonite.

I'll take a couple of snaps when it's choptime again. Til then, take care, thanks for your kind comments and PEACE my brothers!


Oh man oh man, it's chop time today for a cheese and it stinks so fucking bad, i'm INSIDE the tent doing the trimming and the whole place still reeks of it. Jeeez....


Registered Med User
Yo metamorf, major props bro. How are them re-veggin hashberrys comin? I got one more hashberry seed left and been kinda wantin ta pop it but Im scurred the mofucka gon turn herm like the rest of mine did... I like the setup, keep it up yo!