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UH OH!! Its the POLICE!!


I have to echo...just be cool. If this guy has a good impression of you from the start and you keep a clean yard/house, chances are that he will see that you're just a harmless fellow. At the point that he is used to seeing you, knows your personality, gives you the obligatory wave on the street he's waaaay less likely to come over and bust your chops for smelling some reefer. Now of course you need to keep that grow 110% concealed, but I think as long as he's not spending the night in your growroom, provided you have some decent smell protection, you have little to worry about. Most cops don't give a shit about pot, from my understanding, are usually pretty cool dudes-even if a little type A and god knows I wouldn't want to be dealing with 'work' on my time off.

So I would keep my priorities in the order of friendliness, healthy mental reserve and caution, security precautions in the grow and maybe just a dash of insane paranoia to keep things interesting.

Who knows, maybe he's got a small personal grow too...?

"Officer Dank...we have a code 420 on Nugget St., it is time to blaze. Lights on!"


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I have smoked pot with soooooooooooo many cops it's not even funny. I have to say there is nothing cooler than burning a big fat joint with a cop. They have a very hard job with alot of stress so I think if anyone deserves to smoke some weed it's them.

It makes you not see the world as such a dark place toking with a friendly cop. You think to yourself "wow, there really is some hope in this country." Then you get stoned and your mind starts to wonder if they are going to slap the cuffs on you any second and start laughing saying hahahaha I got cha now! lol :joint:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
You're fine. I've ran 4K with a cop 2 doors down. Just be yourself...you're not running enough watts to make your meter spin out I assume. Keep up on your filter and be aware of what you're doing at all times.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Just make sure when hes beating his wife you dont call the cops on him... I hear they dont like that.. hmmmmm?


in the thick of it
Man I moved in to a house a few years back and a week after I moved in, my neighbor across the street moved in (dea) and a k9 officer moved in next to him. I was worried as hell...I'm off a lot and so I would stay home a lot and blaze and work outside on my bike. It sucked at first b/c I'd worry about having bud in the hosue.
We all hung out a few times and they were pretty cool dudes....I never smoked with them, but I was always paranoid if I went outside to smoke.
I moved far far away and I'm lucky to be way out in the country where I can smoke and grow without much worry.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Keep the windows closed when there's a grow happening. You might have to vent into the attic instead of out the dryer vent. Maybe move the grow to the other side of the house.

As for being neighborly, it's a no-brainer.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Great recommendations so far.

My addition would be that you should consider a secondary form of odor control.

I myself use an "Ona Breeze" fan thing with watered down Ona Liquid. It works really well at like 1/3rd or 1/4th strength and lasts a long time. I just add some fresh mix every few days to the bucket it sits on.

Here's one on 4hydroponics.com:


You can make a DIY one, (google results) but I really recommend the Ona Breeze fan having used it for a while now.

This is great because you can leave it on low near your grow, always holding it down that extra bit, and when you are toking, you can bring it in the room afterward, kick it on high for a bit, and you won't have to worry about the smell. Leave it outside the door while you're toking for even more protection.


Well-known member
Well heres my :2cents: about it.
I lived next to a cop fam 2 years befor they moved. and I was growing the whole time.

only thing I didn't do was smoke outdoors or grow outdoors at my home back then.
now I have a old hippy chick nextdoor now. thats relaxing to know that shes cool wit everything.

I wouldn't give ur growing self away to him in anyway.
and try to not let the front door reak too much of bug growing.

And yah there have been some Great recommendations so far.

thats about all I can think of fo now.


New member
Welcome him to the neighbourhood and get close friends with him,after few months say you have a secret,your growing weed,i think he dont do anything,and he wants to try to smoke some


Grow like nobody is watching
I used to live next door to a cop. They have some f*cked up parties. I used to smoke outdoors but kept it subtle and the properties were a few acres, so not too crowded. One day a friend came round and we had bucket bongs (I think you guys call them gravity bongs) in the laundry tubs. Just got firmly smoked out and *knock knock knock* on the laundry door. There was also a window right there so she saw everything. I opened the door and actually could see the clouds of smoke wafting all over her face but she was cool, didn't say anything and pretended not to notice, just some neighbour stuff regarding the house. Any time I go in to the cop shop years later, she recognizes me and we say hi, never had any cop problems. It's not what ya know... :chin:

Also got a mate who did a grow a few doors down from a police station but that's another story!


Active member
i think it depends on the town. in some towns, the cops are assholes with an asshole culture. in others they are regular guys. I would say: small town is pretty safe, big city cops can be cool.

look out in a medium suburb though. people are just anonymous enough to disable social prohibitions on busting your neighbor (aka shitting where you eat).


New member
Thanks everyone.
After posting i walked around my yard and started thinking about what i do that could ever even come close to being suspicious. And i cannot think of a single thing besides the occasional smoke in the back yard (which will never happen again).
I dont ever really order nutes or anything. I grow vege's anyway, so nothing out of the ordinary there.

As far as people comming over... i NEVER have people over really. i dont even really have anyone to share with so thats no big deal.
"take him a box of donuts" LMAO

haze crazy

Relax, don't sweat it. Be normal and be nice to all of your neighbors. Just don't be careless.

This rule applies to everyone everywhere for every reason.

Lord Doobie

Welcome him to the neighbourhood and get close friends with him,after few months say you have a secret,your growing weed,i think he dont do anything,and he wants to try to smoke some

oh brother...is that Leo up there? ^
I also think being neighborly may actually arouse suspicion...they're suspicious by nature...best keep your distance
damned if you do...damned if you don't
years and years and years of cops right next to you

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
i grew to an ex cop just retired for 4-5 years he had cops in and out all the time... but im not a gangster want to be thug of a person either...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
i grew to an ex cop just retired for 4-5 years he had cops in and out all the time... but im not a gangster want to be thug of a person either... and the guy that bought the house next to me is a white guy with a job but when he first moved in i heard construction in the basement for like 2 weeks... and his meter spinss.... not saying thats what it is but it gives ya a idea on how many people do it....

Post by PTB's and the one above...


i have a frind whos a cop we all still smoke around him when he comes to hang out and play pool or dominos...but we have known him for over 20 years...lol

Lord Doobie

here's your 10 year graph

cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops YOU cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops cops

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