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UK: 20 Plants = A Cannabis Factory


Active member
The media in the UK is continuing to spread "cannabis hysteria" with articles like this one. A tax collector in the UK was arrested for growing 20 plants in a "cannabis factory" in one room in a house she owned....

This kind of language is being used to brainwash the British public into thinking growing any amount of marijuana puts you up there with the big league criminals.

I don't understand how the Sheriff can get away with saying:
"It is an outrageous crime. You have behaved in a disgraceful manner."

What is so outrageous about trying to make ends meet by growing something that is grown and SOLD by a British company as medicine?

Is it so outrageous, that she has denied a British company some profits?

What IS so outrageous and disgraceful is that British government ignores the very sane advice of its own Drug Czar & committee to continue to criminalize cannabis users and growers and treat them like pariahs, when it's perfectly legal for a British company to do exactly the same thing with impunity (GW Pharmaceuticals).

Fortunately this woman was released and ordered to do community service.



ICMag Donor
The worst bullshit seems to be in the local press and some of the inacuracies are hilarious , grown under heat lamps ect.
Thankfully they will all soon be closed or become free papers that nobody reads.

If twenty plants is a factory i hate to think what they would call my setup in spring based on numbers.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
****this sentance got me:
'This is a woman who decided things aren't going that great, so I'll get into the drugs game.'

.....I suppose you could say that for every pharmacist and doctor out there too......
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a single room 20 plant pot factory lol single room and 20 plants shoulndt even be in the same sentance with a cannabis factory. seems like no matter where ya live in the world the media and poloticians are fucking nuts.


Thankfully, its not like this every where in the UK. But in small provincial places you`re at the mercy of the sherrif/magistrate. Many places in the UK you`d get a caution for that number of plants, well unless you`re stupid enough to say you were in it for the money. . . . . I mean what do you expect?

If you get caught in the UK you must say its for personal use only and that you dont share any of it with anyone, not even your partner. That might seem hard to swallow when you`re looking at a roomful of mature bud, but I know a few people who`ve been busted. The only one that got any real trouble, ie., a prison term, admitted he was in it for the money, most other cases were cautions.

Of course we should`nt be victimised by the laws of the land for growing a harmless and hugely beneficial plant. As we know though, the man doesn`t like you making your own fun, hence the big brother "fun" police trying, not too hard thankfully, to tear up our grows!

This is typical reporting for small generally right wing local newspapers though, mind you one or two of the national newspapers are as bad, such as the Daily Mail, oh what shit they print! No different from the original "reefer madness" propaganda from 80 years ago, totally distorted facts ("causes" mental illness, being the most recent) mixed with fear mongering.

There was one case last year where a bloke had battered a baby to death. The Daily Mail reported the killer as a "Weed crazed killer" because he`d had a joint in the morning, but didn`t mention the several cans of Stella Artois (strong lager which carries the nick-name "wife beater") he`d been drinking all day, except in the small print buried in the report.

The Pharmaceutical Industry has more money and Pull then anyone to influence and elect Presidents and Prime Ministers that go the way the Big Pharma Wants and directs the Puppets. Drugs manufacture and Production has such a hold on world economics.

Totah Sam

What IS so outrageous and disgraceful is that British government ignores the very sane advice of its own Drug Czar & committee to continue to criminalize cannabis users and growers and treat them like pariahs, when it's perfectly legal for a British company to do exactly the same thing with impunity (GW Pharmaceuticals).

Anything with GW in it's title has to be a bad thing. Example: G.W. Bush, worst president in the history of presidents.


New member
GW Pharm are based in Oxford. I remember they tried to get a load of us a students to do the clinical trials about 10-12 years ago. I refused but wished I could have found their trash containers!

Seriously though more media spin to scare the 'Daily Mail' reading population of the UK.

daddy fingaz

Active member
The Pharmaceutical Industry has more money and Pull then anyone to influence and elect Presidents and Prime Ministers that go the way the Big Pharma Wants and directs the Puppets. Drugs manufacture and Production has such a hold on world economics.

...dont forget the good old alcohol industry!!:biggrin:




As days and nights pass me by at a a swift rate, I sit here and occasionally think YES!,this bullshit with the PO-PO and the courts looks like it's finally going to be wrapped up with regards to punishment for growing cannabis (a plant???). This is due to concrete evidence, doctors testimonies, A.C.M.D findings, medical studies, personal testimonies and so on. And then comes along the uneducated few who like to sensationalise the so called side effects/direct effects of Cannabis:

Reporter: "Did you see the murder?"
Resident: "Yes Mr reporter he killed his whole family, beat them all to death with a golf club".
Reporter: "And what do you think made him do such a terrible thing?"
Resident: "well he was drunk as a sailor when he got home and he caught his girlfriend with another man"
Reporter: "Can you tell me anything else about him...did he take drugs?"
Resident: "Well yes he smoked Cannabis occasionally but he was a nice jovial guy when he did, he gave me some to help my arthritis a few times".

Reporters article:
Today there was a brutal family murder, Mr Bloggs of such and such address was a arrested for killing his family whilst High on super potent Marijuana.Neighbours told of their fear to walk the neighbourhood at night due to the constant hassles from Mr Bloggs for them to buy his super potent Marijuana. Yada yada......you catch my drift ICMag'ers!

You need to educate people to stop this Government PROPAGANDA A.K.A BULLSHIT constantly mis-guiding the public!

Peace. REDEYE.


busted with 30 plants

10 seedlings

and 20 minitures

and the charge was producing :dunno:

alot of community payback

f***in idiots

wish i had 90 in there now. would probably have been the same charge, and the same comm. payback


I only grow one plant, and i'd consider 20 plants a factory if i was a judge, sorry.
If your growing for personal use your not gonna grow over 3/4 plants... lets be honest here at least
I didnt even know about GW pharm, they're allowed to grow?


I only grow one plant, and i'd consider 20 plants a factory if i was a judge, sorry.
If your growing for personal use your not gonna grow over 3/4 plants... lets be honest here at least
I didnt even know about GW pharm, they're allowed to grow?

I grow for personnal and I have over 20 plants going, I also know some that grow with over a 100 plants not for pers but still, one person was caught with 18 plants in one area and did 3 months, another person was found with 220 odd plants, a few grand in cash and got let off with a warning !!! just a few miles down the road... wheres the sense in that? I personally have been collecting various stories from papers and looking at how varied the sentences given are... I wouldn't mind if we knew what was what, but it seems its made up as we go along.. and if anyone else considers over 20 plants a factory jeez then theres something wrong....


Active member
ICMag Donor
The whole world is corrupt !!! :mad:
Especially those who have power, it's sad but true.
Probably gonna all go up there to destroy the plant, which can help save humanity! :yes::yes::yes:

lost in a sea

imo the uk was never coming along really..........anyone that has hopes for legalisation or even really a more relaxed govt position in the uk, is dreaming a bit !

at best they will probably just keep dropping and raising the classification from B to C, and back from C to B, over and over again, in a political game of tennis with the media..

it cant happen here, they would never ever allow it to happen...ganja is just too good at opening minds, causing individual thought and generally improving people's desires and outlooks on the world....

Cannabis is the elites worst nightmare..

just keep fighting for what we know are our rights! thats all we can do...


Yeah it ain't gonna happen here for a long long time, the more decriminalized it gets, the harder they backlash with propaganda afterwards to recriminalize it, its ridiculous...

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